Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Council Meeting Agenda


Verbatim Transcript -
2019 Annual Reviews and Dockets


Washington State Department of Transportation - 2019 Award of Excellence, Director's Category

  • NE 10th Avenue from NE 154th to NE 164th Street Project 

Consent Agenda:
1. Warrants:

2. Minutes: Oct. 15, 2019
3. Acceptance of final plats approved by the County Manager for:

4. Approval of M1, M2, and M3 wage adjustments for 2020.
5. Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreements between Clark County and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local 1432, District Lodge 24, AFL-CIO.
6. Approval of the Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation to fund eight (8) projects for the 2020 Historical Promotions Grant program and one HPC Preservation Project for a total of $58,000.
7. Approval of an interlocal agreement with the City of Vancouver to provide mental health resources as part of a pilot project to assist law enforcement officers in the field and approve for the County Manager to sign related grant agreements.
8. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Ridgefield for disposal and processing services at the Whatley facility.
9. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interagency agreement with the WA Department of Ecology for noxious weed control provided by the WA Conservation Corps in the amount not to exceed $17,250.

Separate Business:
1. Approval to increase position P001359, Medical Examiner, from 0.60 FTE to 1.0 FTE, effective Jan. 1, 2020.
2. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interagency agreement not to exceed $27,000 with the WA Department of Fish and Wildlife for Clark County Vegetation Management to develop an integrated aquatic vegetation management plan for Vancouver Lake.
3. Approval of a notice of hearing and resolution directing the County Engineer to review the petition to vacate a portion of NW 41st Ave and right-of-way for an adjacent, unconstructed, east-west road; set the hearing for Jan. 7, 2020.
4. Approval of a resolution allowing the County Engineer to restrict loads on bridges in compliance with critical findings by the consultant bridge engineer.

Public Hearing: 2019 Fall Supplemental - Resolution

Public Hearing: Bridge Load Restrictions

Public Hearing: 2019 Annual Reviews and Dockets

Public Hearing: 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the 2020 Annual Construction Program (ACP)

TIP/ACP Presentation

TIP PC Recommendation

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Oct. 23, 2019
- Work Session Requests:

Executive Sessions: 1 Potential Litigation (20 minutes); 1 Collective Bargaining (20 minutes); 1 RCW 42.30.110 (1) (G) (10 minutes)

Council Time

WS: 2020 Budget

WS: 2020 Budget


Weekly Calendar


Board of Health
-Ordinance Environmental Public Health Fees

Board of Health

WS: Annual Reviews and Dockets #3

WS: Annual Reviews and Dockets Session #3

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes Oct. 16, 2019
- Monthly Financial Update report
- Discuss Heritage Farm and Master Plan
- Executive Sessions: 2 potential litigation (35 minutes)

Council Time (Part 1)

Council Time (Part 2)


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes Oct. 9, 2019
- Rural Event Venues forum feedback
- Work Session request: Opioid Treatment Program run by Columbia River Mental Health Services in the CC Jail
- Executive Sessions: 2 Potential Litigation (40 minutes total); 1 RCW 42.30.110 (1)(G) (10 minutes) 

Council Time


EMS #2 Minutes

EMS District #2 Board Meeting

Council Meeting Agenda


Vancouver Library Capital Facility Area Board Meeting

Consent Agenda:
1. Warrants:
- Sept. 23-27, 2019
2. Minutes: Sept. 17, 2019 (Verbatin Transcript-Annual Reviews and Dockets); Oct. 1, 2019
3. Acceptance of final plats approved by the County Manager for:
- Aitchison Short Plat
- 60th Street Subdivision
- Rotschy Short Plat
- Moonlight Subdivision
- Rivendell Phase 5 Subdivision
4. Approval of a contract for state legislative lobby services for the period of Jan 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2022.
5.  Approval to apply for the Cross-Sector Innovation Initiative (CSII) grant funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Total remuneration is up to $150,00 and authorize the Public Health Director to sign all agreements or amendments related to the grant.
6. Approval for Public Health to receive up to $71,557 of BUILD Health Challenge grant funds passed through by Evergreen Habitat for Humanity and request that position P002061 be updated from a .6 FTE project position to a .5 FTE revenue position and authorize the Public Health Director to sign all resulting agreements and amendments related to the grant.
7. Approval authorizing budget to expend reserve account funds, as needed, to repair critical process equipment at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Salmon Creek for $800,000 for 2019 and 2020.
8. Approval of a Notice to Contractors to advertise for bids for Project No. 014018-2019 Traffic Signal Upgrades.
9. Approval of a Notice to Contractors to advertise for bids for Project No. 322012 - NE Manley Rd.

