Clark County Council Meetings

Submit Public Comment graphic


Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Weekly Calendar


Board of Health Agenda

Board of Health meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:

Board of Health 
- COVID-19 and Influenza update presentation
- Resolution
- Public Comments

Board of Health

Work Session via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 611 8602

WS: Jail Population Study

Work Session

Council Time Agenda

Council Time via WebEx (audio only)

Please note that Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session. You will be able to access both the Work Session and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 611 8602

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 611 8602

Council Time:
- Minutes for Nov. 18, 2020
- COVID-19 Leave
- County Council Vehicle Allowance

Council Time


Council Meeting

Council Meeting Minutes


Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:

  • Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer,
  • Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 010 0695 (unique to this meeting)
  • Submit comments:
  • or via the US Postal Service to the Clark County Council, c/o Rebecca Messinger, PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-500

1. Warrants:
- Nov. 2-6, 2020
- Nov. 9-13, 2020
2. Minutes:
- Nov. 3, 2020 (Housing Options Study & Action Plan verbatim transcript)
- Nov. 16-17, 2020
3. Ad Valorem documentation received:
- Camas School District
- Ridgefield School District
- City of Vancouver
- Port of Camas-Washougal
- City of Battle Ground
4. Plats- for notice only
- The Meadows at Heritage Place Subdivision
- 87th Ave Subdivision PUD
5. Approval to set a public hearing for December 15, 2020 for the purpose of presenting, discussing and approving the 2020 Year-End Budget Supplemental appropriation.
6. Approval of a Conservation Covenant recorded under AF#5481595
7. Approval of a name change from the Clark-Cowlitz County Fire Protection District No. 15 to the Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue, per RCW 52.30.060
8. Approval to use the department fund balance to replace the Electronic Medical Records (EMR) platform and Environmental Public Health client permitting platform. Also request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign the resulting contracts. Further, request adding a 24-month 1.0 FTE Office Assistant III project position to allow for staff participation in the systems development process. No county funds are requested.
9. Approval authorizing the Public Health Director to sign data sharing agreements required under the Vital Records Modernization Rules that go into effect January 1, 2020.
10. Approval of a resolution adopting NE 61st St. and NE 10th Ave. into the Clark County Road System
11. Approval authorizing the County Manager to accept a Warranty Deed from Ralph A. Chumbley and Tracy S. Chumbley for Tax Parcel No. 199679-000
12. Approval of a resolution to 1) accept a Quick Claim Deed transferring a 4.0-acre parcel from Andrew J. Warner and Debbie Erickson-Warner to Clark County, and 2) execute a Quit Claim Deed transferring a 2.88-acre parcel from Clark County to Andrew J. Warner and Debbie Erickson-Warner.
13. Approval to sign a contract with Journal Technologies, Inc. for eProsecutor case management implementation and grant authority to the County Manager to sign the contract

Separate Business:
1. Approval to award $5,000,000 in County General Fund and allocate budget capacity necessary to allow Public Health to extend COVID-19 pandemic response activities into 2021. Also request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a contract with the Public Health Institute (PHI) to continue COVID-19 case investigation operations in coordination with Public Health's pandemic response.

Public Hearing: CPZ2019-00030 Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review Website
- Hearing Documents
- Public Comments

Public Hearing: CPZ2020-00013 Pedestrian Accessways Website
- Hearing Documents

Public Hearing: Fireworks
- Public Comments (pt. 1)
- Public Comments (pt. 2)
- Public Comments (pt. 3)
- Public Comments (pt. 4)
- Public Comments (pt. 5)

Open Public Comment

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar


Weekly Calendar


2021 Annual Budget Hearing via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 102 7389

Public Testimony- if needed (continued from Nov. 17)

Council Time Agenda

Council Time Minutes

Council Time via WebEx (audio only)

Please note that Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Budget Hearing. If the Budget Hearing is not needed, Council Time will begin at 10 a.m. You will be able to access both the Budget Hearing and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 102 7389

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 102 7389

Council Time:
- Minutes for Nov. 4, 2020
- Contract Amendments for COVID-19 relief grants to local franchises
- Permit-Exempt Agricultural Buildings Ordinance
- Community Planning 2021 Work Plan and Decision Matrix
- HB1590
- Executive Sessions: 3 Pending Litigation (40 minutes); 2 Potential Litigation (25 minutes)

Council Time


Council Meeting Agenda

Council Meeting Minutes

Greater Clark Parks district Minutes


Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:

  • Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer,
  • Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 936 2861 (unique to this meeting)
  • Submit comments:
  • or via the US Postal Service to the Clark County Council, c/o Rebecca Messinger, PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-500

Emergency Medical Service District #1 Board:
- Agenda
- Approval of Minutes for Nov. 12, 2019
- Budget documents

