Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2493 997 8648
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for September 20, 2023
2.2 Draft Unlawful Camping Ordinance
2.3 Jail Update
3. New Business:
3.1 October 25, 2023 meetings
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 2024 Annual Construction Program & 2024-2029 Transportation Improvement Program
5.2 Fall 2023 Biannual Code Update
5.3 2024 Legislative Priorities for November ECHO Meeting
5.4 Joint WS City of Ridgefield Council/County Council re: I-5 West Connection at 219th Exit
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
Council Time
10:00am Agenda (updated on 9/22 at 3:10pm)
Minutes Minutes: Aging Readiness Hearing
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person. Participate in the following ways: - In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2498 314 5441
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance Invocation Proclamations - Day of Remembrance - Disability Employment Awareness Month Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items Consent: - Request approval of warrants for payment of claims against various county departments as follows:
- Minutes approved for: September 19, 2023
- County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
- Request approval to continue the funding and allocate $750,000 ARPA funding for the administration of the grant through the end of the grant in 2026.
- Request approval to allocate expanded ARPA funding for one of the Community Grant Program recipients, Outsiders Inn, in the amount of $54,669.11 related to remodeling services for St. Paul’s Shelter Bathrooms.
- Request approval for the allocation of Fund 1041: American Rescue Plan Fund for the ARPA Community Grant Awards Program II. On February 15, 2023, the Council approved the award of $3M in funding for the APRA Community Grant Awards Program, which provided $2M in financial assistance to nonprofit organizations and $1M to small businesses to facilitate recover from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a new funding request to increase the amount by $41,282 in order to fund at the recommended award levels.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $30,000 to explore possible code revisions in unincorporated Clark County related to allowing Agri-tourism related activities in the R-5, R-10, and R-20 zones.
- Request approval of an amendment to a 2014 Intergovernmental Agreement between Clark County and the cities of Battle Ground, Camas, La Center, Ridgefield, Washougal, Woodland, and the town of Yacolt, which established the participation of the member cities in the Urban County CDBG and HOME programs being administered by Clark County.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $300,000 for the Clark County Hearing Room System Upgrade in support of qualifying technology costs to allow more effective communication between the public and online participants.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $20,000 for the Clark County Hearing and Training Rooms in support of qualifying technology costs to allow more effective communication between the public and online participants, and those utilizing the Hearing and Training Rooms by repairing existing and adding an additional 8 wireless microphones.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $33,500 for the replacement of neighborhood sign markers that are outdated, vandalized, or missing, per the Administrative Guidelines document that was created for the Neighborhood Outreach program.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $24,332 for renewal of the Judicial AV Solutions (JAVS) Service Plan.
- Request approval to transfer three FTE from the Clark County Sheriff's Office to Information Technology in order to centralize technology support for Jail Services and the Sheriff's Office and to also ensure technology and cybersecurity best practices are followed countywide.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $20,000 to purchase molded plastic carrier trays for the medical examiner’s office to replace those that have broken over the years.
- Request approval for the Solid Waste division to apply for the competitive Waste Reduction and Recycling Education (WRRED) grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. If selected, DOE will award up to $60,000 in state dollars for an 18-month term, beginning Jan. 1, 2024. The grant requires a 25% local match, which the Solid Waste fund has in place. Also request approval authorizing the Public Health Director to sign any resulting amendments and contracts.
- Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interagency agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology, as well as any future amendments, for noxious weed control provided by the Washington Conservation Corps at a cost not to exceed $57,835.
- Request approval of notices to advertise summaries of construction projects completed by County forces in 2022 and listing the projects to be built with County forces in 2023.
- Request approval to allocate additional ARPA funds in the amount of $1,117,835 for salaries and benefits, after carryforward, to fund the current 11 ARPA project positions through 2024.
- Request approval to accept a grant from the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission in the amount of $100,000 to continue funding for the Holistic Officer Wellness pilot program. The grant provides a budget-neutral opportunity to support deputies’ mental, physical, and emotional health.
