Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: 01/15 - 01/19/18; 01/01 - 01/05/18; 01/08 - 01/12/18
2. Minutes: January 23, 2018

Separate Business:
1. Three partnership contracts with the Washington State Department of Transportation for the 2018 HMA Overlays project.
2. Sanitary sewer and water line easement to Charles J. DeRocco and a sanitary sewer easement to Clark Regional Wastewater District as part of the NE 119th Street road project.

Council Hearing

Public Hearing: CPZ2017-00016 Clark County Unified Development Code (Title 40) Amendments
- Hearing continued from Jan. 23, 2018

Planning Commission Recommendations
Planning Commission Minutes
Record: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
Ordinance (approved with changes; coming back on Feb. 6 council agenda for final approval)


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Legislative Briefing
- Minutes for January 10, 2018
- Follow up on Annexation Data Set Map1; Map2; Map3
- Clear Communication Better Building meeting on Jan. 26, 2018
- County Manager candidate's on-site schedule
- Fireworks
- Jail Study Commission
- Work Session request: Salmon Recovery and Watershed Planning Update by LCFRB
- Work Session request: 2017 Docket for Plan Amendments
- Work Session request: DEAB's 2017 Annual Report and review DEAB's 2018-2019 Work Plan 

Council Time

Board of Health


Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: 1/10/2018
2. Minutes: January 16, 2018

Separate Business:
1. Interlocal agreement with the city of Battle Ground for Clark County Public Works to provide property and survey services
2. Professional services contracts with 17 firms for parks, natural resources and related services
3. Approve application for Regional Representative for VFC and AFIX Site Visit Activities Grant through WA State Department of Health 


Council Hearing

Public Hearing: CPZ2017-00016 Clark County Unified Development Code (Title 40) Amendments
*Hearing to be continued to Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2018, 10 a.m.*

Planning Commission Recommendations
Planning Commission Minutes
Record: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3


Weekly Calendar


Council Meeting Agenda


Proclamation:  National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention

Special Award Ceremony:  Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) presentation of the Accreditation with Excellence Award to the Clark County Sheriff's Office

Consent Items:
1. Memorandum of Understanding between Clark County, Washington; Clark County Superior Court; and the Clark County Law Library Board of Trustees
2. Final Plat: Cougar Path Short Plat
3. Final Plat: The Cove at Vancouver Lake
4. Final Plat: Pacific Village Subdivision
5. Warrants: 12/22-27/17; 12/23-29/17
6. Minutes: January 9, 2018
7. Revised Levy Certification received:
- City of Vancouver

Separate Business:
1. Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the county and EMS District #2 and the cities of La Center, Ridgefield and Woodland to lengthen the term of city representatives to two year, allow appropriation of monies for expenses, and change the ending date for the agreement to correct a scrivener's error
2. Award grant funds from the PEG Capital Support Fund to TV ETC and CVTV
3. Interlocal agreement for commute trip reduction
4. Authorize the Interim County Manager to sign an Interlocal agreement with Battle Ground Parks and Recreation to sell annual parking passes for four regional parks
5. Reallocate $238,800 in the 2017-2018 Conservation Futures budget from land acquisition to operations and maintenance
6. Approval of a cooperative service agreement with th US Department of Agriculture for wildlife damage management activities on count property
7. Authorize the Interim County Manager to sign an amendment to the county's capital lease financing agreement with PNC Equipment Finance to include lowering the interest rate from 4.19% to 2.75% through 2028, the remaining life of the agreement

Council Hearing


Weekly Calendar


Work Session Items:
WS: Title 40 Amendments to Support Housing (ADU, RADU, Cottage Housing)

WS: Title 40 Amendments to Support Housing (ADU, RADU, Cottage Housing)

WS:  Jail presentation - Master Plan Options
- Operational, Functional and Physical Limitations
- CCSO Presentation

WS: Jail presentation

Board Time Agenda

Board Time Items:

2:00 P.M. Legislative update with Mike Burgess

- Minutes for December 20, 2017
- Vancouver UGA Annexation
- Cannabis Work Session follow-up
- Council name
- Law Library MOU
- State of the County theme & topic
- Council Retreat
- Clearer Communication - Better Building Workshop


