Weekly Calendar
Council Time Agenda
Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
Please note that you will be able to access both the Board of Health and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 275 20527. Council Time will not be covered by CVTV.
Board of Health
Council Time Items:
-Approval of Minutes for Aug. 19, 2020
-Title 40 Amendment
-Work Session Request: Conservation Areas Acquisition Plan
-Executive Session: 2 Pending Litigation (45 minutes total)
Board of Health
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Work Session Va WebEx (audio only)
Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146-895-0772
WS: 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program and 2021 Annual Construction Program
WS: 2021-2026 TIP/2021 ACP
Council Time Agenda
Council Time via WebEx (audio only)
Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 542 3278
Council Time Items:
-Minutes for Aug. 12, 2020
-Resolution 2020-08-04 for local public health employees and health care workers
-COVID-19 update
-Interlocal Agreement with Cowlitz Tribe
-Adjunct services
-Executive Session: Pending Litigation (15 minutes)
Council Time (Video #1)
Council Time (Video #2)
Council Meeting Agenda
Council Meeting Minutes
Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice. Bur they encourage participation in the following ways:
1. Warrants:
-July 27-31, 2020
-July 24-29, 2020
-Aug. 3-7, 2020
2. Minutes:
-Aug. 4, 2020
3. Plats-For Notice Only
-Whipple Creek Executive Holmes Cluster Subdivision
-Plat Alteration Declaration to amend a subdivision Strawberry Hill II Subdivision
4. Approval of County Manager Appointments and Letter for Acceptance for:
-Lisa Nelski appointed to the Noxious Weed Control Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2020
Separate Business:
1. Approval to repurpose existing funding to cover the capital cost of new software for Animal Control & Code Enforcement due to the scheduled decommission of the Tidemark system.
2. Approval of CARES Act funding to support Clark County food establishments that are impacted by Public Health safety measure in response to COVID-19 Total remuneration not to exceed $1,364,693 for 2020.
3. Approval to reimburse the Vancouver Lake Rowing Club for Eurasian Watermilfoil control using funds from Parks' controllable budget.
4. Approval to purchase a shed and the installation of Salt Brine Equipment. This equipment is necessary to maintain roadway safety during the winter.
Public Comments
Council Meeting
Council Time Agenda
Council Time Items:
-Minutes for Aug. 5, 2020
-Equestrian Facilities Code
-Listening Session #3 schedule
-Public Health proposal for Food Establishment COVID-19 Operational Support
-COVID-19 Testing Supplies
-Washougal School District DA
-Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) discussion
Special Meeting Notice - Systemic Racism Listening Session (Session #2)
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Council Time
Council Time Items:
- Minutes July 29, 2020
- Budget Discussion with Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs
- Critical Area Ordinance
- Executive Session: 1 pending litigation (10 minutes); 1 potential litigation (15 minutes)
Council Time
Council Meeting Agenda
Council Meeting Minutes
Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 890 7711 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
1. Warrants:
- July 20-July 24, 2020
- July 13-July 17, 2020
2. Minutes:
- JULY 21, 2020
3. Plats - For Notice Only
- Peters Property Short Plat
Separate Business:
1. Approval to use CARES Act funds for the installation of protection shields in the Recording and Auto Licensing departments to meet L&I employee safety requirements.
2. Approval of the Development Engineering Advisory Board's (DEAB) motion to amend their bylaws. Section 3: Membership, to provide for an additional member representing the Southwest Washington Contractors Association (SWCA).
3. Approval to transfer a 2018 Ford transit van from Information Technology to Facilities.
4. Approval of Interagency Agreement No. C2000179 with the Washington Department of Ecology to implement Status and Trends Monitoring of Urban Streams in Clark and Cowlitz counties in the Lower Columbia River Region to meet Western Washington municipal stormwater permit requirement S8.
5. Approval of a resolution (RES # 2020-08-01) authorizing the Public Works Finance Manager to sign federal grant reimbursement requests in accordance with CFR 200.415(a).
6. Approval to purchase a new forklift for the Salmon Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
7. Approval to use Fleet capital reserve funds to purchase a replacement roller for the Road Operations Division.
8. Approval to use Fleet capital reserve funds to purchase a replacement kick-off broom for the road Operations Division.
Public Comments
Weekly Calendar
Special Meeting Notice - Systemic Racism Listening Session (Session #1)
Council Time Agenda
Council Time Minutes
Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch Board of Health live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 051 1836 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
Board of Health
Council Time
- Minutes for July 22, 2020
- CARES Act funding for businesses
- Drupal 8 update
- Executive Session: 1 pending litigation (15 minutes)
Board of Health
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Council Time Agenda
Council Time Minutes
Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch Board of Health live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 407 0497 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
Board of Health
Board of Health Public Comments
Council Time
- Minutes July 15, 2020
- Heritage Farm
- Listening Sessions
- Pedestrian Easement Draft Code
- Rules of Procedure
- Ethics Complaint
- Executive Sessions: 2 potential litigation (45 minutes total); 1 pending litigation (10 minutes)
Board of Health
Council Time
Council Meeting Agenda
Council Meeting Minutes
Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 783 7339 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
1. Warrants:
- July 6-10, 2020
- July 10-14, 2020
- June 29-July 3, 2020
- May 22-June 26, 2020
2. Minutes
- July 7, 2020
3. Plats - For Notice Only
- Orchards Townhomes Subdivision
- Final plat alteration declaration to amend a short plat recorded in Book 3 Page 914 Salmon Creek Commercial Short Plat
4. Approval of County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
- Eric Hale reappointed to the City-County Telecommunications Commission
- Jim Ackerman reappointed to the City-County Telecommunications Commission
- Paul Dicker reappointed to the City-County Telecommunications Commission
- Paul Hunter reappointed to the City-County Telecommunications Commission
- Amy Gross reappointed to the Commission on Aging Advisory Board
- Megan McCarthy reappointed to the Commission on Aging Advisory Board
- Tanya Stewart appointed to the Commission on Aging Advisory Board
- Andrew Gregg reappointed to the Historic Preservation Commission
Separate Business
1. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Vancouver concerning Cultural and Historic Resources.
2. Approval of recommended revisions to the Clark County Veterans Assistant Fund Policies and Procedures Manual.
3. Approval to increase staffing resources budget capacity and add three 1.0 Program Coordinator I project positions to expand COVID-19 case investigation operations for Clark County with use of CARES Act funding. Total remuneration of $1,223,391 through October 31, 2020.
4. Approval of the Clark Regional Wastewater District's request to annex an area (Annexation #01-19) to their Service Area Boundary, which was added to the Urban Growth Area in 2007.
5. Approval of an amendment to the Interlocal Agreement extending time for the City of La Center to complete Bolen Creek Trail Corridor Conservation Futures bond project.
6. Approval to submit grant application 20-1680C to the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office for the development of a trail connecting Camp Currie to the Lacamas Heritage Trail.
7. Approval of the 2020-2021 Sex Offender Address and Residency Verification Program grant.
8. Approval of a resolution to distribute public utilities state excise tax funds received by Clark County.
Following the council meeting the council will convene in executive session re: RCW 42.30.110 (30 minutes)
Public Comments
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Council Time Agenda
Council Time via WebEx (audio only)
Phone: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 146 177 5391
Council Time Items:
- Minutes for July 1, 2020 and July 8, 2020
- Request to suspend the Historic Promotions Grant Program for 2021
- Request to remove Hemp from the Community Planning 2020 Work Plan
- Agricultural building permit exemption
- ATV's on the roadway
- Shooting near habitation
- Ethics Complaint
- Work Session Request: 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and 2021 Annual Construction Program (ACP)
- Executive Session: 1 Potential Litigation (15 minutes), no action; 1 Pending Litigation (10 minutes), no action; and 1 Collective Bargaining (10 minutes), no action
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Council Time Agenda
Council Time Minutes
Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch Board of Health live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 273 7341 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
Board of Health
Council Time
- Minutes for July 1, 2020
- Request to suspend the Historic Promotions Grant Program for 2021
- Request to remove Hemp from the Community Planning 2020 Work Plan
- Listening Sessions
- Executive Session: 1 Collective Bargaining (15 minutes), no action
Board of Health
Council Time
Council Meeting Agenda
Council meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch it live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 008 0393 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
1. Warrants
- June 22-26, 2020
- June 15-19, 2020
- June 8-12, 2020
2. Minutes
- June 16, 2020
3. Plats - For Notice Only
- Serov Short Plat
- Nielsen Industrial Subdivision
- Wiebold Commercial Short Plat
- Final Plat alteration declaration to amend the plat for Whipple Creek Heights, which was recorded in Book H Page 528
4. Approval of County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
- Jose Rose reappointed to the Board of Equalization
- joseph (Dick) Riley reappointed to the Board of Equalization
- Lisa Bodner reappointed to the Board of Equalization
5. Approval to purchase 10 ballot drop boxes for the Elections Office related to compliance with Governor Inslee's COVID-19 orders. The purchase will be made using CARES Act funding.
Separate Business
1. Approval and authroize County Manager to sign a Work Order with Workday and contract with Accenture for the implementation of the Workday Analytics and learning Modules.
2. Approval to use CARES Act funds to fund an emergency small business assistance program focused on providing emergency grants and subsidized loans to small businesses during the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.
3. Approval to use CARES Act funding to respond to quarantine/isolation emergency shelter for people who are houseless.
4. Request ratification of Staff Report #2020-1211, previously approved on June 26, 2020 by the County Manager. The staff report requests approval to apply for the PeaceHealth Community health grant. Grant funding will expand community engagement efforts in the Fourth Plain place-based initiative. Total remuneration is $115,000 over a three-year period. Also, request approval authorizing the Public Health Director to sign any resulting agreements or amendments.
5. Approval to add a 1.0 FTE Public Health Nurse II position to perform enhanced Hepatitis C mitigation work within Public Health's Communicable Disease Unit. Washington Department of Health is awarding an additional $299,180 of Foundational Public Health Services grant funds to implement a new Hepatitis C Foundational Public Health Services grant funds to implement a new Hepatitis C service deliver model in Clark County.
6. Approval of a resolution for temporary closures of the departure (outbound) lanes of the west approach of NE 99th Street, between NE Highway 99 and NE 13th Ave., as part of the NE Highway 99 Intersection Improvements Project (Project No. 351022).
7. Approval of the 2019 Annual Bridge Report.
8. Approval of two purchase and sales agreements for two separate 24-acre properties (Parcel No. 212116-000 and Parcel No. 212161-000) as part of the Conservation Futures East fork Lewis River Mason Creek Project.
9. Approval and authorize the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Vancouver for the NE 68th St. Sidewalk project. CRP No. 372122.
10. Approval and authorize the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Clark Public Utilities - Water Department for coordination of capital construction projects.
Public Comments
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Council Time Agenda
Council Time Minutes
Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch Board of Health live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 991 2125 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
Please note that you will be able to access both the Board of Health and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 991 2125. Council Time will not be covered by CVTV.
Board of Health
Council Time
- Minutes for June 24, 2019
- Executive Session: 1 Collective Bargaining (15 minutes)
Board of Health
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Council Time Agenda
Council Time Minutes
Board of Health and Council Time meetings are closed to the public until further notice, but they encourage participation in the following ways:
- Watch Board of Health live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer, www.cvtv.org
- Listen to audio only by calling: 1-408-418-9388 and entering access code: 146 640 4829 (unique to this meeting)
- Submit comments: https://www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment
Please note that you will be able to access both the Board of Health and Council Time meeting with the same access code: 146 640 4829. Council Time will not be covered by CVTV.
Board of Health
Council Time
Board of Health
Council Time