Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Board of Health

WS: Salmon Recovery and Watershed Planning Update
- Milestones
- Overview

WS: Salmon Recovery and Watershed Planning Update

Council Time Agenda


Council Time items:
- Minutes for Feb. 12, 2018
- Cannabis Code Amendment
- Select alternate for Council of Governments Board (COG)
- County Manager Recruitment - SGR
- Interim County Manager Schedule
- State of the County rescheduled to March 20 at 3 p.m.
- Work Session request: Clean Water Commission 2017 Annual Report
- Work Session request: Manufactured housing and mobile home update
- Lindsey Shafar report on policy issues
- Legislative Briefing with Mike Burgess, County Lobbyist
- Executive Session: Pending litigation for 15 minutes

Council Time - Part I
Council Time - Part II


Work Session: 2018 Pending Dockets
- 2018 Planning Commission work plan
- 40.560.030 Amendments Docket
- Agriculture Zoning & Current Use map
- WAC 365-190-050 Agricultural Resource Lands
- WAC 365-196-310 Urban Growth Areas
- WAC 365-196-815 Conservation of Natural Resource Lands 

WS: 2018 Pending Dockets

Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: January 29-February 2, 2018; February 5-9, 2018
2. Minutes: February 20, 2018
3. Approval of County Manager appointments:
- Derek Ranta appointed to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee
- Jennifer E. Hawks-Conright appointed to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee

Separate Business:
1. Resolution to create a Mental Health Sales Tax Funding Advisory Board
2. Approval to apply for Washington State Archives Local Records Grant Total remuneration $45,000.
3. Approval of agreements with the cities of Camas, La Center, Washougal and Columbia Land Trust to distribute conservation futures revenue for parks and open space land acquisitions.
4. Approval authorizing Interim County Manager to sign two interlocal agreements with Clark Regional Wastewater District for professional services and capital construction
5. Approval of the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board - Clark County Clean Water Fund grant #17-02, Reducing Toxic Auto Leaks in Clark County
6. Approval of the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board - Clark County Clean Water Fund grant #17-03, to support the Student Watershed Monitoring Network database program
7. Approval of Notice of Public Hearing to set a public hearing related to amending the 2018 Annual Construction Program for March 13, 2018 at 10 a.m.
8. Approval of resolution delegating the Treasurer's Office to execute on a Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds issuance for Conservation Futures Program - not to exceed principal amount of $7.3 million

Council Hearing

Public Hearing: Chapter 2.33A re: selling surplus property to original owner

Public Hearing: Precinct Boundary Changes


Weekly Calendar


Due to inclement weather - to be rescheduled:

Work Session Items:
WS: Indigent Defense 


Council Meeting Agenda


Proclamation: Every28Days

Consent Items:
1. Minutes: February 13, 2018
2. Final Plat: Albers Subdivision
3. Approval of County Manager appointments:
- Joshua Seeds appointed to the Clean Water Commission
- Janice Killion appointed to the Clean Water Commission
- Chuck Carpenter appointed to the Clark County Arts Commission

Separate Business:
1. Request approval of an agreement to represent the County in potential litigation
2. IGA between the Clark County GIS department and the City of Washougal for the purpose of aiding in the development of the city's GIS capabilities through joint use and sharing of services and expenses related to GIS
3. ICA with the City of Ridgefield for environmental Shoreline Substantial Development permitting related to the Main Avenue Access improvements
4. Approval authorizing the Treasurer's Office to terminate all active agreements with WAUSUA Financial Systems Inc related to the Joint Payment Processing Center

Council Hearing

Weekly Calendar


President's Day - offices closed



Joint Special Meeting:
Clark County Council and Clark County Planning Commission
- Work Plan Handout
- Current Community Framework Plan

Joint Special Meeting


Work Session Items:
WS: Title 40 Gorge Amendments

WS: Title 40 Gorge Amendments

WS: 2019-2020 Budget

WS: 2019-2020 Budget


Council Meeting Agenda


Proclamation:  Weekend of Reflection and Prayer

Consent Items:
1. Warrants:  January 25-31, 2018; January 22-26, 2018
2. Minutes: January 30, 2018; February 6, 2018
3. Final plats:
- Koles Landing PUD Subdivision Phase I

Separate Business:
1. Approval of resolution creating the Correction Facility Advisory Commission
2. Increase the hourly parking meter fees at the Public Service Center parking garage and lot between the PSC and CRESA
3. Approval of a resolution establishing temporary speed zone reduction on Northeast 78th St from NE 13th Ave to NE 25th Ave, for a Clark Regional Wastewater District sewer replacement project
4. Authorize the Interim County Manager to approve a Warranty Deed from John T Hulett and Roberta L Warren for NE Blair Rd - CRP 322212
5. Resolution authorizing an internal loan from the Real Estate Excise Tax II Fund to the General Fund in a not-to-exceed amount of $5.25 million

Council Hearing

Emergency Medical Service District #2


Weekly Calendar

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Feb. 5, 2018
- Update on Circle C Landfill
- Brief update from WSDOT on SR-500/NE 42nd and NE 54th Study
- Mental Health Sales Tax funding advisory board
- Work Session request: Conservation District Rate Proposal Review
- Work Session request: 2018 Update on the Vacant Buildable Lands Model
- Legislative briefing with Mike Burgess, County Lobbyist

Council Time


Work Session Item:
WS: Freight Rail Dependent Uses Phase II

WS: Freight Rail Dependent Uses Phase II


Council Meeting Agenda


Special Presentation
Clark County Arts Commission Lifetime Achievement Award to Jan Asai, Volunteer and Executive Director, Columbia Dance

Consent Items:
1. Approval of Ordinance 2018-01-17 relating to land use; adopting amendments to the CCC 40.100.070 Definitions, 40.260.073 Cottage Housing, and 40.260.020 Accessory Dwelling Units. - Moved to Separate Business
2. Final plats:
- Peach Springs Subdivision
- Lamberg Short Plat
- 5th Plain Creek Subdivision Phases 2 & 3

Separate Business:
RE: Approval of Ordinance 2018-01-17 relating to land use; adopting amendments to the CCC 40.100.070 Definitions, 40.260.073 Cottage Housing, and 40.260.020 Accessory Dwelling Units. 
1. Approval for Interim County Manager to sign an intergovernmental agreement with City of Portland and juvenile records to access RegJIN.
2. Notice to Contractors to advertise for Ward Road and NE 78th Street Drywell Retrofit, project number: 026600/405253.
3. Federal funding contracts for Smith Bridge #211 CRP 381522.
4. Federal funding contracts for Salmon Creek Bridge #311 CRP 381722.
5. Federal funding contracts for Lehto Bridge #294 CRP 381212.
6. Notice to Contractors to advertise for construction bids for 2018 HMA Overlay project, CRP 370322
7. Resolution for cancellation of delinquent property taxes, assessments and fees for business personal and mobile home property accounts.

Council Hearing


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Jan. 31, 2018
- County Manager on-site interview schedule
- State of the County
- General Fund legal settlement internal loan
- Proposed County Agricultural Committee
- Move Council Hearing on Aug. 7 and Nov. 6 to 10 a.m. (due to primary and general election results)


Council Time - Part I

Council Time - Part II

Weekly Calendar


Work Session Item:
WS: Mental Health Sales Tax

WS: Mental Health Sales Tax

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Jan. 24, 2018
- Annexation data: method of annexation
- County Manager interview process
- Draft resolution for establishment of Jail Study Commission
- Letter to legislature re: Forensic Investigation Council
- Legislative Briefing with Mike Burgess, County Lobbyist

Council Time