- Request approval to accept a grant from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation in the amount of $23,700 to provide 12 AEDs for the Clark County Sheriff’s Office to help with first responder life-saving efforts.
- Request approval to apply for the 2023 federal Justice Assistance Grant awarded through the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The grant would be shared by Clark County and the City of Vancouver in the total amount of $140,576 for the federal fiscal year 2023 grant cycle . Also request approval of the interlocal agreement with the City of Vancouver and joint application for the 2023 Justice Assistance Grant program award.
- Request approval to accept a grant from the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs in the amount of $53,241.31 to provide additional funds to support training needs of the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.
Separate Business: - Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $4,495,000 and federal HAVA 3 Election Security Grant funding in the amount of $205,000 to remodel the building at 1408 Franklin Street to increase the Elections Office workspace area and relocate the Auto License Department to the Public Service Center. The request also includes funding a Program Coordinator I project position.
- Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a contract with LRS Architects, Inc. for design services related to office space remodels.
- Request approval to accept expanded State Foundational Public Health Services grant funds from Washington State Department of Health and add positions and budget capacity herein-(updated version of staff report posted on 10/4/23 at 12:37pm) Additional remuneration from Washington State Department of Health will be $1,700,000 per year, starting July 1, 2023.
- Request approval to allocate ARPA funding in the amount of $1,251,000 for modifications to the Medical Examiner morgue cooler and autopsy suite, and the purchase/installation of an exero-dr (lodox) machine in order to ensure operational capabilities are maintained. Also request authorization for the County Manager to sign a contract for an initial feasibility study, which would be completed before work is performed.
- Request approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a donated railroad ties and maintenance agreement with Portland-Vancouver Junction Railroad in support of the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad.
- Request approval to create two additional FTE positions that are essential for the Body Worn Camera program. The positions requested are a Communications Manager (Program Manager II) and a Digital Forensic Investigator/Specialist (M3) to be funded by Fund 1042: Public Safety Sales Tax Fund.
- Request approval to move budget appropriation from the Sheriff’s Office Controllable Services ledger to the Sheriff’s Office Capital Outlay ledger in the 2023 Operating Budget, per 2023 Budget Resolution requirements.
Open Public Comments -Submitted comments Public Hearing: 2022 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) -Staff Report -Presentation
Public Hearing: 2023 Clark County Aging Readiness Plan -Project webpage -Resolution 2023-09-06 -Submitted comments Councilor Communications County Manager Report Adjourn
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2482 894 2917
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Planning Assumptions
-Issue Paper 4
Work Session: Essential Public Facilities
Planning Assumptions
Essential Public Facilities
Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2482 894 2917
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for September 13, 2023
3. New Business:
3.1 Proclamation: National 4-H Week (for 10/3 Council meeting)
3.2 Lacamas Lake Management Plan and Interlocal Agreement
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Pending litigation, RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 30 minutes
7.2 Collective Bargaining – 10 minutes
Council Time
Council Time part 2
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2498 329 6027
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
- Request approval of warrants for payment of claims against various county departments as follows:
-08/07 – 08/11/2023
-08/21 – 08/25/2023
-08/28 – 09/01/2023
-08/10 – 09/11/2023
- Minutes approved for:
-August 22, 2023
3. County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
-Ellen Rogers appointed to the Commission on Aging, effective immediately to May 31, 2025
- Acceptance of final plat(s) approved by the County Manager for:
-Livingston Ridge Cluster Subdivision
-Reserve at Lake River Short Plat
-Curtin Creek Meadow Planned Unit Development
-NE 114th Street Townhomes
-Ashbury II Phase 1 Short Plat
- Request approval to accept additional funding from the State of Washington resulting from the second Opioid and Overdose Response Plan settlement.
