Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Weekly Calendar


Board Time Agenda


Board of Health link

WS: Final Fair Report

WS: Quarterly Budget Outlook

WS: Rural Industrial Land Bank

Board Time documents:
1.1 Minutes for January 6, January 13, January 20, 2016
1.2 House Bill 2414 Bi-State Bridge Legislative Work Group

2.1 Clark County Transportation Alliance 2016 Policy Statement
2.2 WSAC 2016 Board of Directors Roster update
2.3 Board assignments and alternates

4.1 Work Session Request: Fire and Life Safety Inspection Program
4.2 Work Session Request: DEAB 2015 Annual Report and 2016/2017 Work Plan

WS: Final Fair Report

WS: Quarterly Budget Outlook

WS: Rural Industrial Land Bank


Board Time


Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Resolution ratifying the adopted Mission, Vision and Values for Clark County
2. Final Plat: Madden Cluster Short Plat
3. Final Plat: Country Tier 2 Infill Short Plat
4. Purchase and Sale Agreement to use conservation futures revenue to acquire acreage along Salmon Creek from William Huyette
5. Class IV Work Crew Master Agreement with WA State Dept. of Corrections to provide offender work crew services
6. IGA with Cowlitz County Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding Nurse Family Partnership (NFP)
7. Public Works project #028744 - General Services Project #016334 - Heritage Farm Parking Lot
8. PSA with Correct Care Solutions Inc., to provide inmate medical services at the Clark County Law Enforcement Center Jail, Jail Work Center and Juvenile Justice Center Detention Facility
Exhibits: Exhibit A  Exhibit B  Exhibit C  Exhibit D  Exhibit E  
9. Warrants: January 8, 2016
10. Minutes: Nov. 24, 2015 (verbatim transcript for public hearing re: 2016 Comprehensive Growth Plan Update); Jan. 5, 2016; Jan. 12, 2016; Jan. 19, 2016 pulled until corrections made, per Councilor Madore

Board Hearing


Weekly Calendar


Annual Board of Councilors Retreat

- Discussion Items
Rules of Procedure
- 2016 Board Assignments 

Board Retreat 

Part A

Part B

Part C

Part D

Part E


Board Time Agenda

Board Time Minutes

Board Time Documents:
- Minutes for January 6, 2016 and January 13, 2016

Board Time


Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. IGA with the city of Camas as part of the fulfillment of a 2 year DOE Community Litter Cleanup program
2. PSA with HDJ Design Group for civil engineering services and budget for an evaluation on the Vancouver Lake Park water system
3. Warrants: January 4-8, 2016 


Weekly Calendar 


Board Time Agenda

Board Time Minutes

Work Session: 
Comprehensive Plan (Review of R.W. Thorpe Analysis of Planning Assumptions)
Draft critique of planning assumptions

Board Time Documents:
- DEIS for Vancouver Energy
- Work Session request: Clark County economic development/employment land supply
- Work Session request: Annual Report of the Clean Water Commission

WS: Comprehensive Plan


Board Time


Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. IGA between Clark County Mosquito Control District (CCMCD) and Public Health
2. Resolution authorizing the purchase of lamps and ballasts from Trojan Technologies and waiving the competitive negotiation requirements of RCW 39.04.270
3. Notice of Hearing approval for road vacation of NE 106th Avenue located within the plat of Orchard's Park
4. Annexation approval of Clark Regional Wastewater District's area boundary that was added to the urban growth area in 2007
5. Warrants: December 28, 2015 through January 1, 2016

Public Meeting: Discussion Regarding 2% Property Tax Reduction

Actual Revenue Situation Report by Councilor Madore

Levy Certification

Board Hearing


Weekly Calendar 


Board Time Agenda

Board Time Minutes 

Board Time Documents:
- Draft minutes for December 9, 2015 and December 16, 2015
- 2016 M1 salary range adjustment of 2.2% (continuation from 1/5/16 Board Hearing)
- Board assignments for C-Tran and RTC
- Work Session Request: Rural Industrial Land Bank 