1. Warrants:
- Oct. 26-30, 2020
- Oct. 2-27, 2020
2. Minutes approved for:
- Nov. 3, 2020
3. Plats - for notice only
- Bryce Short Plat
- Klineline Point Subdivision
4. Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement between Clark County and the Clark County Sheriff's Office Support Guild.
5. Approval of a Sole Source Agreement with Southern Folger Detention Equipment Company for the refurbishment of security detention doors in the Clark County Jail.
6. Approval to authorize County Manager to sign a source agreement with PSI Proctor Sales, Inc., for the purchase and instillation of an AERCO Benchmark BMK2000 Condensing Boiler for installation in the Public Service Center. Also request approval to repurpose project savings to the PSC boiler replacement project.
7. Approval of a Notice to Contractors to advise for bids for Project No. PRJ0000286/CRP No. 391422 - 2021 Preservation ADA Improvements Group 1 Project.
8. Approval of a Notice to Contractors to advise for bids for Project No. PRJ0000286/CRP No. 391422 - 2021 Preservation ADA Improvements Group 2 Project. 

Separate Business:
1. Pulled from agenda- Approval to accept passthrough grant funding from Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE) for for the Smart Choices 4 Teens with a Community Coalition project, add a .5 FTE Office Assistant II and authorize the Public Health Director to sign any agreements or amendments resulting therein. Total remuneration is estimated at $217,544 over a 5-year period to begin July 1, 2021. 

Add-on Agenda Item:
- Approve the use of CARES Act funds to provide the second $2,000,000 to Clark Public Utility District to provide relief to qualified household customers who have been financially impacted by COVID-19.

Public Hearing: 2021 Greater Clark Parks District Budget
- Agenda
- Approval of minutes for Nov. 26, 2019
- Budget Documents

Public Hearing: 2021 Annual Budget, continued from Monday, Nov. 16, 2020.
- 2021 Budget Resolution, General Fund, Road Fund, Conservation Futures, Levy Certification
- County Manager Recommended 2021 Budget Reports
- 2021 Staffing Summary
- 2021 Fleet Replacement Schedule
- Public comment for Hearing

Open Public Comments

Council Meeting & Budget Hearing




2021 Annual Budget Hearing via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 954 1686

- 2021 Budget Resolution
- County Manager Recommended 2021 Budget Reports
- 2021 Staffing Summary
- 2021 Fleet Replacement Schedule

Elected Officials Testimony

*Hearing will be continued on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020, 10am

Budget Hearing - Elected Officials Testimony

Weekly Calendar


Weekly Calendar


Work Session via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 773 2741

WS: 2021 Community Planning Work Plan
- Presentation
- 2021 Proposed Work Plan

Work Session

Work Session via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 196 1247

WS: Title 40 Code Amendment - Pedestrian Accessways
       - Presentation
       - Project Webpage

Work Session

Council Time Minutes

Council Time via WebEx (audio only)

Please note that Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session. You will be able to access both the Work Session and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 196 1247

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 196 1247

Council Time:
- Agenda
- Minutes for Oct. 28, 2020
- Fire District 3 request regarding Fire Impact Fees

- M1, M2, M3 Wage Adjustment
- Resolution declaring systemic racism a public health crisis
- Work Session request: Fleet Services 2020 Productivity Review
- Executive Session: 1 Pending Litigation (20 minutes)

Council Time


Council Meeting Agenda

Council Meeting Minutes


Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:

  • Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
  • Livestream from your personal computer,
  • Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 367 8889 (unique to this meeting)
  • Submit comments:
  • or via the US Postal Service to the Clark County Council, c/o Rebecca Messinger, PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000

1. Warrants:
- Oct. 12-16, 2020
- Oct. 19-23, 2020
2. Minutes approved for:
- Oct. 20, 2020
3. Plats - For Notice Only
- Miller Flats Subdivision
- Rose Short Plat
4. Budget Documentation received:
- East County Fire & Rescue, FY2020 Amend Operating Budget
5. Approval to set public hearings for Nov. 16, 17, and 18, 2020 for the purpose of presenting, discussing and approving the 2021 annual budget.
6. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Educational Service District No. 112 (ESD112) for reimbursement of Epidemiological support. Total remuneration is $11,500.00.
7. Approval to extend COVID-19 pandemic response activities, including previously approved project positions. 
8. Approval authorizing County Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with PPC Solutions, Inc., for Security Services to begin on January 1, 2021.
9. Approval of the purchase of additional hardware and software from Dell Technologies using existing budget capacity from the 3194 Technology Services Project Fund with reimbursement from the COVID Relief Fund

Separate Business
1. Approval to adopt the 2021-2026 Stormwater Capital Plan.
2. Approval of a Resolution to name Columbia Land Trust as the sole-source vendor for the Backyard Habitat Certification Program.
Add-On Agenda Item:
3. Approval of a Memorandum of Agreement for Detention of Clark County Juveniles in Cowlitz County Juvenile Detention Facility.

