
• Community Planning

Vancouver, WA – County officials will be considering two ways to allow more homes on properties currently zoned for forestry or agriculture when public hearings begin next week on proposed changes to the local growth management plan.

The proposed plan update would reduce minimum lot sizes from 20 to 10 acres on land zoned for agriculture and from 40 to 20 acres where forest land is zoned FR-40.

At the request of the Board of County Councilors, county planners have drafted two options for how homesites could be created on those lands.

• Public Works

Vancouver, WA  ̶  Services now housed in Environmental Services will be reassigned to other departments to reduce expenses and boost efficiencies, Acting County Manager Mark McCauley announced Thursday.

The reorganization is an example of the county’s ongoing dedication to finding effective ways to serve the community and be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. Making the changes now helps put the county on better financial footing as it faces a possible 5 percent General Fund shortfall for the 2017-2018 budget.

• Public Health

Vancouver, WA – Clark County and the city of Washougal will hold a Green Neighbors Recycling Day event and Debris Day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 14, at the Washougal Transfer Station, 4020 S. Grant St.

Clark County residents can drop off block foam, electronic equipment, old tires without rims, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning units and scrap metal. Participants are limited to five tires per person. No business waste will be accepted.

• Elections

Vancouver, WA ‒ Each year, the Clark County Auditor’s Office publishes a local voters’ pamphlet for the primary election and mails it to all households in Clark County. It includes statements by and photographs of candidates for elective offices as well as local ballot measures with supporting and opposing statements written by citizens.

• Community Planning

Vancouver, WA – Home designs that help people age-in-place and within their budgets will be the topic of a Tuesday, May 17, meeting of the Commission on Aging. The group is hosting a 2016 series of discussions focused on housing.

The meeting will be in the sixth-floor hearing room of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin St. It will begin at 4:30 p.m. and be open to the public.

• County

Vancouver, WA – Clark County’s Property Information Center, Maps Online and other web resources are not working correctly at the moment. Unfortunately, that means property-related services and information in several county departments are temporarily unavailable.

County Information Technology and GIS staff are working together to solve the issue as quickly as possible.

• Elections

Vancouver, WA - County Auditor Greg Kimsey announced today ballots for the May 24, 2016 presidential primary will be mailed May 6 to the 259,240 registered voters of Clark County.

• Elections

Vancouver, WA – The official candidate filing period for 2016 is rapidly approaching. The in-person period to file a declaration of candidacy begins at 8 a.m. Monday, May 16, and runs through 5 p.m. Friday, May 20. Candidates wishing to file for office in person can do so at the Clark County Elections Office, 1408 Franklin St. Filing fees may be paid by cash or check only when filing in person.

• Public Works

Vancouver, WA – The Board of County Councilors is seeking an applicant to fill an unexpired term on the Parks Advisory Board. The term begins immediately and goes through December 31, 2017.

The seven-member advisory board makes recommendations to the councilors on issues such as:

• Elections

Vancouver, WA – The Clark County Auditor’s Office is sponsoring a campaign workshop called Winning Ways to Run for Office – A Candidate/Campaign Workshop.’

The free workshop takes place 6:30-8:30 p.m. Monday, May 9, at the Clark County Elections Office, 1408 Franklin St., Room 226.

A panel of experts will describe what it takes to carry out an effective campaign. Speakers will offer helpful advice regarding political sign regulations, campaign finance and resources available at the Elections Office.