Correction Facility Advisory Commission





The Clark County Council and the Clark County Sheriff believe it is in the public interest to assure a safe and secure correction facility. The existing correction facility is aging and no longer meets many community needs. It has structural and space issues that provide significant challenges for meeting statutory requirements for a safe and secure facility.

The county sheriff engaged in a study of correction facility options and the county council concluded additional input from stakeholders and the community would assist the council in decision making on correction facility options.

The sheriff and the council jointly decided in January 2018 to assemble a correction facility advisory commission to provide additional review and input on the proposed options. The commission has approximately 25 members from law and justice, community services, social services, business, neighborhoods and cities and will include representation from labor. 

The purpose is of the commission is to provide the county council with:

  1. An assessment of;
    • the need for improved correction facility design, capacity and services;
    • the options for improving correction facility design; and
    • community service level expectations.
  2. A recommended solution based on assessment results, community service level expectations, and potentially available resources.

Advisory Commission final report