Last updated 3/10/2023


DAYTIMECODECOM/JDGDOCKETCases *ending#*8th digit for 2007 forward.
Mon9:00 amCPOLaycoe CRT HProtection Ord 
Mon1:30 pmS2Sasser JVPro SeCases ending#: 1,2,3,4 
Tues9:00 amCPOPro TemProtection Ord 
Tues9:00 amEMERGENCY MNR GRDNExparte JudgeEmergency Minor Guardian 
Tues1:30 pmSPSasserChild Support 
Wed9:00 amWSSasser       CRT HShow CauseCases ending#: 1,2,3,4
Wed9:00 amWDEllis            Show Cause & Pro SeCases ending#: 9 0
Wed9:00 amWGLaycoe CRT HShow CauseCases ending#. 5,6,7,8
Wed1:30 pmDKLaycoe JV Pro SeAgreed Final Order or DefaultCases ending#: 2,4,6,8,0
Thurs9:00 amEMERGENCY MNR GRDNExparte JudgeEmergency Minor Guardian 
Thurs9:00 amCPOEllisProtection Order 
Thurs1:30 pmS1Laycoe Pro SeCases ending#: 5,6,7,8
Thurs1:30 pm GonzalesFamily Law 
Thurs1:30 pm CornellFamily Law 
Thurs1:30 pm RetsinasFamily Law 
Fri9:00 amCPOSasserProtection Order 
Fri9:00 amFERetsinasFamily Law 
Fri9:00 amFMGonzalesFamily Law 
Fri9:00 amFOCornellFamily Law 
Fri2:30 pmAdoptionGonzalesAdoption Docket 

 *cases filed 2006 and prior are assigned by the 9th digit.
 *cases filed 2007 to present are assigned by the 8th digit.

Relocation / Prevent Relocation / Change of Venue / Qdro / Revision / Trial – Assigned Judge

Settlement conference is scheduled – case still have to be on Commissioners docket.
If the case has settled – scheduled with the Judge/Commissioner who settled the case.
If not settled – schedule with assigned Judge.

To determine the right docket:

1 – is the case # (before or after 2006)
2 – search for attorney (if more than 6 months since last activity by attorney we assume it’s a case w/o atty)
3 – without an attorney – Wednesday @ 1:30 pm – w/ the exception of agreed or default orders (those
      should be scheduled on Friday @ 1:30 pm
4 –with an attorney – without final orders – Wednesday @ 9 am  / with final order – Thursday @  1:30 pm