Designated Forest Lands Program





The Washington State Legislature recognizes that healthy forest lands are good for the State's citizens and economy.  In addition to scenic and recreational spaces, healthy forests provide:

  • An enhanced water supply,
  • Reduced soil erosion, storm and flood damage,
  • Habitat for wild game,
  • Employment opportunities, and
  • Raw materials for products.

In order to support the development and preservation of forest lands, the legislature created two property tax deferral programs designed to help taxpayers who wish to grow timber for commercial purposes; the Designated Forest Lands program and the Open Space Timber Land program. The Designated Forest Lands program is governed by state statute (RCW 84.33) and managed by the Assessor's Office.

Through participation in the Designated Forest Lands program, Washington State encourages sound forestry practices so that present and future generations can enjoy the many benefits they provide. As a way to encourage commercial forestry in Washington State, landowners may apply to have their land classified as Designated Forest Land. Property owners that apply and are accepted into the Designated Forest Lands program have their lands valued at their current use rather than at their highest and best use for property tax purposes. This designation often results in a lower assessed value and lower taxes.

Complete applications submitted between January 1st and December 31st are reviewed in the year after they were submitted. If approved, the Assessor's Office will send the applicant a notice of approval with the recording fees due from the applicant to finalize the application.  Once the approval is recorded, the assessed value is reduced for the year of the approval and taxes are reduced in the following year. Once an application is approved, the land is subject to a back-tax liability (called compensating tax) if the use of the land changes after being declared designated forest land.


To qualify to have your property classified as Designated Forest Land, you must:

  • Have a minimum of 5 contiguous acres in the same ownership, not including any residential home sites,
  • Be actively growing timber for commercial harvest, and
  • Be compliant with forest practice laws and regulations.

To Apply

  • Complete an Application for Designated Forest Land
  • Submit a Timber Management Plan prepared by a professional forester including:
    • The legal description of all land included in the application (include Assessor's parcel numbers),
    • The date or dates of acquisition of the land,
    • A statement that the land has the same ownership, consists of contiguous acreage and is primarily devoted and used to grow and harvest timber,
    • A brief description of the timber on the land (major species, size, age and condition),
    • An inventory of the timber by forest type including the stocking levels and forest health conditions,
    • If the timber has been harvested, a description of the owner's plan for reforestation,
    • A description of past and present livestock grazing on the land,
    • A description of whether the land is in compliance with the stocking requirements, including the number of trees per acre, planned forest management activities (thinning, harvest, brush control), fire protection efforts, insect and disease control, and weed control and forest debris abatement provisions of the Washington Forest Practices Act Title 76 RCW,
    • A statement of whether the land is subject to forest fire protection assessments under RCW 76.04.610,
    • A description of the ownership goals for the land and an outline of the intended management of the land,
    • A description of the types and species of plants and animals, predominant habitats, wetlands, any endangered species, and aesthetic resources present on the land,
    • A description and/or drawing showing what areas of land for which designation is sought are used for incidental uses compatible with the definition of forest land in RCW 84.33.035, and
    • A statement that the applicant is aware of the potential tax liability involved when the land ceases to be designated as forest land.

Mail your completed and signed application along with copies of the documents listed above to:

Clark County Assessor's Office
Attn: Designated Forest Land Program
PO Box 5000
Vancouver, WA 98666-5000

Help in Applying

If you prefer, you may contact us with your questions via email at We can also be reached by phone at (564) 397-2391.

Removal from Designated Forest Lands Classification

Land classified under the program may be removed if:

  • The owner submits a written request to remove designation,
  • The land is sold or transferred to an ownership making it exempt from ad valorem taxation,
  • All or a portion of the land is transferred to a new owner and the new owner does not wish to continue the classification; or
  • The Assessor determines, after giving the owner written notice and an opportunity to be heard, that the land is no longer primarily used for and devoted to growing and harvesting timber; the owner has failed to comply with a final order with respect to a violation of the provisions of Title 76 RCW; or restocking has not occurred to the extent or within the time specified in the application for designation.

Change in Ownership or Title of Classified Land

When classified land is sold or transferred to new ownership, the new owner(s) must determine if they would like the property to remain in the program and accept the potential tax liability associated with land in the Designated Forest Land program.  In addition, the new owner must:

Upon receipt of the required information, the Assessor’s Office will determine if the property is eligible to continue in the classification.

Reclassifying Designated Forest Lands to Another Classification

If the use of land classified under the program changes, it may be eligible to be reclassified to another Current Use Designation.  In order to determine the classification that best suits the new use of the land, please contact our office via email at or by phone at (564) 397-2391.