Chemical Dependency Disposition Alternative (CDDA)

This sentencing option was created by the legislature to provide services to youth who have chemical abuse and or dependency problems.

Youth receive evaluation and assessment prior to being sentenced and entering the program. While in the program, youth receive intensive outpatient or inpatient treatment, as appropriate. Treatment is provided in partnership with a community treatment provider to assure that youth on this disposition can receive skills to remain alcohol and drug free.

Probation Officer Ruhi Tufts
Probation Officer Ruhi Tufts

In addition to treatment, they are assigned to a probation counselor who provides both community supervision and intensive case management services. Emphasis is on making amends to victims and community, keeping youth in school, resolving family problems, encouraging positive peer associations, supporting compliance with court ordered conditions and reducing risk of recidivism. The treatment provider and probation counselor coordinate services to support youths' sobriety and increase competencies.

Jill McGinnis