The county manager is seeking to fill three open positions on the Clean Water Commission, an advisory group representing the community’s needs and interests in stormwater management decisions. Two terms begin October 2024 and end December 2027. One term begins January 2025 and ends December 2027.
Clark County Public Works, Parks and Lands is installing partial fencing along the north, east, and south property lines of the Curtin Creek Community Park, 12603 Northeast 72nd Ave. The western boundary will be installed during park development in 2025.
Work is scheduled for the middle of August and is expected to be complete by the beginning of September. Visitors may encounter inconveniences such as short-duration traffic delays, temporarily closed sidewalks and construction noise. Visitors are reminded for their safety to stay out of work zones.
A former gravel mine, central to a $20 million habitat restoration project along the East Fork Lewis River, is now officially owned by Clark County.
The Ridgefield Pits real estate transaction was finalized on July 27, 2024, following 5 years of negotiations and due diligence between Clark County and Cemex International. The acquisition of the 124.86-acre property cost $625,000.
Northeast 182nd Avenue/Northeast Ward Road closed on Aug. 1; Northeast 172nd Avenue closed on Aug. 5
Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County Public Works summer road preservation has begun.
As part of this work, there will be two single-day road closures on Aug. 1 and Aug. 5.
Northeast 182nd Avenue/Northeast Ward Road between Northeast 172nd Avenue and Northeast 159th Avenue will be closed on Thursday, Aug. 1. Drivers are advised to take Northeast 172nd Avenue.
Clark County is accepting applications to fill a vacancy on the seven-member Parks Advisory Board.
The open position is for an unexpired term that begins immediately and ends Dec. 31, 2025.
Board members serve three-year terms. Upon expiration of a term, a member can apply again. There is no limit on how many terms a member can serve.
Clark County Public Works will replace the stop-sign-controlled intersection at Northeast 182nd Avenue and Northeast Risto Road with a roundabout. Other improvements will include reducing the slope at Northeast 199th Street/Northeast Risto Road and Northeast 176th Avenue resurfacing Northeast 199th Street/Northeast Risto Road from Northeast 167th Avenue to the Salmon Creek bridge at Northeast 182nd Avenue. These changes will increase the safety and reliability of travel along this route and reduce traffic congestion.
Clark County Public Works, Parks and Lands is installing partial fencing along the north and south property lines of the Cougar Creek Woods Property, along Northwest 16th Avenue.
Work is scheduled towards the end of July and is expected to be complete by September. Visitors may encounter inconveniences such as short-duration traffic delays, temporarily closed sidewalks, and construction noise. Visitors are reminded to stay out of work zones.
Clark County Public Works Parks and Lands is seeking public comment on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan. The proposed six-year plan includes preventative maintenance projects, major maintenance projects and recreation enhancements at existing parks, and development of new parks. Projects in the plan address needs identified in the 2022 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan, which was created with input from the community and adopted by the Clark County Council in April 2022.
Comments must be received by Tuesday, Aug. 6.
Parking lot, bulkheads closed late July through October
Clark County Public Works, Parks and Lands is announcing the construction of a new ADA-compliant fishing platform at Haapa Boat Launch Park in Woodland. The project is being fully funded by Pacificorp. Clark County and PacifiCorp have worked together on the design of a barrier-free bank fishing access site that meets standards compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). PacifiCorp will construct the ADA-accessible fishing platform this summer.
Northeast Sunset Falls Road has been identified as a priority for road preservation treatments. The road provides access to recreation in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest.
Road preservation work will begin in July to complete a chip seal asphalt layer, replace speed bumps, and restripe the roadway. Drivers in the area can expect occasional lane closures, delays and traffic impacts. Access to Gifford-Pinchot National Forest and Sunset Falls Campground will remain open. Construction is scheduled to be completed by September.