Neighborhood associations wishing to participate and receive neighborhood association services from the county will meet the following criteria:
- Each neighborhood association will adopt a set of bylaws which will govern rules of procedure including voting, membership, frequency of meetings, organization and duties of officers. The bylaws must meet the administrative guidelines for the Neighborhood Outreach program and follow the county's template standards, and keep a current copy of its bylaws on file with the county.
- Each neighborhood association will keep a current copy of its roster of board members on file with the county.
- Clark County neighborhood associations are not agents of Clark County government. Neighborhood association board members and leaders are volunteers and are not employees of Clark County and should refer any questions they receive regarding Clark County notices, code, or policies to county staff.
- The membership of neighborhood associations will include all residents, property owners, businesses, and a representative of non-profit organizations within the neighborhood.
- The boundaries of new associations will originally be defined by the association in consultation with the county. Every attempt should be made to avoid and eliminate overlapping boundaries. New associations formed within the urban growth boundary must contain a minimum of 75 households. As development occurs, Clark County may revise these boundaries to balance household or population size between neighborhood associations, to follow natural geography lines, streets, and or community cohesiveness considerations.
- Only one neighborhood association within each boundary will be officially recognized by the county. The officially-recognized neighborhood association may post an identifying county-recognition graphic on their outreach materials, social media sites and newsletters.
- No membership fees will bar any resident from participating and voting. Voluntary dues, contributions, contracts, grants or subscriptions may be used by a neighborhood group.
- Neighborhood associations must hold at least one general meeting per year to maintain their active status. It is suggested that the general meeting and all neighborhood association meetings are listed in the Neighborhood Meetings Section for easy reference by citizens. There is no cost to post events, although you will need to register with the site at
Additional efforts to notify residents using email lists, newsletters and fliers are strongly encouraged.
- Neighborhood associations must operate within the parameters of the program and abide by local ordinances and state laws to retain recognition from the county and receive services from the Neighborhood Outreach Program.
- Neighborhood associations who use the county’s photocopying services for their newsletters agree to the guidelines outlined on the neighborhood association mailing instruction sheet. Newsletters will be reviewed by the Neighborhood Outreach Program Coordinator prior to printing, and may be returned with corrections and/or suggestions for compliance prior to printing and mailing. The county will print and mail three (3) newsletters per year at no cost to the neighborhood association.
No advertisements, editorials, religious or political endorsements, statements or positions on ballot propositions or candidates for an election will be included in newsletters printed or posted by the county, in compliance with RCW 42.17A.555.
All issues of newsletters printed or posted by the county must include the following statement:
Neighborhood Association newsletters are copied free of charge by Clark County's Neighborhood Outreach program. The information and views expressed are solely those of the Neighborhood Association and not of Clark County Government.
Newsletter instructions for Neighborhood Association mailings