- Request approval for grant acceptance to expand budget capacity on budget-neutral Agreement No. Grant Agreement Amendment GRT23011 between Clark County District Court and the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts. The agreement will cover expenses in the amount of $27,882 in support of Therapeutic Courts and is a budget neutral amendment to Council pre-approved Change Request DST-03-23FL.
- Request approval to repurpose $30,000 from Ledger Account 5310000 Supplies to Ledger Account 5600000 Capital Outlay to replace various furniture and purchase one work cubicle.
- Request approval for grant acceptance and to expand budget capacity in the General Fund on budget neutral funding from the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts in the amount of $250,000 in support of the GPS with Victim Notification Program for the Probation Pretrial Services Divisions. Also authorize the County Manager to sign the contract with 2 Watch Monitoring, who is the service provider.
- Request approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Clark County and the Information Technology Guild detailing the terms and conditions regarding the Baker Tilly Classification and Compensation Study. -added on 9/14 at 9am
- Request approval to repurpose $333,513 of existing expense budget in Fund 5193: Major Maintenance 2023 budget to pay for urgent facility needs in 2023.
- Request approval to publish a Notice to Contractors requesting bids for the 2021 Preservation Guardrail project, CRP No. 310222/PRJ0001258.
- Request approval to place an advanced order for 2024 replacement fleet vehicles in order to accommodate the manufacturer’s adjusted ordering timeline.
Separate Business:
- Request approval of 2023-2025 funding recommendations by the Community Action Advisory Board regarding Eviction Prevention Rental Assistance Programs within the Homeless Crisis Response System and authorize the County Manager to sign related grant agreements, subcontracts, amendments, and required reports.
- Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a contract with KMB Architects for the Law and Justice Bed Capacity and Renovations Project for design, engineering, and architectural services. Also request approval to use existing fund balance in Fund 5193: Major Maintenance to cover the cost over the initial budgetary award. Council direction for staff / contractor to move forward with Phase I
- Request approval to accept expanded State Foundational Public Health Services grant funds from Washington State Department of Health and add positions and budget capacity herein. Additional remuneration from Washington State Department of Health will be $1,700,000 per year, starting July 1, 2023. PULLED
- Request approval of a Professional Services Agreement with SCS Engineers, Inc. for post-closure maintenance and monitoring at Leichner Landfill. Also request authorization for the County Manager to sign the agreement and any amendments, which will also be approved by the Leichner Landfill Oversight Committee. Expected renumeration in the amount of $608,500.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted comments
Public Hearing: Name Change of Public Street - NE 132nd Ave. to NE 131st Place DENIED
- AMENDED Public Review Notice (8/14/23)
- Public Review Notice (8/3/23)
- Presentation
Public Hearing: Road Vacation - Right-of-Way for Unnamed Road APPROVED
Public Hearing: Road Vacation - Right-of-Way for Portion of County Road #16 (Munch West) APPROVED
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2491 296 9906
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Clark County Aging Readiness Plan Update
Work Session
Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2491 296 9906
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business
2.1 Minutes from Aug. 30, 2023
3. New Business
3.1 Disability Awareness Month Proclamation & Event (for hearing on 9/26 or 10/3)
(event on Wed. Oct. 11th @ 4:30, Clark College – Councilor read proclamation)
3.2 Day of Remembrance Proclamation (for Hearing on 9/26)
4. Councilor Reports
5. Work Session Requests
6. Policy Issues
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 RCW 42.30.110(1)(h)
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Weekly Calendar
Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2480 883 8782
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes of August 23, 2023
3. New Business:
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Essential Public Facilities (updated 8/31/23 at 9:10am)
5.2 2023 Sale and Use of Fireworks and Related Impacts
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Potential litigation, RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 10 minutes
Council Time
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2480 883 8782
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: VBLM Overview
Work Session
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2487 181 6056
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Clean Water Commission
-2022 Annual Report
Work Session
Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2487 181 6056
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 16, 2023
2.2 ARPA Funding Update - updated 8/21/23 at 10:06am
3. New Business:
3.1 Yearly Financial Report
- 2022 Popular Annual Financial Report
- 2023 Q2 Report - updated 8/22 at 9:25am
- 2022 Annual Comprehensive Report - added 8/23 at 12:54pm
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 15 minutes
7.2 RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) – 10 minutes
7.3 Collective Bargaining – 5 minutes
Council Time
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2498 005 2679
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
- Warrants:
-07/03 – 07/07/2023
-08/14 – 08/18/2023
-07/17 – 07/21/2023
- Minutes:
-August 1, 2023 (verbatim transcript: 20-year Employment Projection)
-August 8, 2023 (verbatim transcript: 20-year Employment Projection)
-August 15, 2023
- Plats (for notice only):
-NE 152nd Avenue Short Plat
-Royal Glen Subdivision
- Approval to amend the minutes for the July 18, 2023 Council meeting to accurately reflect the action taken by Council on item #1 under Separate Business.
