Pleasant Highlands Neighborhood Association started in May 1997 and is reactivating in 2023. Current concerns are related to accelerated high-density development and associated traffic impacts to their residents.
Their concerns in the past have included the Comprehensive Plan and Urban Growth Boundary and a proposed Bonneville Power Administration line. They were active in the development of Pleasant Valley Community Park, the 134th Street/I-5/I-205 interchange project, and the Salmon Creek development moratorium.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 20, at 5:30 p.m. at the Public Works Operations Center, 4700 NE 78th Street, Building B-1, Vancouver, WA. We'll be hearing from Community Development on the site plan and subdivision development process and what developments are happening in our area. We also have a meet and greet coming up on Saturday, March 1 at Chuck's Market from 10:00-11:30 a.m. For more information, please see our newsletter link below.
Greyhawk Neighborhood Park
Pleasant Valley Community Park
County Council District
West Side - District 2
Michelle Belkot
email: michelle.belkot@clark.wa.gov
East Side - District 5
Sue Marshall
email: sue.marshall@clark.wa.gov
Neighborhood Sheriff Liaison
Jacob Lyle
Call 3-1-1 to report non-life-threatening activity
Call 9-1-1 for fire and emergency
Report property crimes at:
You also may leave information or report suspected criminal activity at one of the Sheriff's two Tip Lines. You can remain anonymous.
Sheriff's Office Tip Line - 564.397.2847
Drug Task Force Tip Line - 564.397.6017
Si tienes información sobre drogas puedes dejar su mensaje aquí en español. Su información será confidencial.
Neighborhood Fire Station
Vancouver Fire Department - Glenwood Fire Station 7
12603 NE 72nd Ave., Vancouver WA 98686
Neighborhood Association Officers
Debbie Throop, President