Public Hearing: Housing Options Study and Action Plan, Public Participation Plan
     - Clark County Housing Options Study Plan Webpage
     - Public Comment for Hearing

Public Hearing: 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program and 2021 Annual Construction Program
     - Presentation

Public Hearing: Development Agreement to construct a traffic signal at intersection of NE 78th St. and NE 39th Ave.
     - Presentation
     - Public Comment for Hearing

Open Public Comments

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar







Council Time Minutes

Work Session via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 655 9684

WS: 2021 Annual Budget
     - Recommended Change Requests
     - Exhibit B change request narratives by fund

Council Time via WebEx (audio only)

Please note that Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session. You will be able to access both the Work Session and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 655 9684

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 655 9684

Council Time:
- Agenda
- Minutes for Oct. 21, 2020
- Joint Executive Group on Homelessness MOA and Charter
- CARES Act Funding Public Utility District (PUD)

Work Session





Council Time

Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:

Board of Health
- Vital Records Presentation
- COVID-19 Update

Following the Board of Health meeting there will be two executive sessions: 1 on pending litigation (10 min.) and 1 on potential litigation (20 min.)

Board of Health


Weekly Calendar


Work Session via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 048 1950

WS: Shoreline Master Program 2020 Periodic Review

Work Session

Council Time Agenda

Council Time Minutes

Work Session via WebEx (audio only)

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 690 4962

WS: Fireworks
- Presentation

Council Time via WebEx (audio only)

Please note that Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session. You will be able to access both the Work Session and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 690 4962

Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 690 4962

Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Oct. 14, 2020
- Joint Executive Group on Homelessness MOA & Charter
- Executive Sessions: 1 Pending Litigation (20 minutes)

Work Session

Council Time


Council Meeting Agenda

Council Meeting Minutes


Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:

o Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
o Livestream from your personal computer, www,
o Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 106 3036 (unique to this meeting)
o Submit comments: https://www.clark,
or via the US Postal Service to the Clark County Council, c/o Rebecca Messinger, PO Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000

9:45 a.m.

Vancouver Library Capital Facility Area Board Meeting
- Minutes from Oct. 15, 2019 VLCFAB meeting

10:00 a.m.

PRESENTATION: Certificate of Good Practice from the County Road Administrative Board to the County Engineer
- Letter
- Certificate

1. Warrants:
- Oct. 5-9, 2020
- Sept. 25-Sept. 25, 2020
- Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2020
2. Minutes approved for:
- Oct. 6, 2020
3. Plats - For Notice Only
- Pine Villas Subdivision

Separate Business
1. Approval to award Grant Funds from the PEG Capital Support Fund to TV ETC and CVTV.
2. Approval to delete the Commissioner holiday and add the County recognized holiday of Juneteenth, June 19th, as of 2021 to Collective Bargaining Agreements Local 11 (OPEIU), Local 17 (PROTEC 17), WA State Council of County and City Employees Council 2, AFSCME, AFL-CIO (AFSCME Local307CO), LIUNA Local 335.
3. Approval to reclassify a vacant position, P003127, from 1.0 FTE Public Health Nurse II to 1.0 FTE Epidemiologist. 
4. Approval to add a 1.0 FTE Program Coordinator 1 position to the Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response (PHEPR) program, effective November 1, 2020.
5. Approval to enter into an agreement as partners on an Environmental Protection Agency Brownfield Coalitions Assessment Grant with the City of Vancouver and Vancouver Housing Authority. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign the resulting agreement and any amendments.
6. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a consultant contract with Exeltech Consulting, Inc. for the design of 9 bridge strengthening projects: CRP No.'s 300522 and 300622.  
7. Approval of a Notice to Contractors requesting bids for construction and reconstruction of curb ramps for the 2020 ADA Compliance Group 2 Project (CRP 391322) and the 2021 Preservation ADA Improvements Group 3 Project (CRP No. 391422).
8. Approval of a Notice to Contractors to advertise for bids for Project No. 0000206 Lower Daybreak Park Trail Improvements.
9. Approval of Clark Regional Wastewater District's request to annex an area to their Serve Area Boundry, which was added to the UGA during the county's 2007 GMA Update; Annexation No. 01-20.   

Public Hearing: Road Vacation-Portion of SE Bybee Road

Public Hearing: 2020 Fall Budget Supplemental
- Presentation
- Budget Reports
- List of County Manager Recommendations
- Resolution

Public Hearing: Marijuana Code

Public Comments

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar