Clark County Council Meetings
Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online.
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually.
For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page.
If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.
All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.
To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:
To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.
Date | Agendas & Minutes | Related Documents | Audio/Video |
2/24/2015 | Consent Items: 1. Resolution allowing the words "In God We Trust" to be prominently and permanently displayed in the County Councilors' Hearing Room (3rd revision) Public Law 107-293 2. Project agreement with Washington Stat Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) to accept grant 3. Warrants for Jan. 23-Feb.13 2015 4. Revenue and Expenditure Budget for East County Fire & Rescue 5. Letters of Acceptance received: Public Hearing: Regency Place Road Vacation Public Hearing: Regency Place Parking Restrictions -note: if the Regency Place Road Vacation is approved this hearing will not be necessary Hearing Cancelled Public Hearing: CPZ2014-00010-NE 139th St North Recommendation : Developer's GIS packet Transportation Impact Analysis : Public Comment : WSDOT letter Approved (documentation returning on March 10 2015) |
2/18/2015 | County Manager Briefing Item: - Comp Plan Update - Alternative 4 (revised 2/18/15) : Map |
WS: Comp Plan Update - Alternative 4 (MP3 130MB) County Manager Brief (MP3 66.5MB) Board Time (MP3 79.1MB) |
2/17/2015 | Consent Items: 1. Final Plat: Ashley Ridge Phase 2 2. Budget move from operations to capital outlay in Elections to enable upgrade to the Relia-Vote Server 3. Federal Aid Project Prospectus and Local Agency Agreement for Carty Road Reconstruction Project CRP #322122 4. Notice of Hearing and Resolution for road vacation - a portion of NE 13th Avenue between NE 78th St. and NE 88th St. 5. Warrants for Jan. 19-23; Feb. 2-6; Jan. 26-29 2015 6. Minutes for Feb. 3; Feb. 10 2015
2/11/2015 | County Manager Briefing Agenda
County Manager Briefing Items: CREDC update to Board of County Councilors 2015 CREDC Annual Meeting |
(MP3 62.0MB) Board Time (MP3 108MB) |
2/10/2015 | Consent Items: 1. Resolution allowing the words "In God We Trust" to be prominently and permanently displayed in the County Councilors' Hearing Room. Public Law 107-293 Tabled 2. PSA with Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Russian Social Services to assist CJC's victim advocates 3. Request CJC's petty cash fund be closed 4. Plat for Recording: Meadows at 179th Subdivision 5. Equipment Rental and Revolving fund increase request to purchase one used Force Feed Loader for the Road Maintenance Division 6. Accept funding from Washington Traffic Safety Commission 7. Accept Recreational Boating Safety Federal Financial Assistance Grant 8. Replacement of the current vehicle used in Property and Evidence with a safer four-wheel drive vehicle 9. Minutes for January 27 2015 |
2/4/2015 | County Manager Briefing Items: |
County Manager Briefing (MP3 151MB) Board Time (MP3 83.3MB) |
2/3/2015 | Consent Items: 1. Deny a proposal from the City of Ridgefield to urbanize approximately 120 acres of ag land north of its urban growth boundary. City of Ridgefield proposal map - TABLED 2. Approve an agreement with Insight Global LLC for staffing services 3. Approve submission of grant application to Community Foundation 4. Approve Public Works Project #403731 Drywell (UIC) Water Quality Project 5. Approve payment for 2015 Membership Dues for Regional Transportation Council - RTC Membership Dues list 2015 6. Approve Contract for professional and consultant services with Conservation Technix Inc for the Comprehensive Parks Recreation and Open Space Plan - TABLED 7. Approve professional services agreement with TCF Architecture PLLC to complete Phase I of a facility needs assessment for the Department of Public Works 8. Approve Plat for Recording: 50th Avenue Infill Short Plat MAP 9. Approve cancellation of Personal Property and Mobile Home Taxes for 2015 10. Warrants for Jan. 12-16 2015 11. Minutes for Jan. 20 2015 12. Final 2015 Budget for Fire District No. 3 13. Notice of Hearing for Feb. 24 2015 10:00 am: Concomitant Rezone Agreement - CPZ2014-00010 NE 139th Street North |
1/28/2015 | Board of Health: |
Board Time part I (MP3 300.9MB) Board Time part II (MP3 163MB) |
1/27/2015 |
Bid Award: Bid 2610 Annual Driwater Cartons Consent Items: |
1/21/2015 | Work Session Items: |
WS: Budget & Economic Outlook (MP3 39.4MB) WS: 2016 Comprehensive Plan Update (MP3 122MB) Board Time (MP3 55.3MB) |
1/20/2015 | Proclamation: Weekend Reflection and Prayer Consent Items: |
1/14/2015 | County Manager Briefing Items: - 2015 Draft Bid Schedule |
County Manager Briefing (MP3 105MB) Board Time (MP3 127MB) |
1/13/2015 | Proclamation: National Mentoring Month Consent Items |
1/7/2015 | Work Session Items: Board Time Item: |
WS: 2014 Solid Waste Management Plan (MP3 71.2MB) County Manager Briefing (MP3 70.0MB) Board Time (MP3 127MB) |
1/6/2015 | Consent Items: 1. Covenant Rezone Agreement from SJO LO 90 B LLC to Clark County 2. Final plat for Liberty Bible Church Short Plat 3. Columbia Land Trust to acquire 51 acres of land along the rock Creek tributary of the East Fork Lewis River 4. Warrants for Dec. 15-29 and Dec. 10-12 and Dec. 22-26 and Dec. 8-12 2014 5. Minutes for Dec. 9 2014 and Dec. 16 2014 6. Letters of Acceptance received: - Robert Melo appointed to the Noxious Weed Control Board - Paula Martin and Sheree Thun appointed to the Community Action Advisory Board 7. Ad Valorem taxes received: 8. Notice of Hearing: time and place to consider the reduction of Stormwater Inspection Fees Public Hearing: Stormwater Inspection Fees |
1/5/2015 | Weekly Calendar | ||
12/29/2014 | No hearings scheduled |
12/23/2014 | Special Meeting Agenda | County Manager Contract | Special Meeting (MP3 36.6MB) |
12/22/2014 | No hearing scheduled | ||
12/17/2014 | Board Time (53.6MB MP3) | ||
12/16/2014 | EMS District #2 Board Meeting: - Interlocal Agreement with the City of Vancouver Consent Items: Public Hearing: 2014 CRESA Radio Supplemental Appropriation Public Hearing: Rural Industrial Land Bank Master Plan Code Public Hearing: CPZ2014 - 00005 Arterial Atlas: Fifth Plain Creek as amended: Public Hearing: Amendments to CCC 2.11.010: Administration & Personnel not approved
12/15/2014 | |||
12/10/2014 | Work Session Items: - Community Planning's Proposed Work Plan for |
WS: Substance Abuse Advisory Board - Annual Briefing (MP3 110MB) WS: Community Planning's Proposed Work Plan for 2015-2016 (MP3 40.2MB) Board Time (MP3 98.2MB) |
12/9/2014 | Emergency Medical Service District #1 Board Meeting: Proclamation: Special Recognition Bid Award: CRP 323222 NE 47th Ave./NE 78th St. Intersection Consent Items 1. Renew PSA for support to Community Mediation Services 2. MOU with the Arts of Clark County to provide in-kind services 3. Agreement with Computronix for electronic permitting system -delayed to Dec. 16 4. Final Plat - Avalon Grand Phase 2 5. Final Plat - Avalon Grand Phase 3 7. Public Works request approval to move petty cash fund 8. Warrants for Nov. 25 2014 9. Ad Valorem taxes received: - Clark County Fire District No. 2 - East County Fire & Rescue 10. Notice of Hearings: Public Hearing: Habitat Conservation & Wetland Protection Ordinances |
12/3/2014 | Board Time (MP3 67.4MB) |