Clark County Council Meetings

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Clark County Council meetings are open to the public, in person or online. 

Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually. 

For meeting dates and times, please see the County Council Calendar or the Weekly Calendar on our Meeting Information page. 

If you would like to participate in public comment, you can come to the Public Service Center 6th floor Hearing Room, provide comment over the phone, or by logging into WebEx.

All documents are in PDF format unless noted otherwise.

To request a document not available here, call 564-397-4305 or email:

To request a video not available here, contact CVTV.

Date Agendas & Minutes Related Documents Audio/Video

Public Hearing: Impact Fees - Payment Deferral (cont. from 11/29)

Public Hearing: Road Vacation-Minneapolis Avenue

Public Hearing: Termination of Fee Waiver Program


Weekly Calendar


Board Time Agenda

Board Time Minutes

Board Time Items:
- Minutes for November 30, 2016
- Work Session Request: Circle C Landfill Post-closure Permit termination criteria
- Work Session Request: Overview of Homeless Crisis Response System in Clark County

Board Time

2017-2018 Biennial Budget Hearing Agenda


2017-2018 Biennial Budget
- Final 2017-2018 Biennial Budget resolution and levy certifications

2017-2018 Recommended Budget Snapshot

2017-2018 Biennial Budget Resolution
- Staffing Summary by Fund
- Final Fleet 2017-2018

Potential Budget Amendments


Board Hearing


2017-2018 Biennial Budget Hearing Agenda

Greater Clark Parks District Board meeting 2017-2018 Budget/Levy
- Resolution for Greater Clark Parks budget
- Resolution 2016-12-02 for Greater Clark Parks levy 

2017-2018 Biennial Budget

Budget Presentation

2017-2018 Recommended Budget Snapshot

2017-2018 Biennial Budget Resolution
- Staffing Summary by Fund
- Final Fleet 2017-2018

Potential Budget Amendments



Board Hearing


Weekly Calendar

2017-2018 Biennial Budget Hearing Agenda


2017-2018 Biennial Budget

Budget Presentation

2017-2018 Recommended Budget Snapshot

2017-2018 Biennial Budget Resolution
- Staffing Summary by Fund
- Final Fleet 2017-2018

Potential Budget Amendments


Board Hearing


Board of Health

Board Time Agenda

Board Time Minutes

Board Time Items:
- Minutes for November 9, 2016
- Engineering on-call contracts (Heath Henderson)
- Clark County Transportation Alliance 2017 Policy Statement
- Work Session Request: Clark County Schools

Board Time: Part I

Board Time: Part II

Work Session Items:
WS: Discussion on Van Mall Annexation and the Removal of Kerr Road from the Arterial Atlas as Possible Docket Items


WS: Discussion on Van Mall Annexation and the Removal of Kerr Road from the Arterial Atlas as Possible Docket Items

WS: Revision to the Parks Capital Facilities Plan and Park Impact Fees

WS: Revision to the Parks Capital Facilities Plan and Park Impact Fees


Hearing Agenda


Emergency Medical Service District #1 Board Meeting
- Meeting Packet : Ordinance / Resolution 2016-11-11


1. Warrants: November 14-18, 2016
2. Minutes: November 8, 2016
3. Ad Valorem taxes received:
- City of Ridgefield
- Port of Camas-Washougal
- Fire Protection District No. 6
- East County Fire & Rescue
4. Approval of County Manager Appointments:
- Rebecca Anderson appointed to Community Action Advisory Board

Separate Business
1. Resolution relating to new federal grant certification requirements for reimbursement requests and delegation of signature authority.
2. Modification 4 to the Remediation Agreement with Weston Solutions, Inc.
3. Notice to Contractors to advertise for bid CRP 390822: NE 99 Street at SR-503 Intersection.
4. Funding of eleven projects for the 2017 Historical Promotions Grant program.
5. Intergovernmental Agreement with Portland METRO to purchase Aerial Photography for the Geographic Information Systems department.


Board Hearing

Public Hearings: Fire Marshal's Inspection Program/Fees :  Ordinance 2016-11-12

Public Hearings: Retaining Walls-Fences
approved as amended
*Final ordinance will come back on December 13, 2016 consent

Public Hearings: Animal Code : Ordinance 2016-11-13

Public Hearings: Deferral of Impact Fees for Single Family Housing
*Hearing continued to December 13, 2016


Weekly Calendar


Hearing Agenda


Proclamation Respect and Civility

Consent Items:
1. Final Plat: Pateros Infill Short Plat
2. Final Plat: Andersen Tapani Short Plat
3. Authorize County Manager to sign the Student Affiliation Agreement with WSU to provide opportunities for students pursuing internship requirements
4. Warrants: November 10, 2016; November 1-4, 2016; November 7-10, 2016
5. Ad Valorem taxes received:
- Fire District 5

Separate Business:
1. Interlocal Contract with Tacoma Pierce County pertaining to the issuance of food handler worker cards
2. Create a new 18-hole Disc Golf Course at Hockinson Meadows Community Park and use Park Impact Fee District 5 funding for permitting and engineering expense
3. Approve grant contract with the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board for the Clean Water Restoration Fund grant - Urban Tree Canopy Restoration Project and approve PSA with Friends of Trees
4. Approve grant contract with the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board for the Clean Water Restoration Fund grant - Downspout Disconnect Project and approve and IGA with Clark Conservation District
5. Authorize County Manager to sign a contract for professional services with DKS Associates for the Signal Timing, Evaluation, Verification and Enhancement (STEVE) project; and supplemental agreements extending the original contract

Public Hearing: Clark County Stormwater Manual 2015 Update

Board Hearing

Weekly Calendar


Consent Items
Board Hearing - canceled - (no quorum)


Weekly Calendar


Work Session Items:
WS: Camp Hope Presentation
- Draft Camp Hope Master Plan

WS: Camp Hope

WS: C-TRAN - 2030 Update
- 2030 Plan update


WS: C-TRAN - 2030 Update

WS: Revision to the Parks Capital Facilities Plan and Park Impact Fees
- Parks Capital Facilities Plan
- Park Impact Fees - Alternatives for Phased Implementation
- Table: PIF Scenarios: PIF Funds versus Public Share
- Park Impact Fees Increase: 5 scenario pie chart
- Park Impact Fees Increase: comparison pie chart
- Park Impact Fees: adopted rates
- Park Impact Districts map

WS: Revision to the Parks Capital Facilities Plan and Park Impact Fees