The county manager is the county's Public Records Officer, and will coordinate public record compliance with each county department for which she is responsible.
Electronic copies of many current and historic county records are available on the Washington State Digital Archive website
If you have questions related to county procedure or compliance, please contact Bonnie Lee in the County Manager's office by calling (564) 397-4928 or email Bonnie Lee
Reference Websites
- RCW 42.56 - Revised Code of Washington - Public Records Act
- Clark County Ordinance - Clark County - 2018-06-04
- Clark County Code 2.70 - Clark County - Disclosure of Public Records
- Model Rules WAC 44.14 - Washington Administrative Code – Public Records Act Model Rules
- MRSC Handbook - Public Records Act for Washington Counties (Also contains list of exemptions not contained in RCW 42.56)
- Open Government Resource Manual – Washington AGO - State Sunshine Laws 2016
Contact Information:
Kathleen Otto, County Manager