Clark County Council Meetings

Submit Public Comment graphic


Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx 
will begin at the conclusion of the Public Hearing

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2488 645 5851
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: Draft Carelon Contract
    -Opioid Abatement Strategies

Work Session


Weekly Calendar



Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx 

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2487 713 0447
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: Transportation System Plan
-Presentation (continued from 6/21/23)

Work Session: Environmental Public Health Fee Schedule
- EPH Fee Model Reports  
- EPH Fee Schedule

Work Session: 
Transportation System Plan

Work Session: 
Environmental Public Health Fee Schedule



Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2487 713 0447
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

1. Public Comment - on agenda items only   
2. Old Business: 
    2.1 Minutes for July 26, 2023
    2.2 Jail Update
3. New Business:
3.1 Lacamas Lake Update
    3.2 I5 Bridge Letter  (added 8/1/23 at 1:57pm)
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Clark County Aging Readiness Plan Update
6. Policy Issues: 
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 RCW 42.30.110(1)(a)(ii) - 15 minutes

Council Time





Verbatim Transcript (Hearing re: Employment Projections)

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer:
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    • Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    • Access Code: 2480 653 7429
    • Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
  • Submit comments:

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items


  1. Warrants:
        -06/12 – 06/16/2023
  2. Minutes approved for July 25, 2023
  3. County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
        -Robin Grimwade reappointed to the Columbian River Gorge Commission, effective July 1, 2023 (immediately) to June 30, 2027.
        -Justin Maynard appointed to the Clean Water Commission, effective immediately to December 31, 2023.
  4. Plats (for notice only)
        -Walnut Grove Subdivision
  5. Request approval of an amendment to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission grant for Electronic Home Monitoring and use existing budget capacity for related contracts until budget appropriation can be formally adopted during the 2023 Fall Budget Supplemental. Also request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign the amended contract with the Electronic Home Monitoring service provider, 2 Watch Monitoring.
  6. Request approval to accept a two-year grant agreement between the Washington State Department of Ecology Solid Waste Management Community Litter Cleanup Program and Clark County District Court Community Restitution and to use existing budget capacity for related contracts until budget appropriation can be formally adopted during the 2023 Fall Budget Supplemental. This request is budget neutral.
  7. Request approval of updates to the 2023 salary realignments in association with the July 18, 2023 staff report no. 137-23 implementing the compensation philosophy for non-represented employees, based on the results of the Baker Tilly classification and compensation study.
  8. Request approval of a resolution for the temporary road closure of Northeast 53rd Place from Northeast 68th Street to approximately 170 feet to the south for the construction of sanitary sewer mainlines, not to exceed 53 calendar days.

Separate Business:

  1. Request approval of 2023 and ongoing costs for records management services for Jail Services and Animal Control with Executive Information Services. Additionally, request authorization for the County Manager to sign contract Amendment No. 1.
  2. Request approval of a sole source contract with Forensic Pathology Services to provide interim forensic pathologist staffing to ensure the timely completion of applicable medical examiner duties outlined in RCW Chapter 68.50 and necessary budget capacity. (updated on 7/31/2024 at 3:03 pm)
  3. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a professional services consultant agreement with Otak, Inc. to provide design support services for the NE 179th Street (Northeast 15th Avenue to Northeast 26th Avenue) project (CRP 320122).
  4. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a maintenance agreement with the Washington Department of Transportation in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to provide traffic control services along Interstate 5 allowing the county to perform bridge inspections for the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad and authorize the County Manager to approve amendments to the agreement to extend the time, increase cost, or add services.

Open Public Comment

Public Hearing: Road Vacation - NE 135th Avenue *item pulled

Public Hearing:  20-Year Employment Projection-Comp Plan Update *hearing continued to Aug. 8, 2023 at 1pm
    -Staff Report and Resolution
    -Project Webpage

Councilor Communications
County Manager Report

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar


Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx 

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2480 637 4928
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: Transfer Stations

Work Session




Board of Health- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer:
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2480 637 4928
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
  • Submit comments:
    https:// or follow these instructions by joining the meeting from your computer or phone.

