Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Work Session: National Center for State Courts (NSCS): Caseflow, Calendaring & Operations Study
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 31, 2022
3. New Business:
3.1 Roy Johnson re: Azalea Place Project and 1406 funding request
3.2 Proclamation Requests:
-National Day of Remembrance for Homicide Victims (for Sept. 20, 2022)
4. Council Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 2023-2028 Stormwater Capital Plan (for Oct. 19, 2022)
5.2 Wetland and Habitat Ordinance Updates (for Sept. 14, 2022)
6. Report on Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Collective Bargaining - 10 minutes
Council Time
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
1. Warrants:
-07/18 – 07/22/2022
-08/15 – 08/19/2022
2. Minutes approved for:
-July 19, 2022 (Verbatim Transcript – Public Hearing re: Annual Review & Docket Item: Chelatchie Bluff Mineral Lands)
-August 16, 2022
-August 16, 2022 (Verbatim Transcript – Public Hearing re: Public Participation Plan for Aging Readiness Plan Update)
3. County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
-Sarah Garber appointed to the Public Health Advisory Council, effective immediately to Sept. 30, 2025.
4. Plats (for notice only):
-2 Seven Hundred Subdivision
-Felida Park Short Plat
-Masyn Meadows Short Plat
5. Approval of $115,000 in additional American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for advocacy services positions in 2023. This funding will support the expense of 1.0 FTE Victim Advocate position and a 1.0 FTE Project Forensic Interviewer.
6. Approval of a Joint Resolution of the Clark County Council and Klickitat and Skamania County Commissioners to reappoint Olga Hodges as a trustee of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Board to position no. 6 representing Klickitat County.
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a 3-year professional services contract renewal with Gordon Thomas Honeywell for state legislature affairs and lobbying services for the period from Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2025.
8. Approval to reclassify a Program Manager II position (Position No. P000009) to an IT Professional IV position in Information Technology. Furthermore, request approval to move this position from the Community Development budget to the Information Technology budget.
9. Approval to convert position P001063 from a 0.80 FTE Public Health Nurse II position to a 1.0 FTE Community Health Specialist position utilizing Federal Medicaid Administrative Claiming grant funds, effective Sept. 16, 2022.
10. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Educational Service District No. 112 (ESD112) for reimbursement of Epidemiological support and any resulting amendments.
11. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Conservation Covenant for parcel numbers 225818-000 and 226049-000 for the Camp Hope Master Plan.
12. Approval of a Notice to Contractors requesting bids for the Strengthening Bridge Bundle No. 2 project; CRP No. 300522 / PRJ0000582.
13. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interagency agreement (Agreement No. WCC-2232) with the Washington State Department of Ecology for noxious weed control provided by the Washington Conservation Corps, at a cost not to exceed $59,520.
14. Approval of a resolution for temporary road closures of NW 11th Avenue between NW 164th Street and NW 179th Street for construction of a culvert by a contractor, not to exceed 56 calendar days.
15. Approval to amend the 2022 Transportation budget by moving $6,500 from controllable budget to capital budget to facilitate acquisition of a plotter to create road signs.
16. Request approval of additional budget authority to purchase a battery-operated pipe crawler to begin establishing a pipe inspection program.
Separate Business:
1. Approval to adopt a formal fund balance policy for Fund 5045: Healthcare Self-Insurance Fund.
2. Approval to use $100,000 of existing fund balance in Fund 5193, adding to the current amount of $252,670.23 budgeted for the AHU Energy Improvement Project at the Center for Community Health. The additional amount would cover an overage of $65,643.82 and also add a small contingency budget should unforeseen issues arise during construction.
3. Approval of $25,730,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to complete space planning efforts for the Downtown Campus. *item removed from agenda
4. Approval to add $2,500,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to the $5,200,000 needed for construction of a new EMS station for North Country EMS.
5. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a professional services agreement (Agreement No. SCN00002323) with Otak, Inc. to provide engineering design and environmental services for the Highway 99 Sidewalk (NE 102nd Street to NE 104th Street) project; CRP No. 310422.
6. Approval to adjust the capital project budget for the Felida Community Park – Overflow Parking and Inclusive Playground project.
7. Approval to adjust the capital project budget for the Hockinson Meadows Community Park – Disc Golf Project.
8. Approval to adjust the capital project budget for the Kozy Kamp Park development project.
9. Approval of a resolution declaring tax parcel 97394-00 as public right-of-way.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: CC Code 32.08.070 Enforcement of a Final Order
Public Hearing: 2022 Emergency Budget Supplemental #1
-Budget Reports
Public Hearing: Suspension of the Annual Site-specific Comprehensive Plan Review and Amendment Cycle
-Submitted Comments
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Work Session: ARPA Funding - Downtown Campus Space Planning; North Country EMS station; YMCA Pool project
-Space Planning Presentation
-ARPA Funding Detail
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
-Submitted Comments
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 24, 2022
3. New Business:
3.1 Proclamation requests:
-Disabilities Awareness Month
-Breast Cancer Awareness Month
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests: None
6. Policy Report:
7. Executive Sessions:
-Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 20 minutes
Council Time
Board of Health- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Board of Health
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Minutes from Aug. 10, 2022
-Director's Report:
-COVID-19 Update & Monkeypox
-Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
-Comments from the Board
Board of Health
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx; will begin at the conclusion of Board of Health
Participate in the following ways:
Work Session: Biannual Code Amendments
-Annual Code Amendments Presentation
-Planning & Development Engineering
-Code Enforcement, Animal Control & Fire Marshal
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 17, 2022
3. New Business:
3.1 Council Time request from Vancouver Housing Authority to use previous granted 1406 funds for Azalea Place project.
3.2 2023-2025 Site Specific Plan Amendments
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests: None
6. Policy Report:
7. Executive Sessions:
-Collective Bargaining - 5 minutes
-Collective Bargaining - 10 minutes
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 10, 2022
3. New Business: None
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Auditor's Office Annual Reports (for August 24, 2022)
-Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
-Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)
-Financial Trends Monitoring Report
-Impact Fee Report
6. Report on Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
- 1 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 15 minutes
- 1 Collective Bargaining - 10 Minutes
Council Time
Verbatim Minutes (Hearing: Aging Readiness Plan)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
-Submitted Comments
1. Warrants:
-07/11 – 07/15/2022
2. Minutes approved for:
-August 2, 2022
3. Plats (for notice only):
-Sarkinen Short Plat
4. Approval to confirm the appointments of Barbara Baskerville, Darcy Rourk, and Adam Murray to the Ethics Review Commission.
5. County Manager Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
-Barbara Baskerville appointed to the Ethics Review Commission, effective immediately.
-Adam Murray appointed to the Ethics Review Commission, effective immediately.
-Darcy Rourk appointed to the Ethics Review Commission, effective immediately.
-Matthew A. Jones appointed to the Clark County Law & Justice Council.
6. Approval to repurpose funding from the Courthouse Roof Project to cover the lowest bids for the Corrections shower sealing & plumbing project, CCH carpet, and Juvenile carpet Projects.
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute interagency agreement K3819 between Clark County and the Washington State Department of Agriculture in the amount of $7,000 to fund ongoing survey efforts for the noxious weed tree-of-heaven within the county. Also, authorize the County Manager to sign any amendments to the agreement to extend the time or increase the budget if needed.
Separate Business:
1. Approval of a contract amendment with the Washington State Administrative Offices of the Courts (AOC) for the purpose of reimbursing Clark County for extraordinary costs of resentencing and vacating sentences under Blake and for the cost of refunding legal financial obligations under the Blake decision.
2. Approval of $2,000,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the ARPA Community Grant Awards Program II, which will provide $1.0 million in financial assistance to non-profit organizations and $1.0 million to small businesses to facilitate recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
3. Approval to set a public hearing for Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 10am for the purpose of presenting, discussing, and approving the 2022 Emergency Budget Supplemental #1 appropriation.
4. Approval to accept grant funding in the amount of $123,790 from the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) as part of the Backlog Reduction and Audio/Visual Enhancement Grants to address the current backlog of court cases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Included in the request is a one-time, one-year Project Position, Judicial Proceedings Specialist and a one-time, one-year Project Position, Court Assistant II to assist with additional workload.