Board Time

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Approval of a resolution ensuring that county policies are adopted in fulfillment of the spirit of the Clark county Home Rule Charter; Resolutions - 2016-01-01; 2016-01-02; 2016-01-04; 2016-01-05; 2016-01-06; 2016-01-07; 2016-01-08  
2. Council to discuss items of interest, for example:
- items for discussion (not requiring action)
- items to be scheduled for future action 
Public Meeting scheduled for January 12, 2016
3. Plat alteration to remove a note limiting the lot of Agricultural uses under an old county code in order to establish a winery on the Andre Short Plat
4. Amend the buildable area of Lot 9 of the Canyon Crest plat
5. Final Plat: Carty Road Cluster Subdivision
6. Collective Bargaining Agreements between Clark County and IAM local 1432, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
7. M1 salary range adjustment pulled
8. Approval to declare county property surplus and execute and approve a Bargain and Sale Deed for the sale of Life Properties LLC
9. Warrants: Dec 24, 2015; Dec 14-18, 2015; Dec 21-24, 2015
10. Minutes for December 15, 2015 and December 22, 2015
11. Ad Valorem taxes received:
- Fort Vancouver Regional Library District
- Fire Protection District #5
- Cemetery District #1
- Cemetery District #6

Board Hearing


Weekly Calendar


Board Time is canceled



Weekly Calendar

9:00 a.m. Oath of Office Ceremony for newly Elected Officials
Marc Boldt and Julie Olson in the Councilors’ Hearing Room

No Board Hearing


Board Time canceled


Weekly Calendar

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Plat Declaration to amend a 1913 cemetery plat at the county's Heritage Farm site
2. Final plat:  Gordon Short Plat
3. DES Director approval to negotiate and develop two environmental and recreational partnerships
4. PSA with HDJ Design Group for Civil Engineering and budget for an evaluation on the Vancouver Lake Park Water System - pulled
5. Approve a resolution to close Park Impact Fee (PIF) and Real Estate Tax Fund (REET) funds
6. Warrants:  Dec. 1-10, 2015; Dec. 7-11, 2015
7. Approve minutes: October 20, 2015 (verbatim comp plan transcript) and December 8, 2015
8. Ad Valorem taxes/budget documentation received from: 
- City of Camas
- Fern Prairie Cemetery
- Port of Ridgefield
9. Approval of County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance:
- Bridget McLeman appointed to the Community Action Board

Public Hearing: Fee Waiver Resolution Summary 
Additional changes to the Job Creation Resolution Resolution No. 2015-12-19
Amendment to Resolution No 2015-06-06: Resolution No. 2015-12-03
Pro-jobs Fee Waiver Resolution No. 2013-06-06

Public Hearing: Policy for any new Columbia River bridge project & new Toll-free East County Bridge
Resolution No. 2015-12-20

Public Hearing: Formation of Toll-free East County Bridge Task Force Resolution No. 2015-12-21
- Exhibit A

Public Hearing: Formation of Toll-free West County Bridge Task Force Resolution No. 2015-12-22

Public Hearing: Light Rail Policy Resolution No. 2015-12-23

Public Hearing: Bus Rapid Transit Policy Resolution No. 2015-12-24

Public Hearing: Transportation Policy Resolution No. 2015-12-25  
- old Exhibit A : new Exhibit A

Public Hearing: Free Market Principles Policy Resolution No. 2015-12-26

Public Meeting: Policy regarding modification of code Resolution No. 2015-12-27 to eliminate requirements not imposed under State or Federal standards

