Permit Status


Permit information and records found in Property Information Center

You can find the jurisdiction, permits, year built, parcel number, and other details.

  • Go to Maps Online.
  • Click on the Find Parcel button. This is the second button in the menu bar at the top of the page.
  • On the left side of the screen, enter your tax parcel number, house number or street address. Partial addresses are okay. You will see a list of possible matches. Click on the one you are interested in.
  • Maps Online will zoom to the property you select.
  • On the left side of the screen, click on the Property Information Center link. A new window will open.
  • Within this screen there are links to many different types of information about the property you are researching.
  • Go to the Permits tab. Here you can see permits from both our retired Tidemark system and our current LMS system along with the status. Many permit records are linked and you can view and download them. Look for the icon in the Docs column.

LMS permits

For more information about a permit in this system, any customer can search LMS by the address, permit number, contractor, date of application, or project name.

Tidemark permits

For Tidemark permit records that are not viewable through the Property Information Center, you will need to submit a records request.