Personal visitors

Inmates must be in custody for 72 hours to allow for processing before any type of visiting is allowed. Visitors are expected to follow all visiting rules.

It is the intent of the Clark County Jail to provide those incarcerated the opportunity to retain family and community ties through the visitation program, inmate phone system, and inmate mail. These opportunities are privileges not rights, and are dependent on the inmate, and the facility order and security.

Video visiting

Video visiting is available either at the Main Jail facility or in your home or where a PC and internet connection is available. Video visits require an account and may have a fee per visit. Each visit is prearranged. For more details or to set up an account contact GettingOut Customer Service.

Contracted Inmate Phone Company:
GettingOut (GTL) Customer Service

Telephones - voicemail messages

Telephones in housing units are available to inmates during specific hours. Phones are for making calls only, are shared by all those in the same housing area, and are located in the dayrooms. Inmates cannot receive phone calls. Phone locations, hours, and length of calls allowed are governed by the housing unit rules. TTY services are available upon request for hearing impaired individuals.

Main Jail
Housing Unit
Days Available
Hours Available
All Pods
7 am to 10 pm

A three (3) minute voicemail message may be left for a specific inmate for a fee using a service provided by the contracted inmate phone company. The voicemail message is received the next time the inmate uses the phone. For more information, contact customer service or visit their website.

Inmates are not allowed to make 3-way calls, or unwanted calls. Most unwanted calls can be blocked or not accepted by the person receiving the call by following the phone prompts. Blocked calls can be either the specific inmate or all calls from the Clark County Jail. Calls placed can be up to 15 minutes in length and are recorded. The only exception are attorney calls. All calls are collect and subject to fees by your phone service provider and the acceptance of collect calls or by a prepaid phone account service provided by the contracted inmate phone company

Prepaid phone accounts are at a reduced cost per minute than regular collect calls and can be set up for a specific phone number, or a specific inmate. Phone number prepaid accounts will accept all non-blocked collect calls from inmates housed in the Clark County Jail. Inmate prepaid accounts allows them to place collect calls to any un-blocked phone number. Prepaid accounts can be purchased using the kiosk in the lobby of the Main Jail facility during business hours or for a fee through the contracted inmate phone company customer service using a debit or credit card. Inmates can purchase prepaid minutes through commissary using funds in their inmate account. 

For more information about prepaid phone cards, issues concerning phone number blocking, your prepaid phone account, or to leave an inmate message contact:

GettingOut Customer Service