Forms and Judicial Rotation Schedules
- Citation Form (Word doc) - This is a general citation for use for noting a motion on the court docket. It can be used for civil, domestic or criminal cases.
- Citation Form for Change of Plea Dockets (word doc) - This is the citation for to use when citing to criminal change of plea dockets only. This citation may be faxed to the clerk's office and will constitute an original filing. Please see change of plea information here.
- Notice of Unavailability form
- Copy Request Form (PDF) - This form is used to request copies from Superior Court files.
- Links to other helpful web sites
CICS (Case Information Coversheets) |
Civil Case Scheduling Rules and Forms |
Local Court Rules are available on Superior Court Page. |
Family Law Forms |
New forms to motion the court for a waiver of filing fees in Domestic and Civil case types are available through the Administrator of the Courts for Washington State. |
Family Law - Settlement Conference Forms |
No Contact Order Forms |
Miscellaneous Forms and Reports |
Guardianship Forms and Applications |
Guardian Ad Litem and Court Visitor Registry |
Minor Settlement Forms |