Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

WS: Shoreline Master Program 2020 Periodic Review
- Shoreline Master Program Periodic Review: Public Participation Plan


WS: Shoreline Master Plan 2020 Periodic Review


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for July 31, 2019
- Executive Sessions: 4 Pending Litigation (40 minutes); 1 Pending Litigation (20 minutes)

Council Time


Special Meeting Notice: The Clark County Council will hold its regular meeting on August 6, 2019 at 10 a.m. 

Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: July 10-12, 2019
2. Minutes: July 10, 2019 (Columbia River Gorge Commission Appointment); July 16, 2019
3. Final Plats:
- Springtime Estates Subdivision
- Goschke Cluster Short Plat
- Norway Green II Short Plat
- Cottage 53 Subdivision
- Berry Road Cluster Short Plat
- 94th Avenue Short Plat
- Heaton Cluster Short Plat
- Holbrook Meadows Cluster Short Plat

Separate Business:
1. Approval of a Resolution of Intent to implement Substitute House Bill 1406 related to an affordable and supportive housing sales tax credited against the state sales tax.
2. Approval of a change to the previously approved budget for Mental Health Sales Tax funds. ~Item continued to Aug. 20, 2019, 6pm.
3. Approval to transfer a Program Coordinator II (1.0 FTE) from Treasurer's Department to the Information Technology Department, effective Aug. 16, 2019.
4. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement with MacKay & Sposito for design improvements to Harmony Sports Complex in the amount of $367,464.
5. Approval authorizing the Public Works Director to sign a Professional Services Agreement with Robertson Engineering to complete a master plan for Curtin Creek Community Park, for the amount not to exceed $126,894.
6. Approval authorizing the Public Works Director to sign a Professional Services Agreement with KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc., for structural and geotechnical design work on David Bridge #232 Replacement Project, for a total amount of $244,755.
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an agreement with the Wasco County Landfill for solid waste transportation, disposal and alternate daily cover (ADC) management services. ~Item continued to date uncertain.
8. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Ridgefield for disposal and processing services at the Whatley facility. ~Item continued to date uncertain.
9. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Ridgefield in an amount not to exceed $100,000 over five years for traffic signals and intelligent transportation systems services.


Council Meeting

Public Hearing: Extension of Interim Ordinance 2018-12-64
-Staff Report/Exhibit 1
-Ordinance 2018-12-64


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for July 24, 2019
- Yacolt Quarry
- Fireworks Advisory Vote discussion
- Executive Sessions: 1 Pending Litigation (10 minutes); 2 Potential Litigation (1 hour); 1 Collective Bargaining (15 minutes); 1 Executive Session re: 42.30.110 (1) (G) (30 minutes)

Council Time (Part 1)

Council Time (Part 2)


Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for July 17, 2019
- Fleet Study Update
- 179th Street Project DA
- Presentation on Giant Hogweed
- Executive Sessions: 1 Pending Litigation (30 minutes); 1 Executive Session re: RCW 42.30.110 (1) (G) (30 minutes)

Council Time

WS: Prosecuting Attorney Case Management System

WS: Prosecuting Attorney Casement Management System

Board of Health

Board of Health

Weekly Calendar


Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for July 10, 2019
Executive Sessions: 4 Pending Litigation; 1 Potential Litigation (approximately 1 hour total) 

Council Time

Work Session Items:
WS:  Continuum of Care
- Charter for CoC
- Joint Executive Board on Homelessness Summary

WS: Continuum of Care

WS: Affordable Housing
- Proposal for Zoning Incentives

WS: Affordable Housing

Council Meeting Agenda


Consent Items:
1. Warrants: June 10-27,2019
2. Minutes: July 2, 2019
3. County Manager Appointments:
- Nancy Dong appointed to the Commission on Aging
- Kyle Potter appointed to the Solid Waste Advisory Commission
- Jim Lucey reappointed to the Board of Directors for Workforce Southwest Washington
- Diane McWithey reappointed to the Board of Directors for Workforce Southwest Washington
- Bill Skidmore reappointed to the Board of Directors for Workforce Southwest Washington
- Renny Christopher reappointed to the Board of Directors for Workforce Southwest Washington

Separate Business:
1. Approval to use Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 2 in the amount of $25,000 for 2019 and $25,000 for 2020 to fund a project for eradication of milfoil at Vancouver Lake, in partnership with the Friends of Vancouver Lake.
2. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a professional services agreement with PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc. in the amount of $249,260 for ground water monitoring activities at Camp Bonneville.
3. Approval of funding contracts for NE 99th Street (NE 94th Ave. - vicinity of NE 117th Ave.) CRP No. 350722.
4. Approval of contract amendment no. 1 between the Fairground Site Management Group and Clark County for financial streamlining and administrative updates.
5. Approval of Direct Pay amount transfer for the 2019 Clark County Fair.
6. Approval of Petty Cash funds for the 2019 Clark County Fair.
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an agreement with J.R. Miller and Associates   to complete a study of the Clark County Regional Solid Waste System. Total remuneration $395,524.
8. Approval of a resolution to distribute public utilities state excise tax funds received by Clark County.

Council Meeting

Public Hearing: 78th Street Heritage Farm Master Plan Update
Hearing postponed until further notice

Public Hearing: Public Participation Plan for the Buildable Lands Update

Public Hearing:  I-5/NE 179th Street Funding Options and CPZ2018-00021 Holt Homes


Weekly Calendar


Work Session Items:
WS: I-5/NE 179th Street Transportation Area Financial Package

No Audio Available

Council Time Agenda


Council Time Items:
- Minutes for June 26, 2019
- Schedule for Board of Health for Nov. & Dec. 2019
- County Manager's 2018 Annual Report
- WSU Advisory Council representative
- Work Session request: Law Enforcement Body Worn Cameras
- Executive Sessions: 4 Pending Litigation (35 minutes total); 1 Potential Litigation (10 minutes total)

Council Time

WS: Highway 99 Sidewalk Improvements (between NE 99th St & NE 117th St)

WS: Highway 99 Sidewalk Improvements


Weekly Calendar