5. Approval of a contract with Dudek in the amount of $75,000 for services related to the Aging Readiness Plan update.
6. Request that the Council do a roll-call vote of the Council to ratify Interim Ordinance 2022-07-09 related to land use; clarifying Clark County Code concerning Section 40.260.150 Multifamily Residential Outdoor Recreation Area Standards and implementation of the landscaping requirements of Section 40.220.020.C.9.
7. Request to consider allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to support rural broadband expansion in Clark County.
8. Request approval of approximately $251,051 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to cover the continuation of additional custodial cleaning related to COVID-19 for 2023.
9. Request approval to execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement in the amount of $2,571,134 and authorize the County Manager to accept a Statutory Warranty Deed from J & A Property Holdings for the purchase of property totaling approximately 118 acres formerly known as the Cedars Golf Course.
10. Request approval to update the capital budget allocation for the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad Roadbed Rehabilitation – MP 0.0 to MP 14.12 project, PRJ0000795, as outlined in PWK-05-22AD, increasing the total project budget to $1,480,000.
11. Request approval of an additional $20,000 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to cover Zoom licenses and cellular phones to support the judicial process.
12. Request approval of $2,000,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to establish a homebuyer down payment assistance program in partnership with the Washington State Housing Finance Commission.
13. Request approval of $600,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to pay delinquent property taxes for homeowners that have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and are at risk of housing instability.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: Aging Readiness Plan Update Public Participation Plan
-Project Webpage
-Staff Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Board of Health- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Board of Health
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Minutes for July 13, 2022
-Director's Report: COVID-19 Update
-Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
-Comments from the Board
Board of Health
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx; will begin at the conclusion of Board of Health
Participate in the following ways:
Work Session: ARPA Funding Update
Staff Reports:
- Facilities - Space Planning
- Treasurer's Office
- Broadband
- North Country EMS (NCEMS)
- YMCA (Aquatics Center)
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for August 3, 2022
3. New Business: - None
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests: None
6. Policy Report:
7. Executive Sessions: None
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Work Session: Medical Examiner's Office Fee Schedule Adoption
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx Council time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for July 20, 2022
3. New Business:
3.1 Regional Toll Advisory Committee
-Invitation Letter
-Toll Committee Structure Memo
3.2 ARPA funding
-Facilities (Space Planning)
-Treasurer's Office
-Community Services
3.3 Climate Action - Gorge Commission Request
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Bi-Annual Code Amendments for (Aug. 17. 2022)
6. Policy issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
- Collective Bargaining - 10 minutes
- Real Estate RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) - 15 minutes
- Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 10 minutes
Council Time
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
-Submitted Comments
1. Minutes:
-July 19, 2022
2. County Manager Appointments for:
-Scena-Thomas Short Plat
-Vista Grange Cluster Subdivision
-Ramble Creek Phase 1
4. Approval of a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Clark County and the Information Technology Guild.
5. Approval of a Notice to Contractors requesting bids for the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad Roadbed Rehabilitation – MP 0.0 to MP 14.12; PRJ0000795.
6. Approval of federal funding contracts (Project Prospectus and Local Agency Agreement) for the Northeast Sunset Falls Road – Chip Seal project; CRP No. 320712
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute grant agreement No. WQAIP-2023-C1CoPW-00066 between Clark County and the Washington State Department of Ecology for a total of $50,000 to fund treatment of Variable-leaf Milfoil in Warren Seely Reservoir.
8. Approval authorizing County Manager to sign an updated Interlocal Agreement with Clark Public Utilities for the relocation of poles, electrical lines, and other facilities necessary to construct the Northeast 119th Street and Northeast 152nd Avenue Intersection Improvement project. [This corrects the previously approved Staff Report No. 122-22.]
9. Approval to accept a $116,911 supplemental grant from the Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority to fund a 1.0 FTE Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 12-month project position, associated position-related equipment costs, and purchase $6,000 in equipment used for auto theft prevention for the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. This is a budget-neutral project that will increase resources dedicated to auto theft prosecution and prevention in Clark County.
Separate Business:
1. Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a lease for a modular building to be used by the Salmon Creek Road Operations section crew.
2. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the City of Vancouver for the transfer of right-of-way and the granting of access and utility easement rights related to the Curtin Creek Community Park Development.
3. Approval of a resolution establishing the 78th Street Heritage Farm Technical Advisory Team.
4. Approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a grant application for submittal to the Parks Foundation of Clark County for inclusive play equipment at Curtin Creek Community Park.