Board Hearing


Board Time Agenda



Board Time
Part 1
Part 2


Weekly Calendar

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Resolution opposing attempts to locate a non-compliant casino in norther Clark County
2. Resolution adopting the mission, vision and values for Clark County
3. Final plat for recording: Scott's Knoll Subdivision
4. Final plat for recording: Gaiser Estates Subdivision
5. Final plat for recording: Urban Oaks Subdivision
6. Approval to award grant from the PEG Capital Support Fund to TV ETC and CVTV
7. Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation and approval to fund eight projects for the 2016 Historic Promotions Grant program
8. Veterans Resource Committee's recommended changes to the Policies and Procedure Manual for Administration of the Veterans Relief Fund of Clark County
9. Coordinated Prevention Grant Agreement with the Washington Department of Ecology to protect human health and the environment
10. Three year contract with Stericycle Environmental Solutions to collect and transport paint for a take-back program
11. IGA with the cities of Camas, Vancouver and Washougal for 2015-2017 Commute Trip Reduction Work Plan
12. IGA with the WA DOE for services provided by the Washington Conservation Corps
13. Grant conversion and surplus property processes for property near Paradise Point State Park and properties identified in the Alternatives Analysis so staff may contact landowners to determine willingness to commence negotiation of purchase and sale agreements
14. Establish Public Works Project #322112 Carty Road Reconstruction and approve Notice to Contractors
15. Warrants: Nov. 13-25, 2015; Nov. 30- Dec. 4, 2015
16. Minutes for December 1, 2015
17. Approval of County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
- Jeremy Burnett appointed to the Clean Water Commission
18. Ad Valorem taxes received:
- Fire Protection District No. 6
- East County Fire & Rescue
- City of Battle Ground

Public Hearing: Shoreline Master Program - Limited Amendment
Ordinance : Planning Commission Recommendations : Statutes

Board Hearing

Board Time Agenda

Acting County Manager's Annual Report

WS: New Website Presentation

Board Time Documents:
- Draft Minutes for November 18, 2015
- Amicus request to Washington State Association of Counties
- Maintenance funding for Sorensen & Tower Creek Parks
- Parks Maintenance staff report
- Combining Board Time
- WSU Lights update
- Dolle Building update

Board Time

Part 1
Part 2



Weekly Calendar

Hearing Agenda


Greater Clark Parks District Board Meeting

Consent Items:
1. Amendment to PSA with R. W. Thorpe & Associates for services related to environmental analysis of alternative actions for the 2016 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan
2. Humane Society contract for the SW WA for sheltering services
3. Application to Washington State Department of Social and Health Services for a Community Based Prevention Grant - pulled
4. Water Line Easement to the City of Vancouver
5. Warrants: Nov. 16-20, 2015; Nov. 2-6, 2015; Nov. 23-27, 2015
6. Minutes for November 24, 2015
7. Ad Valorem taxes received:
- Port of Camas-Washougal
- City of Ridgefield
- Port of Ridgefield
8. Approval of County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance:
- Lynn Parker appointed to the Animal Control Advisory Board
- Elizabeth Grauer reappointed to the Animal Control Advisory Board
- Pat Vichas reappointed to the Animal Control Advisory Board
- Kate Schoof reappointed to the Clean Water Commission
- Craig Walker reappointed to the Portland International Airport Citizen Noise Advisory Committee
9. ADD ON - Resolution: Mission, Vision & Values for Clark County

Public Hearing: Cable Television Franchise Agreement :
Resolution 2015-12-04

Public Hearing: Proposed annexation to Fire District #5 :  Resolution 2015-12-05
Fire District #5 Resolution 15-11-01

Board Hearing

Board Time canceled

Board of Health web page link



Weekly Calendar

Hearing Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Final plat for recording: Jackie's Landing Phase 6
2. Minutes for: November 17, 2015
3. Ad Valorem taxes received:
- City of Woodland
4. County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
- Jack Melton reappointed to the Clark County Railroad Advisory Board
- Dick Clairmont reappointed to the Clark County Railroad Advisory Board
- John Shaffer reappointed to the Clark County Railroad Advisory Board
- Lloyd Lycan reappointed to the Clark County Railroad Advisory Board
- Neil Chambers reappointed to the Clark County Railroad Advisory Board

Public Hearing: 2015-16 Budget Mid-Biennium Review & Modification Supplemental Appropriation
- Resolution 2015-12-02 
- Levy Certification

Public Hearing: Amendment to Resolution 2013-06-06 (Job Creation Resolution)
- Resolution 2015-12-03
- Performance Audit

Public Hearing:
Implementation of the  Clark County Board of Councilors Comprehensive Plan Policy
hearing continued from November 24, 2015
- Community Planning 20 Year Comprehensive Plan presentation
- Professional Services Agreement



Board Hearing

Board Time canceled