Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Verbatim minutes -
Annual Reviews
& Dockets

Public Hearing: 2018 Annual Reviews & Dockets
- CPZ2018-00001 Yacolt Mountain Surface Mining Overlay Expansion - MOVED to December 11 Hearing

- PLEASE NOTE: CPZ2018-00002 Ward 162nd LLC Annual Review has been withdrawn from the 2018 cycle



Weekly Calendar


Day after Thanksgiving - offices closed


Thanksgiving Day - offices closed


Council Time - canceled


Council Hearing - canceled


Weekly Calendar


Council Time - canceled


Council Hearing - canceled


Weekly Calendar


WS: Camp Bonneville Master Plan

WS: Camp Bonneville Master Plan

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Oct. 31, 2018
- Vancouver Downtown Improvement Area
- Council report from task forces, commissions and boards
- Executive Session: 1 Pending Litigation (20 minutes); 2 Potential Litigation (20 minutes total)

Council Time

Work Session Items:
WS: Updating Code for compliance with Home Rule Charter - Outline

WS: Updating Code for compliance with Home Rule Charter


Council Meeting Agenda


Verbatim: Annual Reviews and Dockets

Proclamation: Veterans Parade

Consent Items:
1. Warrants: October 22-26, 2018
2. Minutes: October 30, 2018

Separate Business:
1. Agreement awarding grant funds to the Humane Society of Southwest Washington for low-cost spay and neuter services to Clark County pet owners
2. Agreement awarding grant funds to Second Chance Companions for low-cost spay and neuter services to Clark County pet owners
3. IGA with the Educational Service District No. 112 for work related to substance use prevention
4. Resolution appointing Ahmad Qayoumi, PE, as the County Engineer
5. Authorization for the County Manager to approve a one-year contract extension with Foster Pepper, the county's current bond counsel

Council Meeting

Public Hearing: 2018 Annual Reviews & Dockets   
- CPZ2018-00003 Faith Center
- CPZ2018-00004 Strawberry Hill
- CPZ2018-00006 Gaither
- Faith Center, Strawberry Hill, Gaither - Presentation
- CPZ2018-00011 Complete Streets - Alternative - Presentation


Weekly Calendar


Work Session Item:
WS: 2019 Budget
- County Manager recommendations

WS: 2019 Budget

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Oct. 24, 2018
- Executive Session: 2 Pending Litigation (45 minutes total)

Council Time


Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: October 15-19, 2018
2. Minutes: October 23, 2018
3. Final plats:
- Adams Glen Subdivision
- Orchards View Estates
- Orchards Estates Short Plat
- NE 58th Street Short Plat
4. County Manager appointments:
- Adrianne Fairbanks appointed to the Clark County Public Health Advisory Council
- Steven H Becker reappointed to the Clark County Public Health Advisory Council

Separate Business:
1. PSA contract with EGM, Inc. dba MENG Analysis for the Clark County Facilities Condition Assessment
2. Request approval of additional funding from the General Fund for the execution of lease extensions for the Family Law Annex and Children's Justice Center
3. Approval to be a coalition partner with the City of Vancouver for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownsfield Assessment Coalition grant
4. Authorize County Manager to sign a purchase and transfer agreement with the Columbia Land Trust for Clark County to acquire the 105 acre Lower Daybreak property
5. Authorize County Manager to sign an interagency agreement with the Washington Department of Ecology for noxious weed control provided by Washington Conservation Corps
6. Accept a Second Act Reentry Initiative Program Grant

Council Meeting

Public Hearing: Fall Supplemental Resolution


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Oct. 17, 2018
- I-5 bridge replacement resolution
- Work Session request: 2018 Clark County Fair Report
- Council report on task forces, commissions and boards
- Lindsey Shafar report on policy issues
- Executive Sessions: 3 potential litigation (90 minutes total); 2 pending litigation (30 minutes total)


Council Time

Work Session Item:
WS: 2018 Annual Reviews and Dockets
- Memo

WS: 2018 Annual Reviews and Dockets

Board of Health

Board of Health


Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: October 8-12, 2018
2. Minutes: October 16, 2018

Separate Business:
1. Request ratification of Staff Report #2018-726 and approval to apply for a Product Donation Grant through Kaleo Cares which dispenses Naloxone and education of Clark County personnel who work with populations most at risk for opioid overdoes
2. Approval to apply for a NIH support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings grant through National Institute of Health
3. Approve updated memorandum of understanding between the Washougal Police Department and the Clark County Sheriff's Office related to mutual aid services for Jemtegaard Middle School and the Columbia Gorge elementary School
4. Interstate Mutual Law Enforcement Assistance Agreement between the Clark County Sheriff's Office and Multnomah County Sheriff's Office
5. Request approval of the Regional Major Crimes Interlocal Agreement

Council Meeting