- Approval for grant acceptance to expand budget capacity on budget-neutral Agreement No. IAA24200 between Clark County District Court and the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts. The agreement will cover expenses in the amount of $365,090 between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024 in support of Therapeutic Courts.
- Approval of a new classification and salary range for a Finance and Investment Manager.
- Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Clark County and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) detailing the terms and conditions regarding the Baker Tilly Classification and Compensation Study.
- Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Clark County and Clark County Sheriff’s Office Support Guild detailing the terms and conditions for a retention incentive.
- Approval of a resolution for the temporary road closure of the intersection of Northeast 152nd Avenue and Northeast 119th Street for the construction of a roundabout between July 1, 2024 and August 31, 2024.
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute amendment no. 1 to Interagency Agreement K3540 between Clark County and the Washington State Department of Agriculture for Japanese Knotweed control in the county, to increase funding from $25,000 to $55,000 and extend the term to June 30, 2025. Also, authorize the County Manager to execute any future amendments necessary to complete the project.
- Approval to apply to the State of Washington Department of Ecology for a Stormwater Capacity Grant to fund up to $130,000 of Clark County stormwater management work or equipment during 2023 to 2025.
- Approval of a resolution for a temporary road closure of Northeast 104th Street/Northeast 31st Avenue from approximately 385 feet south of the intersection with Northeast 106th Street to approximately 585 feet south of the intersection with Northeast 106th Street in order to replace a sewer manhole; not to exceed 15 calendar days.
Separate Business:
- Approval of a contract with JLA Public Involvement for $49,908.53 to conduct a climate stakeholder and issue assessment.
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a professional services agreement with Parametrix, Inc. for triennial inspections of the transfer stations using Solid Waste fund balance.
Add-On Items
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign the sole source contract with Forensic Pathology Services. Please refer to the staff report (SR151-23), which was approved on Aug. 1, 2023.
- Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Clark County and the Clark County Sheriff’s Administrator’s Association detailing the terms and conditions regarding the Baker Tilly Classification and Compensation Study.
- Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between Clark County and the Juvenile Detentions Officers’ Guild detailing the terms and conditions regarding the Baker Tilly Classification and Compensation Study.
