Truman Neighborhood Association was formed in April of 1998. Truman NHA is currently inactive due to a lack of volunteers to form a board. If you're interested in reactivating the association, please contact the county's Neighborhood Program Coordinator: marilee.mccall@clark.wa.gov
Truman's organizational purposes, as per their bylaws, are: To address community issues within their boundaries; to form a greater sense of community between residents; to generate a unified voice in local government issues; to create a sense of neighborhood ownership for all persons residing within the boundaries; and to organize social and community enhancement events to bring the neighborhood together.
Truman Neighborhood organizes an annual bike safety fair, annual community picnic, and participates in local food drives.
April 2021
June 2020
February 2020
October 2019
May 2019
March 2019
August 2018
May 2018
February 2018
Bosco Farm Neighborhood Park
County Council District - 1
Glen Yung
email: glen.yung@clark.wa.gov
Neighborhood Sheriff Liaison
Call 3-1-1 to report non-life-threatening activity
Call 9-1-1 for fire and emergency
Report property crimes at:
You also may leave information or report suspected criminal activity at one of the Sheriff's two Tip Lines. You can remain anonymous.
Sheriff's Office Tip Line - 564.397.2847
Drug Task Force Tip Line - 564.397.6017
Si tienes información sobre drogas puedes dejar su mensaje aquí en español. Su información será confidencial.
Report Code Enforcement issues at: https://clark.wa.gov/community-development/report-neighborhood-concern
Report Road or Parks issues to Public Works at: https://clark.wa.gov/public-works/report-park-road
Neighborhood Fire Station
Clark County Fire District 5/Vancouver Fire
7110 NE 63rd Street, Vancouver WA 98661
Neighborhood Association Officers