Zoom Information

Adult Criminal Dockets

9:00am M/T/W In Custody Change of Plea Docket 

9:00am T/Th. In Custody Motion Dockets and Pretrial Management Conference 

9:00am M/W Arraignment Docket   (If Arraignment Docket falls on a Holiday, the docket will be held the following day) 

9:00am Thursday Out of Custody Motions 

1:30pm Tuesday Out of Custody Motions 

1:30pm M/W/Th. Out of Custody Change of Plea Docket (Out of Custody Defendants Must Appear in Person)

1:30pm M/T/W/Th/F  First Appearance Docket


Friday Readiness Dockets: 

9:00am Judge Gregerson Department 2 Readiness (Courtroom 501 5th Floor)

9:00am Judge Fairgrieve Department 6 Readiness (Courtroom 401 4th Floor)

9:00am Judge Clark Department 8 Readiness (Courtroom 402 4th Floor)

9:00am Judge Lewis Department 9 Readiness (Courtroom 502 5th Floor)

9:00am Judge Hayes Department 12 Readiness (Courtroom 303 3rd Floor)

(To verify which docket you are to appear at, please see the Daily Dockets Webpage or Where's My Case)

Juvenile Offender and Truancy Dockets

8:30am Juvenile Offender (Delinquency) Docket (Wed.)

9:00am Juvenile Offender (Delinquency) Docket (M/T/Th/F)

1:30pm Truancy Docket

Protection Order Dockets
9:00 Daily Protection Order Docket
Commissioner Family Law Dockets / Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Commissioner Ellis

9:00am WEDNESDAY Show Cause and Pro Se Dockets

Commissioner Laycoe

9:00am WEDNESDAY Show Cause Docket

1:30pm THURSDAY Pro Se Docket

Commissioner Sasser

1:30pm MONDAY Pro Se Docket

1:30pm TUESDAY Child Support Docket

9:00am WEDNESDAY Show Cause Docket 

Commissioner Swingen

9:30am WEDNESDAY Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Dependency Dockets

Commissioner Ellis

All Dependency Matters 

Judge Gonzales

1:30pm FRIDAY Termination Docket

Judges' Family Law Dockets

Judge Retsinas

1:30pm THURSDAY Family Law Docket  

9:00am FRIDAY Family Law Docket 

Judge Gonzales

1:30pm THURSDAY Family Law Docket  

9:00am FRIDAY Family Law Docket  

Judge Cornell

1:30pm THURSDAY Family Law Docket  

9:00am FRIDAY Family Law Docket