Regarding the Sept. 11 News Release, please visit the Comprehensive Plan page for information related to the Comprehensive Plan Appeals, the Court of Appeals decision, and next steps.
Board of County Councilors adopted the 2016 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan:
On June 28, 2016, the board approved the adopting ordinance implementing their decisions from June 21, 2016 on the 2016 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan.
On June 29, the county issued a notice of adoption of the comprehensive plan update, which begins a 60-day appeal period. Appeals are submitted to the Growth Management Hearings Board.
Comprehensive Plan Appeal
On July 22, 2016, Friends of Clark County and Futurewise filed a petition with the Growth Management Hearings Board (GMHB) for review of the comprehensive plan and development regulations update. On August 26, Clark County Citizens United filed a petition for review.
- Friends of Clark County and Futurewise Petition for Review
- Clark County Citizens United Petition for Review
The GMHB combined the two appeals, and also included the appeal of the rural industrial land bank sites that the county designated in April of 2016. The hearing before the GMHB was held on February 8. It is expected that the Hearings Board will rule on the appeals on or about March 23.
The board's final decision materials on the comprehensive plan update as well as all of the information and documents for all of the hearings can be found below.
Click on a topic to view relevant information.
2016 Clark County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan Final Documents
- 2016 GMA Amended Ordinance 2016-06-12 (Ordinance adopting the 2016 Comprehensive Plan)
- Exhibit 1: 2016 Clark County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan document
- Exhibit 2: 2016 Comprehensive plan map
- Exhibit 3: 2016 Zoning map
- Exhibit 4: Arterial Classification Atlas map
- Documents referenced in ordinance:
- Issue Paper #9 - Supplemental Resource Land Info
- Park Impact Fee Technical Document
- Traffic Impact Fee Technical Document (track changes) (clean copy)
June 21, 2016 Board of County Councilors Hearing
- June 2, 2016 Planning Commission recommendation:
June 8, 2016 Board of County Councilors Work Session
- PC/BOCC Decision Table - Planning Commission recommendations (June 2, 2016)
- June 2, 2016 Staff Memo to Planning Commission - Comprehensive Plan Criteria
- Land division ordinance
- Questions and Answers (Answers to questions from May 24 hearing)
- Planning Commission recommendation - comprehensive plan map
- Planning Commission recommendation - zoning map
June 2, 2016 Planning Commission Hearing materials:
- PC/BOCC Decision Table
- June 2, 2016 Staff Memo to Planning Commission - Comprehensive Plan Criteria
- Land division ordinance
- Questions and Answers with links (Answers to questions from May 24 hearing - supporting documentation below)
- Poyfair Remand
- Resolution 2003-09-12 Clark County Board of County Commissioners (Agri-Forest Remand)
- Achen Final Order
- 2015 Water Rights Case - Washington Supreme Court
- Map - Clark Public Utilities Watermains Outside UGA's
- Map - Water Sources for Tax Lots Outside UGA's
- Noncompliance transportation impacts
- 2014 DEAB letter on infrastructure deduction number
- County response to DEAB concern
May 19 and May 24 Joint BOCC/Planning Commission Hearing staff report
- Exhibit I: Issue Paper 8.1 Phase II Summary
- Exhibit II: 2016 Board PC Decision Table
- Exhibit III: Engage CC comments
Issue Paper #8: Summary of actions to describe the Preferred Alternative (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #1, Tab 1) (updated Issue Paper 8.1 above)
Preferred Alternative maps (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #1, Tab 2)
Review the Preferred Alternative comprehensive plan and zoning maps as PDFs or with the county's Maps Online tool.
Urban Growth Area (UGA) maps:
- Battle Ground maps:
- Camas maps:
- La Center maps:
- Ridgefield maps:
- Vancouver maps:
- Washougal maps:
- Woodland maps:
- Yacolt maps:
Comprehensive Plan text and policies (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #1, Tab 3)
The Comprehensive Plan serves as a complete policy document that guides county decisions and services on a wide range of topics that include: land use, transportation, parks, housing, capital facilities, and more.
With the 2016 update, staff has been reviewing the comprehensive plan document in an effort to be more concise and user friendly. In addition, the Preferred Alternative requires some policy additions and/or revisions. Click the link to review the proposed draft comprehensive plan text and policies.
Title 40: Development code (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #1, Tab 4)
Title 40 contains all regulations relating to property development in unincorporated Clark County. The code is one of the main tools used to implement the Clark County Comprehensive Plan. The plan and code are periodically amended to reflect changes in federal and state laws and changes in county policy and direction. Click the link to review the proposed changes to Title 40 - Unified Development Code.
Capital Facilities Plan (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 1)
Capital facilities and utilities are the basic services which the public sector provides to support land use developments, both as they currently exist and as they are anticipated to develop over the course of the 20-year growth management planning horizon. Capital Facility Plans provide a general summary of how and when these basic services will be provided to support future growth as envisioned by the 20-Year Plan and how they will be funded.
Appendix E provides a technical review of the current status of planning and financing in Clark County for a broad range of services and facilities; provided by Clark County and those owned by other providers. The development of this Appendix was guided by an integrated set of state and local policies and plans.
Capital Financial Facilities Plan (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 2)
The Capital Facility Financial Plan (CFFP) presents a plan for financing capital facilities identified in Clark County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, as required by Washington State’s Growth Management Act (GMA). It covers the following types of capital facilities: transportation; parks and open space; stormwater drainage and water quality; and county buildings and other facilities. The plan covers the 6-year period from 2016-2021.
Arterial Atlas (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 3)
The Arterial Atlas unites the long-range roadway system plan with the land use plan for Clark County. It is an outcome of the Clark County Comprehensive Plan which sets the course for future growth and promotes strong linkages between transportation and land use. For the 2016 update, minor clean ups and revisions based on completed transportation projects are proposed.
Impact Fees (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 4)
Impact fees are used to ensure that adequate facilities are available to serve new growth and development. They assist to finance parks, schools and roads through the provision of the GMA. These impact fees are assessed on the construction of new homes and other buildings. The fees must reflect the costs of providing capital facilities needed to serve the new development.
- Parks Impact Fees
- Schools Impact Fees by District:
- Traffic Impact Fees (Preliminary)
Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 5)
Public Comment (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 6)
Department of Commerce Checklist (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 7)
This checklist is intended to help counties that are fully planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to conduct the “periodic review and update” of comprehensive plans and development regulations required by RCW 36.70A.130(4). Counties can use the checklist to identify components of their comprehensive plan and development regulations that may need to be updated to reflect the latest information, or to comply with changes to the GMA since their last update.
Adopted Resolutions (PC/BOCC Hearing Binder #2, Tab 8):
- Resolution No. 2014-01-09 Population Projections
- Resolution No. 2014-01-10 Public Participation Plan
- Resolution No. 2014-04-01 Employment Projections
- Resolution No. 2014-06-16 Suspension of Annual Reviews
- Resolution No. 2014-06-17 Allocation
- Resolution No. 2015-04-05 Amended Allocation
- Resolution No. 2015-04-06 Comprehensive Plan Alternatives
- Resolution No. 2015-11-16 Preferred Alternative - Repealed
- Resolution No. 2016-03-01 Comprehensive Plan Preferred Alternative
Ways to comment:
- Post a comment online with Engage Clark County.
- Send comments to the record by completing this form.
- Send us an email at: comp.plan@clark.wa.gov
- Mail your comments to us at: Clark County Community Planning Attn: 2016 Comp Plan Record P.O. Box 9810, Vancouver, WA 98666-9810
Visit the Get Involved page to find more information about how to get involved in the project.