Board of Health
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Minutes from June 28, 2023
-Director's Report:
     -Racism as a public health crisis: Anti-racist transformation work update
-Public Health in Action
    -CHA/CHIP/Strategic Plan update; Presentation
-Open Public Comment 
-Comments from the Board

Board of Health


Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2480 637 4928
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

1. Public Comment - on agenda items only   
2. Old Business: 
    2.1 Minutes for July 19, 2023
    2.2 Draft Carelon ContractGeneral Terms, Exhibit A, Cost Comparison, Revenue and Options
3. New Business:
3.1 Letter of Support for Carelon Behavioral Health
    3.2 Staff Report to re-allocate 2023 Substitute House Bill 1406 funding 
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Legacy Land Program Overview
6. Policy Issues: 
7. Executive Sessions:

Council Time




Minutes (Verbatim: Housing Options Study & Action Plan)

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer:
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    • Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    • Access Code: 2483 586 8246
    • Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
  • Submit comments:

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items


  1. Warrants:
          -7/10 – 7/14/2023
  2. Minutes approved for:
          -July 18, 2023
  3. Request approval of a resolution authorizing the County Manager to execute a Release of Conservation Covenant applicable to real property which was formerly the site of Green Mountain Golf Course.
  1. Request approval to accept funds from the Washington State Department of Commerce to use their Emergency Housing Fund for distribution of $4,465,673 to backfill and maintain existing homeless related service levels in Clark County from contract signing through June 30, 2025, and authorization for the County Manager to sign related grant agreements, subcontracts, amendments, and required reports.
  1. Request approval to accept $20,000 in pass-through grant funds from REAL Prevention LLC to support the recruitment of community members to be trained in the Opioid Rapid Response System over a two-year period. In addition, authorize the Public Health Director to sign the agreement and any resulting amendments.

 Separate Business

  1. Request approval of a revised resolution and newly drafted bylaws for the Clark County Law and Justice Council.
  1. Request approval of a resolution relating to the announcement from the Washington Department of Corrections stating that they plan to close Larch Corrections Center this fall, citing declining incarceration trends.
  2. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Skamania County whereby Skamania County agrees to provide jail services to Clark County for up to 15 inmates.
  3. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Wetland Mitigation Credit Purchase Agreement to purchase 1.566 mitigation credits from the Terrace Mitigation Bank, LLC, to offset wetland impacts associated with the NE 119th Street and NE 152nd Avenue Intersection project (CRP 300222 / PRJ0000537).
  4. Request approval authorizing the Clean Water division to seek a contract for rate study consulting services using Clean Water Fund reserves.

Open Public Comment
   -Submitted comments

Public Hearing: Housing Options Study & Action Plan
-Project Webpage
   -Submitted comments

Councilor Communications
County Manager Report

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar



Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx 

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2489 632 1137
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: Draft Vancouver Lake Management Plan
-Submitted Comments

Work Session


Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2489 632 1137
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

1. Public Comment - on agenda items only   
2. Old Business: 
    2.1 Minutes for July 12, 2023
    2.2 Larch Correction Center draft Resolution (added 7/14/23 at 2:41pm)
3. New Business:
3.1 Housing Options Study and Action Plan
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal Update
6. Policy Issues: 
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 10 minutes (with possible after action)
    7.2 Qualifications of an applicant for public employment RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) - 10 minutes (with possible after action)

Council Time





Minutes (Verbatim- 179th Street Access Management & Circulation Plan)

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer:
  • Join by computer:  WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    • Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    • Access Code: 2484 736 0701
    • Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
  • Submit comments:

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items


  1. Warrants: 
        -6/19 – 6/23/2023 
        -6/09 – 07/03/2023 
        -05/26 – 06/30/2023
  2. Minutes approved for:
        -June 20, 2023 (verbatim transcript: Countywide Planning Policy Amendment Procedures & Amendment to CCC 40.5103.040)
        -June 27, 2023
  3. County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
        -Russell Ford appointed to the Clark County Arts Commission, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2026
        -Rebekah Halladay appointed to the Animal Protection and Control Board, effective immediately to Oct. 31, 2027
        -Mary Lennox appointed to the Camp Bonneville Advisory Group, effective immediately to May 31, 2024
        -Thomas Dennison appointed to the Camp Bonneville Advisory Group, effective immediately to May 31, 2024
  4. Acceptance of final plat(s) approved by the County Manager for:
        -Martin Meadow Subdivision
        -Stone’s Throw PUD Phase 1
  5. Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Local 17 Professional and Technical Employees and Clark County regarding implementation of a salary realignment for Engineers and Real Property Appraisers.
  6. Approval of a resolution that permits the County Manager authority to sign VAST Fiber Sharing permits.
  7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an amendment to the existing Quality Counts, LLC contract. The additional work via amendment is within the existing scope of work and would include measuring and analyzing roadway curves for traffic stop sign updates.
  8. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a professional services consultant agreement with WSP USA, Inc. to provide environmental support services for the Delfel Road (Northeast 179th Street to Northeast 184th Street) project (CRP 310122).
  9. Approval of the Local Programs State Funding Agreement for the Truman School Sidewalk (NE 44th Street/NE 47th Avenue – NE 49th Street/NE 40th Avenue) project (CRP 321422).