Board Time


Hearing Agenda


Proclamation: Clark County Free Tax Assistance

Elect 2018 Vice-Chair of the Clark County Council

Consent Items:
1. Final plat: Wodtke Short Plat
2. Final plat: Dreaming Tree Short Plat
3. Warrants: 11/17/17-12/14/17; 12/09/17-12/15/17; 12/04/17-12/08/17; 12/18/17-12/22/17
4. Minutes: Dec 5, 2017; Dec 12, 2017; Dec 19, 2017; Dec 19, 2017 (Planning Commission Appointments)
5. Levy Certification/Budget documentation received:
- Clark County Cemetery District No. 6 - Levy Certification
- Clark County Cemetery District No. 1 - 2018 Budget

Separate Business:
1. Joint Resolution of the Clark, Klickitat and Skamania Boards of County Councilors/Commissioners to appoint Sandra Day as Clark County's designee to Position 7 on the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Board of Trustee's
2. Approval of final Ordinance 2018-01-09 pertaining to forty-nine (49) biannual code change items, most of which relate to development regulations in Title 40 (document is in two parts due to size) Part 1; Part 2

3. Adoption of an ordinance amending the Clark County 20-year Comprehensive Growth Management Plan map; zoning map; arterial atlas map; comprehensive plan text and zoning ordinances
4. Ratification of the Interim County Manager's December 20, 2017 approval of a grant with WA State Department of Health for recurring funding from federal and state sources to support public health services in Clark County
5. Clark Regional Wastewater District's request to annex an area to their Service Area Boundary that was added to the UGA in the 2017 GMA Update
6. Clark Regional Wastewater District's request to annex an area to their Service Area Boundary that was added to the Hockinson Rural Center in Dec 2010
7. Quit claim deed to transfer stormwater facility parcels now within the Vancouver city limits as a result of the Van Mall North Annexation
8. Authorize the sale of a tax foreclosure parcel and execute a quit claim deed to Erik R Johnson and Kristin C Johnson
9. Authorize the Interim County Manager to sign a warranty deed and release of damages to Kenneth Thomas, and a quit claim deed from Glenwood Little League
10. Authorize the Interim County Manager to sign an interagency agreement with the WA State Department of Ecology
11. Approve agreement with WA State University Extension for the Department of Public Works to provide financial support towards the Integrated Weed Control Project
12. Easement to Clark Public Utilities on the Lower Daybreak property to remove electric utility poles from NE 82nd Ave/Daybreak Road right-of-way and relocate the utility lines underground outside of the right-of-way
13. Approval to purchase adaptive software and technical services for the Hazel Dell Avenue Adaptive Traffic Signals project
14. Approval to purchase adaptive software and technical services for the Working to Refine Intelligent Highway Transportation project CRP 361422
15. Approval of the WA State Transportation Improvement Board Fuel Tax Grant Distribution Agreement for Highway 99 - Klineline Sidewalk CRP 370122

Council Hearing

Public Hearings: Priority Sale of Property to Original Seller - hearing to be rescheduled to date uncertain

Public HearingCritical Area Code Updates
- Ordinance

Public Hearings: Freight Rail Dependent Uses
- Exhibit A


Weekly Calendar


Board Time - canceled


Weekly Calendar

Board Hearing - canceled


Board Time - canceled


Board Hearing - canceled

Weekly Calendar


Board Time agenda


Board Time items:
- Minutes for December 13, 2017
- County Manager interview schedule
- Freight Dependent Uses
- Work Session request: Code Amendment to Title 40.240 Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Districts

Board Time


Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Final plat: Nielson Short Plat
2. Final plat: Blueberry Meadow Estates Cluster Subdivision
3. Final plat: Hockinson Park Estates Subdivision Phase 3
4. Final plat: Neal Short Plat
5. Minutes: December 5, 2017 (Greater Clark Parks District Board)

Separate Business:
1. Modification 5 Remediation Agreement with Weston Solutions, Inc for the cleanup work in the Central Impact Target Area of Camp Bonneville
2. Professional services contracts with Columbia West Engineering Inc., and Professional Service Industries Inc. for construction testing services
3. Request approval of final settlement agreement in pending litigation
- Supplemental contingent settlement agreement
4. Authorize a one-time General Fund payment for legal settlement costs


Board Hearing