Debt Management

The Clark County Treasurer's Office finance team manages debt on behalf of the county and its junior taxing districts which include school, fire, and library districts, as well as other special purpose districts.  All debt is approved by the district’s governing board and/or by voter approval.

Treasurer's Duties

The County Treasurer is assigned primary responsibility for maintaining and tracking all outstanding county and district debt, making timely debt service payments, and completing disclosure requirements. Our office works closely with county and district partners to ensure accurate reporting and compliance.

The County Manager is ultimately responsible for the administration of county financial policies. The Clark County Council is responsible for the approval of county borrowing unless delegated to the Treasurer pursuant to RCW 39.46.040(2). The County Treasurer on behalf of the Council retains bond counsel and an independent financial advisor to assist with all county financing.

The Clark County Finance Committee is responsible for approving the Clark County Debt Policy in accordance with RCW 36.48.070. It is composed of three elected officials: Clark County Treasurer as Chair; Clark County Auditor as Secretary; and the current Chair of the Clark County Council.

The total debt portfolio is approximately $1.3 billion

2024 Debt Portfolio