Board of Equalization Contact Information

FILING DEADLINE NOTICE: The deadline for filing an appeal is July 1 of the assessment year or within 60 CALENDAR DAYS of when your Notice of Value was mailed. The appeal form must be complete and include a copy of your Notice of Value. The appeal must be received by the Board of Equalization office or postmarked within that 60 days. LATE APPEALS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. (RCW 84.40.038)

** You must pay your taxes by the date they are due to avoid penalties and interest. After the appeal period of a Board of Equalization decision has passed, changes to the assessment will be entered into the system by the Assessor’s Office and the Treasurer’s Office will notify you of adjustments made to your taxes. **


Mailing Address

PO BOX 5000
VANCOUVER, WA 98666-5000

Email Address


Phone Number


Office Address

Public Service Center
1300 Franklin St.
Suite 650
Vancouver, WA 98660


Responsible Elected Official:
Board of County Councilors