Active Military and Overseas Voters




As an active military or overseas voter, you have several options for registering to vote, receiving your ballot and returning it.  If you are a military spouse or dependent, and you are away from home because of the military service, you also qualify as a military voter.

Registration deadlines

Active military and overseas voters are exempt from the regular voter registration deadlines. The last day to register and request a ballot is Election Day. Even if you are not registered, you may still vote and send in a ballot because your signature on the declaration attests to your eligibility and constitutes registration.

Registering to vote

When registering, please indicate you are in the armed forces or living overseas.

You can register online at or use this Voter Registration form and return it by mail, fax or email.

Receiving your ballot

Washington is a vote-by-mail state, and most voters receive ballots by mail.  You will receive your ballot 30 days before a special election and 45 days before a primary or general election. As an active military or overseas voter, you have an additional option of receiving your ballot by email. Please notify our office if you prefer this option. You will receive an email from our office with a link to access your ballot electronically.

This program is intended for overseas citizens and active-duty military voters only. If you have returned to the U.S. or are no longer in the military, please notify our office as soon as possible.

The link will take you to the Voter Portal – You will enter your first and last name as registered, along with your date of birth and click submit.

Click on Your Ballot & Voting Materials tab. Next, click on Get a Replacement Ballot.  Finally, click on Print a Replacement Ballot.

Please note: This is not online voting. You will need a PDF reader installed on your computer, as well as a printer to print your voted ballot and ballot return packet so you can return it by email.

Returning your ballot

You may return your ballot by mail, email or fax.

If you return your ballot by mail, you must sign and date the declaration no later than Election Day and return the ballot to the Clark County Elections Office. It must be received within 9 days after a primary, and within 20 days after a general election.

The ballot return packet provides instructions on how to return your ballot. Your signed declaration sheet must accompany your voted ballot when returned to us in order for it to be counted. Computer generated signatures are not allowed. Due to firewall requirements, we cannot receive documents larger than 10MB or links to documents.

If you return your ballot by email or fax, it must be received by the Clark County Elections Office by 8 pm Pacific Time on Election Day.  If you return the ballot by email, include the signed and dated declaration sheet, email sheet and voted ballot. Be sure to send as an attachment. We cannot accept links.

If you wish to return your official mailed ballot by email, please refer to page 2 of the voting instructions attached to your ballot for a more detailed email ballot return process description. 

To view your ballot tracker, go to VoteWA, sign in using your first and last name and date of birth. Click on Your Ballot and Voting Materials.


You can get more information be emailing us at, calling our office at 564.397.2345 or by visiting the Office of the Secretary of State's website.

Military and overseas voters can find the Federal Post Card Application at

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