Open Public Comment
-submitted comments
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2482 156 2003
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Visit Vancouver - Strategic Plan for Tourism
- Destination Master Plan 2023-2033
- Executive Summary
Work Session: Rural Event Centers Task Force
Work Session:
Visit Vancouver - Strategic Plan for Tourism
Work Session:
Rural Event Centers Task Force
Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2482 156 2003
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 9, 2023
2.2 Council Assignments
2.3 Freight Rail Dependent Uses
-public comments rec'd
3. New Business:
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Clean Water Commission 2022 Annual Report and ongoing 2023 activities
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Potential litigation, RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 10 minutes
7.2 RCW 42.30.110(1)(g) – 10 minutes
Council Time
Verbatim Minutes (Sep Bus #5, Annual Reviews & Dockets)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2497 891 5001
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
-submitted comments
- Warrants
-08/01 – 08/04/2023
-07/24 – 07/28/2023
-07/10 – 08/02/2023
- Minutes approved for:
-July 18, 2023 (verbatim transcript: NE 179th Street / NE 179th Street Access Management & Circulation Plan)
-July 25, 2023 (verbatim transcript: Housing Options Study & Action Plan)
-August 1, 2023
-August 8, 2023
- County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
-Michael Conway appointed to the Camp Bonneville Advisory Group, effective immediately to May 31, 2024
-Andrew Gregg reappointed to the Historic Preservation Commission, effective immediately to June 30, 2026
-Rebecca Rodriguez appointed to the Animal Protection and Control Board, effective immediately to October 31, 2027
-Kimberly Dauphin appointed to the Public Health Advisory Council, effective immediately to July 31, 2026
-Paige Spratt reappointed to the Southwest Washington Workforce Development dba Workforce Southwest Washington, effective July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2026.
- Acceptance of final plat(s) approved by the County Manager for:
-Trails at Whipple Creek
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign two contracts with the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions and the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation to provide training sessions for members of the Historic Preservation Commission, staff, and other interested community professionals.
- Approval to update the name and definition of Fund 5090: Server Equipment R&R Fund.
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign the 2023 to 2025 agreement and agreement amendments for Clean Water’s Pollution Prevention Assistance program, funded by the Department of Ecology.
- Approval of a Notice to Contractors requesting bids for the NE 68th Street Sidewalk (Highway 99 to NE St. Johns Road) project, CRP No. 372122.
- Approval of a Notice of Hearing and Resolution directing the County Engineer to review the petition to vacate a portion of Home Road and a portion of Harvey Avenue and set a public hearing date for October 3, 2023 at 10am; Project No. PRJ0002838.
Separate Business
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a 20-year lease for the Family Law Annex and Children’s Justice Center at 210 E. 13th Street and approval of additional expenses and revenue budget.
- Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign the contract with Forensic Pathology Services to provide interim forensic pathologist staffing to ensure the timely completion of applicable medical examiner duties outlined in RCW Chapter 68.50.
- Approval to create a capital project for Mt. Vista Neighborhood Park.
- Approval of a Purchase and Sale Agreement in an amount not to exceed $550,000 and authorize the County Manager to accept a Statutory Warranty Deed and other necessary closing documents from Oliver, Richard M., and William F. Hidden (parcel no. 144747-000) for purchase of property totaling 9.73 acres adjacent to Heritage Farm.
- Approval of an ordinance relating to land use adopting amendments to the Clark County 20-year Comprehensive Growth Management Plan 2015-2035; zoning map; arterial atlas map; comprehensive plan text; capital facilities plans; Capital Facilities Financial Plan; Countywide Planning Policies; and Clark County Code Title 40, through the 2023 annual reviews and dockets.
Open Public Comment
-submitted comments
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2484 585 2341
Work Session: Railroad Advisory Board Presentation for Freight Rail Dependent Use
Work Session
Council Time - Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2484 585 2341
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for Aug. 2, 2023
2.2 Interstate Bridge Replacement Letter
3. New Business:
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Capital Improvement Plan
5.2 Rural Event Centers Task Force
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
6.1 Pending litigation, 10 minutes, possible after action – RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)
6.2 Pending litigation, 15 minutes – RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)
6.3 Pending litigation, 10 minutes, possible after action – RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)
Council Time
Verbatim Transcript (Hearing re: Employment Projections)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2488 645 5851
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Public Comment
Public Hearing: 20-Year Employment Projection-Comp Plan Update *continued from Aug. 1 hearing
-Resolution 2023-08-01
-Project Webpage
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
*continued from Aug. 1 hearing
Council Meeting