
• County Manager

The Clark County Charter Review Commission will hold a workshop on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, at 5 pm.

The purpose of the workshop is to develop the commission’s work plan including the plan for public involvement and to identify topics to consider as potential charter amendments.

• Public Health

Clark County’s COVID-19 vaccine allocation is increasing substantially this week. Through 11 weeks, Clark County received an average of 4,175 first doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the Washington State Department of Health. The vaccine was distributed to health care facilities, pharmacies and community vaccination sites throughout the county.

• Community Services

The county manager is seeking applicants to fill two positions on the volunteer Community Action Advisory Board.

• Clark County Council

The Clark County Board of Health this week made the decision to update its current meeting schedule by adding an additional monthly meeting and extending the time scheduled for its regular meeting.

Effective immediately, Board of Health meetings will be as follows until further notice:

  • 9-10 am on the second Wednesday of the month
  • 8:30-10 am on the fourth Wednesday of the month

The additional meeting time is necessary to accommodate the time needed for COVID-19 updates and discussions.

• Community Planning

Clark County is seeking applicants for three positions on its Commission on Aging. The commission manages and implements the county’s Aging Readiness Plan and fosters countywide awareness, dialogue and insight into challenges and opportunities for residents of all ages, incomes and abilities.

The terms would be three-years beginning June 1, 2021, and continuing through May 31, 2023. Residents living anywhere in Clark County may apply.

• Public Health

Clark County Green Business will host a three-part virtual workshop series this spring for building sustainability focused teams.

The workshop series includes:

• Public Health

In the first month of operation, 4,648 people received free COVID-19 tests at the Tower Mall COVID-19 Community Testing Site.

The testing site opened on Jan. 12 and operates five days a week. On opening day, 375 people were tested for COVID-19 – the highest number of tests administered in one day.

Testing at the site is recommended for people 4 years and older who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or who have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

• Public Health

Property managers of apartment complexes large and small are challenged with preventing pollution from various sources. To support best practices, the Green Apartment Living partnership has brought together speakers to offer tips and takeaways.

• Public Works

Vancouver, Wash. – Clark County middle- and high-school students have an opportunity to showcase their video skills and win cash prizes. Stormwater Partners of Southwest Washington is partnering with Oregon’s Regional Coalition for Clean Rivers and Streams to launch “The River Starts Here Student Video Contest.”

• Community Planning

Consultant will present information on housing supply, demand and needs

The Housing Options Study and Action Plan project’s purpose is to identify housing challenges within the unincorporated Vancouver Urban Growth Area and opportunities to encourage development of housing that is affordable to a variety of household incomes through the removal of regulatory barriers and/or implementation of other strategies.