Nurse-Family Partnership

Serving Clark and Cowlitz County families

Nurse-Family Partnership® (NFP) is an evidence-based, community health program that serves low-income, pregnant parents. Each pregnant parent is partnered with a registered nurse and receives ongoing nurse home visits until child turns 2 years of age. It is a life-transforming partnership, for the parent and child.

If you are pregnant, Nurse-Family Partnership can help you:

  • Have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
  • Build a strong support network.
  • Make a safe home for your baby to live and play.
  • Find ways to help you reach goals important to you and your family.

The nurse’s expertise will help guide you through the emotional, social and physical challenges as you prepare for a healthy birth. Support is continued after delivery, teaching parenting and life skills that foster positive growth for both parent and child.

A personal, registered nurse will visit every week or two, during pregnancy and until your baby is 2 years old. You and your nurse will decide the exact schedule. Being client-centered, your nurse is constantly adapting the visits and materials to make them relevant and valuable to you as the parent.

NFP Flyer mom and son


“What really made the difference for me was that my nurse didn’t tell me to do something, she showed me how to do it the right way.”  “Rebecca” 17-year-old mom.