Housing Options Study and Action Plan

Housing Project Advisory Group

The Clark County Council and County Manager appointed a volunteer Project Advisory Group (PAG) to provide input throughout the project and assist with developing recommendations to encourage the creation of additional housing that is affordable to a variety of household incomes within the unincorporated Vancouver Urban Growth Area.

More information about the group and public participation, can be found in the Public Participation Plan.

How to participate remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Housing project advisory group meetings will be held in a virtual format with members attending via Zoom.

If you would like to speak during the public comment period, you will need to connect to the meeting via your computer/internet or by phone.

Alternately, you can email a comment to staff which will then be forwarded to the the advisory group and posted online.

Project Advisory Group Meetings

There were either no meetings scheduled for the selected year, the filters didn't return any results, or meeting records for the selected year are only available via public records request.