5. Approval to accept a multi-year $787,842.41 grant from the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs to help detect and mitigate COVID-19 within the Clark County Jail by increased testing, additional PPE supplies, and making physical changes within the jail to make the facility safer for staff and inmates.
Open Public Comment
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Weekly Calendar
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Council Time Items:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for July 13, 2022
2.2 ARPA small projects update
2.3 Safe Park update
2.4 I-5 Bridge Resolution
3. New Business:
3.1 Annual Parks Meeting
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Public Health: Medical Examiner's Office fee schedule adoption (for Aug. 3, 2022)
5.2 Superior Court - National Center of State Courts Case flow, Calendaring & Operations Study (for Aug. 10 or Sept. 7)
6. Policy issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
- Collect Bargaining - 15 minutes
- Real Estate RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) - 10 minutes
- Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 10 minutes
Council Time
Minutes (Verbatim - Hearing: Chelatchie Bluff)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
-Submitted Comments
1. Warrants:
-07/04 – 07/08/2022
-06/27 – 07/01/2022
-06/20 – 06/24/2022
2. Minutes Approved for:
-July 5, 2022
3. Approval of Letters of Acceptance for:
-Randy Lawffer reappointed to the Noxious Weed Control Board, effective Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2026.
-Mike Nieto appointed to the Southwest Washington Workforce Development/Workforce Southwest Washington effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025.
-Jasmine Tolbert appointed to the Southwest Washington Workforce Development/Workforce Southwest Washington effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025.
-Stacey Smith appointed to the Southwest Washington Workforce Development/Workforce Southwest Washington effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025.
-Angela Edginton-Burckhard appointed to the Southwest Washington Workforce Development/Workforce Southwest Washington effective July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2025.
4. Plats (for notice only):
-Plat alteration declaration to amend a subdivision recorded in Book 312, Pages 196-197, Teal Crest Subdivision
5. Approval to accept continuing pass-through grant funds from the Washington Department of Health (DOH) for the Injury & Violence Prevention Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) and allow the Public Health Director to sign any agreements or amendments resulting therein. Total remuneration for one year is estimated at $70,415 for a term beginning Sept. 1, 2022.
6. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a covenant agreement for Parcel No. 176384-000 with the City of Vancouver to preserve accessibility improvements and maintain public access to the Harmony Sports Complex restroom facilities funded through a Community Development Block Grant.
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an extension agreement of the Pacific Northwest Interagency Cooperative Intergovernmental Agreement for Grounds Equipment and Maintenance Services.
8. Approval to repurpose the 2022 baseline controllables budget for Vegetation Management to purchase a spray apparatus for a replacement utility terrain vehicle.
Separate Business:
1. Approval to allocate $2 million in funding for the ARPA Community Grant Awards Program which will provide financial assistance to nonprofit organizations and small businesses to facilitate recovery from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Approval of a resolution stating Clark County Council priorities for the I-5 Interstate Bridge Replacement Program.
3. Approval to accept expanded State Foundational Public Health Services grant funds from the Washington State Department of Health and add positions and budget capacity as outlined in the staff report. Additional remuneration from the Department of Health will be $3,014,000 per year starting July 1, 2022, with an additional increase of $562,334 per year starting July 1, 2023.
4. Approval of a resolution authorizing the County Manager to execute an agreement with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to complete the Hantwick Inter-fund Transfer and Reconveyance project, and pursuant to RCW 79.22, make an official request for the property from DNR.
5. Approval to sign a letter of intent to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) expressing interest in transfer of the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad property from the State to the county through the Trust Land Transfer process.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: Clark County Code 40.260.150 - Multifamily Residential Outdoor Recreation Area Standards:
-Interim Ordinance (approved on July 5, 2022)
-Interim Ordinance (Proposed Additional Findings of Fact Version)
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: CPZ2021-00006 Chelatchie Bluff Mineral Lands
-Submitted Comments for July 19, 2022 Council Hearing
-Submitted comments for March 15, 2022 Council Hearing
-Submitted comments for December 16 Planning Commission Hearing
Public Hearing: Ordinance re: Annual Reviews and Dockets
Public Hearing: Clark County Code 9.05 - Park Rules
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar