Here's how property tax is allocated for county residents:
- State and local school support 59%
- Libraries 3%
- Fire Districts, Ports and EMS 14%
- County (including Road Fund) 24%
Here's what your tax dollars pay for:
Public Works
Public Works includes road design, construction and maintenance; and county parks.
Law and Justice
Law and Justice includes the Sheriff's services, juvenile justice services, jail, criminal and civil courts, prosecution, indigent defense, and alternative sentencing programs.
General Government
General Government consists of the Board of Clark County Commissioners and other basic government functions, such as property appraisal, tax collection, issuance of marriage licenses and elections administration.
Community Development
Community Development includes the programs for planning and regulating development and for enforcing building, plumbing, and fire codes. It also includes the county's Animal Control program.
Community Services
Community Services encompasses the county's social services programs, including services for the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and substance abusers. It also includes such activities as assistance to veterans.
Internal Support
Internal Support includes the basic functions necessary to support overall county operations, such as purchasing, personnel, facilities maintenance, and data processing.
The budget encompasses the Capital and Debt category, which includes general obligation debt payments and purchases made through the Capital Acquisition Fund. The budget also includes the Fiscal Entities category, consisting of budgets for contingency reserves and funds that do not represent operating budgets but still exist as accounting entities.