Separate Business

  1. Approval of the full-year salary realignments and the compensation philosophy for non-represented employees based on the results of the Baker Tilly classification and compensation study.
  1. Approval to purchase conducted electrical weapons (tasers) for Department of Jail Services uniformed staff.  In addition, request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign Axon’s quote document and any resulting change orders to the original quote.
  1. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Wetland Mitigation Credit Purchase Agreement to purchase 1.566 mitigation credits from the Terrace Mitigation Bank, LLC, to offset wetland impacts associated with the NE 119th Street and NE 152nd Avenue Intersection project (CRP 300222 / PRJ0000537). (PULLED)
  1. Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute Supplemental Agreement #4 with MacKay Sposito (Agreement SCN00001024) regarding design improvements to Harmony Sports Complex.

Open Public Comment
   -Submitted Comments

Public Hearing: CPZ2022-00013 NE 176th Street
     -Project Webpage

Public Hearing: CPZ2021-00013 179th Street Access Management & Circulation Plan
    -Project Webpage
    -Submitted Comments

Councilor Communications
County Manager Report

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar



Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx 

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2494 469 9080
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: SW Washington Workforce - Economic Analysis

Work Session: Employment Projection-2025 Comp Plan
- Presentation
   - Issue Paper
   - Projected Nonfarm Employment for Clark County
   - Memo - WA Employment Security Department

Work Session: SWWA Workforce Economic Analysis

Work Session: 2025 Employment Projections


Work Session: Baker-Tilly Classification & Compensation Study
*same log in as Work Sessions above

Work Session: Classification & Compensation Study



Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council time will begin at the conclusions of the Work Session (updated 7/10/23 @ 2:50pm)

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2494 469 9080 
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

1. Public Comment - on agenda items only   
2. Old Business: 
    2.1 Minutes for June 28, 2023
    2.2 Jail Update
3. New Business:
3.1 NE 179th Street Project and Finance Update
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
6. Policy Issues: 
7. Executive Sessions:

Council Time


Weekly Calendar


Weekly Calendar




Board of Health- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer:
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    • Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    • Access Code: 2493 644 1133
    • Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
  • Submit comments:
    https:// or follow these instructions by joining the meeting from your computer or phone.

Board of Health
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Minutes from May 24, 2023
-Public Health in Action: Environmental Public Health Programs
    -Drinking Water
    -Onsite Septic
    -Recreational Water Safety
-Director's Report: New Deputy Health Officer, Dr. Tara Perti
-Open Public Comment 
    -Submitted Comments
-Comments from the Board

Board of Health

Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of Board of Health

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2493 644 1133
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: GMA Climate Change Legislation, E2SHB 1181

Work Session



Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2493 644 1133
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

1. Public Comment - on agenda items only   
2. Old Business: 
    2.1 Minutes for June 21, 2023 (added 6/26/23 at 8:59am)
    2.2 Encampment Policy/Fencing
3. New Business:
3.1 Fire Break Ordinance
    3.2 Charter Amendment
          -Charter Amendment Ordinance (added 6/26/23 at 9:10am)
          -Ballot Measure (added 6/26/23 at 9:10am)
          -For/Against Press Release (added 6/26/23 at 9:10am)
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Baker-Tilly Class/Comp Study
6. Policy Issues: 
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 10 minutes
    7.2 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 10 minutes

Council Time





Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer:
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    • Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    • Access Code: 2497 923 3256
    • Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
  • Submit comments:

Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
    -Submitted Comments

    -June 6, 2023 (Verbatim Transcript: Three Creeks North & Zalyashko-Nail)
    -June 20, 2023
2. County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
    -Stephen Jones appointed to the Camp Bonneville Advisory Group, effective immediately to May 31, 2024
3. Approval of a resolution adopting the City/County Telecommunication Commission Biennial Report regarding franchise compliance by the cable television operation, Comcast of Washington V, LLC.
4. Approval adopting a resolution under the terms of the interlocal agreement between Clark County and the City of Vancouver, authorizing $226,200 of PEG Capital Support Funds to be used to reimburse authorized subscribers of Comcast Business Services monthly transport fees.
5. Approval to designate TV ETC and CVTV, respectively as the Education and Government Access Providers on the Cable Television System.
6. Approval to transfer for payment of the 2023 Clark County Fair Entertainment and immediate payment contracts.
7. Approval of Petty Cash funds and Premiums & Awards funds for the 2023 Clark County Fair.
8. Approval to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of La Center for Animal Control services and authorize the County Manager to sign the Interlocal Agreement and any resulting amendments.
9. Authorizing the county manager to enter into three lease agreements for temporary office locations at Whatley Pit, Washougal Maintenance Shed and Finn Hill Maintenance Shed.
10. Approval of a Notice of Hearing and Resolution directing the County Engineer to review the petition to vacate an unused portion of NW 9th Avenue and set a public hearing date of October 3, 2023, Project Number PRJ0002693.
11. Authorizing the County Manager to approve a one-year extension to an existing professional services agreement with PBS Engineering and Environmental, Inc. for groundwater monitoring activities at Camp Bonneville and to increase the amount of the contract maximum to $387,425.
12. Approval to commence Fleet Services capital repairs to the Fleet Services shop and fueling locations during the 2023 budget year and move and repurpose existing controllable budget capacity from the Fleet Services 2023 Operating Budget to the 2023 Capital Budget to complete this project.
13. Approval for the County Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Battle Ground Public Schools for fuel, and associated repair services.
14. Approval for the County Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Clark County Cemetery District #6 for fuel, and associated repair services.
15. Approval for Superior Court to create a new Program Coordinator II FTE as a resource for
the Court’s Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Family and Juvenile Court
Improvement Plan (FJCIP) grant.

Separate Business
Approval for an allocation in the amount of $4,420,000 of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and $280,000 of federal HAVA 3 Election Security Grant funds to remodel the building at 1408 Franklin Street to increase the Elections Office workspace area and relocate the Auto License Department to the Public Service Center. Also request approval to hire a Program Manager I project position for this project. *item pulled
2. Approval of $250,000.00 in ARPA grant funding toward the completion of a $5.4 million construction project, NCEMS Station 52 in North Clark County.
3. Approval of a Sole Source contract with Carelon Behavior Health to manage and implement the administrative requirements specific to the opioid settlement funds as set forth in the One Washington Memorandum of Understanding between Washington Municipalities (MOU) from contract through the course of the settlement agreement and authorize the County Manager to sign related agreements, subcontracts, amendments, and required reports.
4. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a contract with GCOM Software LLC and any future resulting amendments for the replacement of the Environmental Public Health client permitting software platform. This project was approved by Council using ARPA funds on January 3, 2023.
5. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign four professional services task assignment contracts of $300,000 with 4 firms for Hydraulic Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering Emergent needs services. The sum of all contracts will not exceed $1,200,000.
6. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Memorandum of Agreement between Clark County and PCC Farmland Trust dba Washington Farmland Trust for the Salmon Creek and Whipple Creek Farm Preservation project in an amount not to exceed $750,000, and any amendments necessary to complete the project.

Open Public Comment

Public Hearing: Amendment to ORD 2022-07-01 re: Chelatchie Bluff
-Project Webpage
    -Submitted Comments

Councilor Communications
County Manager Report

Council Meeting



Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx 

Participate in the following ways:

  • In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
  • Join by computer: WebEx Link
  • Join by phone:
    Dial: 1-408-418-9388
    Webinar Number/Access Code: 2497 567 5668
    Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)

Work Session: Public Defense
-Presentation *updated 7:50am 6/21

Work Session: Transportation System Plan *work session postponed

Work Session