Separate Business:
1. Approval to set a public hearing for Nov. 5, 2019 for the purpose of presenting, discussing and approving the 2019 Fall Supplemental appropriation.
2. Approval to increase expenditure and revenue authority for the Jail Security Control System Update project.
3. Approval for a resolution for temporary road closures and approve a resolution establishing a temporary speed-zone reduction on NE Manley Rd., Road Project #322012.
4. Approval of a resolution to extend the temporary road closure of NW Main Ave., north of the Ridgefield city limits, as part of the Main Avenue Access Improvement project; CRP #352322.

Council Meeting

Weekly Calendar


WS: 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

WS: 2020-2025 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

WS: 2019 Annual Reviews and Dockets #2

WS: Annual Reviews and Dockets #2

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Oct. 2, 2019
- Interstate Mutual Law Enforcement Agreement
- Gordon Thomas Honeywell RE: Legislative Delegation Meeting discussion
- Executive Sessions: 2 Potential Litigation (30 minutes total)

Council Time (Part 1)

Council Time (Part 2)


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Sept. 25, 2019
- Pretrial Reform Project (Superior & District Court) Presentation
- Executive Session: 1 Potential Litigation (20 minutes); 1 on RCW 42.30.110(1)(G) (20 minutes)

Council Time

WS: 6-Year Stormwater Capital Plan (2020-2025)

WS: 6-year Stormwater Capital Plan (2020-2025)

WS: Housing Innovation update & continuation

WS: Housing Innovation update & continuation

WS: 2019 Final Supplemental

WS: 2019 Final Supplemental


Council Meeting Agenda



Consent Items:
1. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Camas as part of the fulfillment of a two-year Washington Department of Ecology Community Litter Cleanup Program initiative.
2. Approval of pass-through funding from the Washington State Department of Health's Overdose Data to Action grant. Total remuneration would be $175,890 over a three-year period.
3.  Approval to partner with the Clark County Conservation District on a Washington State Department of Ecology Water Quality Improvement grant. No remuneration is required.
4. Approval to apply for the Association of Food & Drug Officials, Managed Retail Program Standards Grant  Program and authorize the Public Health Director to sign any resulting agreements or amendments. Total remuneration is up to $6,000.

5. Warrants:
- Aug. 15-Sept. 11, 2019
- Sept. 9-13, 2019
- Sept. 16-20, 2019
6. Minutes: Sept. 3, 2019 (Verbatim Transcript - Annual Reviews and Dockets); Sept. 17, 2019
7. Acceptance of final plats approved by the County Manager for"
- Cougar Creek III Short Plat
- Kensington Lane Short Plat
- Rodeo Acres Short Plat
- Legacy Mt. Vista Plat 1 & 2
- Righter's Acres Short Plat
- Shirley Short Plat
8. Budget documentation received:
- East County Fire & Rescue, FY2019 Amended Budget

Separate Business:
1. Approval to submit a total of three grant proposals, two to the Washington Department of Ecology and one to the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board for a total of $1 million to fund stormwater capital projects and urban tree canopy restoration.
2. Approval of a contract for consultant services for the Buildable Lands Program update for a total amount of $150,000 using Buildable Lands grant funding.

Public Hearing: Amendment to Hinton Development Agreement

Council Meeting


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for Sept. 18, 2019
- Update on 2019 4th of July Fireworks
- Rural Event Venues forum feedback
- CCSO MOU with Camas PD
- Indigent Defense Position 
- Interim Ordinance Columbia River Gorge Nat'l Scenic Area Districts

- Executive Sessions: 1 pending/potential litigation (30 minutes); 2 potential litigation (40 minutes); 1 pending litigation (25 minutes) 

Council Time (Part 1)

Council Time (Part 2)

Board of Health

Board of Health