Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2493 826 2304
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for April 26, 2023
2.2 Jail Update
2.3 Rules of Procedure
2.4 Councilor Vacancy
3. New Business:
3.1 Proclamation Request: National Correctional Officers Week
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Public Defense
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
Council Time
Minutes (Verbatim: School Capital Facilities Plans & Capital Facilities Financial Plan)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: Meeting Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2487 354 6285
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
-Older Americans Month
-Mental Health Awareness Month
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
1. Warrants:
-04/10 – 04/14/2023
-03/24 – 04/13/2023
2. Minutes approved for:
-April 18, 2023
3. County Council Appointments and Letters of Acceptance for:
-Railroad Advisory Board Memo
-Daniel Weaver reappointed to the Railroad Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
-John Hansen reappointed to the Railroad Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
-Jim Pearson reappointed to the Railroad Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
4. Acceptance of final plats:
-Villagio Mixed Use Subdivision
-Benke Short Plat
5. Request approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 6pm for the purpose of presenting, discussing, and approving the 2023 Spring Budget Supplemental appropriation.
6. Request approval of the Clark County Annual Capital Inventory Report ending Dec. 31, 2022.
7. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with Educational Service District No. 112 (ESD112) and accept approximately $15,063 for services related to data analysis, evaluation, and data reporting services to ESD112’s Youth Commercial Tobacco and Cannabis Prevention Program for the Southwest Washington Region and Rural Networks.
8. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology for the Pollution Prevention Assistance Program. The ongoing grant revenue is included in Public Health’s approved budget.
9. Request approval of a Fuel Tax funding agreement with the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board for the Truman School Sidewalk, NE 44th Street/NE 45th Avenue – NE 42nd Avenue – NE 40th Avenue (CRP #321422).
10. Request approval of a Notice of Hearing and Resolution directing the County Engineer to review the petition to vacate a portion of Northeast 135th Avenue and set a public hearing date of August 1, 2023 (PRJ0002327).
11. Request approval of a Notice of Hearing and Resolution directing the County Engineer to review the petition to vacate a portion of County Road No. 16 (Munch West) and set a public hearing date in August of 2023 (PRJ0002574).
12. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign Ecology Agreement WQSWCAP-2123-CICo-00233 Stormwater Capacity Grant amendment to add $25,000 to the grant total amount, increasing the grant amount to $75,000.
13. Request approval of a resolution for a temporary road closure to facilitate the Hazel Dell Parade.
Separate Business:
1. Request approval to adopt a formal fund balance policy for Fund 1012: County Roads Fund.
2. Request approval to utilize $48,400 of department fund balance to provide $400 in client support to 121 clients enrolled in Public Health’s Nurse-Family Partnership program.
3. Request approval for an additional $85,000 to fully fund a contract for recreational vehicle towing and dismantling services and approval of a $210,000 contract with Rapid Response Bio Clean, LLC.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: Population Projection for 2023 Comp Plan Update *continued from April 18, 2023
-Approved Resolution
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: School Capital Facilities Plans & Capital Facilities Financial Plan
Public Hearing: 2023 Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Program One-Year Action Plan, and an amendment to its 2019 Action Plan
-Staff Report
-2023 Action Plan
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Special Meeting with Office of Financial Management
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2495 306 7962
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Council to discuss 20-year population projection projection provided by the Office of Financial Management
OFM Special Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Board of Health- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2496 176 6690
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
https:// www.clark.wa.gov/councilors/public-comment or follow these instructions by joining the meeting from your computer or phone.
Board of Health
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Minutes from February 22, 2023
-Public Health in Action
-Harm Reduction Center
-PHAC Memo
-PHAC Letter
-Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
-Comments from the Board
Board of Health
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
The Work Session will begin at the conclusion of the Board of Health
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2496 176 6690
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Development and Engineering Advisory Board 2023 Work Plan
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2496 176 6690
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for April 19, 2023
3. New Business:
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 RCW 42.30.110.(1)(a)(ii) for 15 minutes (agenda amended at beginning of meeting)
-Approved Resolution 2023-05-02
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2480 799 1390
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Clark County Multi-Year Capital Plan Update
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2480 799 1390
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for April 12, 2023
2.2 Tolling Resolution and White Paper
3. New Business:
3.1 Proclamation Request: WSU Extension Master Gardeners 50 years of services (requested by WSU Master Gardeners)
3.2 Proclamation Request: Mental Health Awareness Month
3.3 2023 Q1 Financial Report
3.4 Meetings/Quorum of Council
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Collective Bargaining - 10 minutes (updated on 4/17/23 at 7:20am)
Council Time
Minutes (Verbatim; Hearing: 20-Year Population Projection)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: Webinar Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Access Code: 2499 408 6033
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
1. Warrants:
-04/03 – 04/07/2023
-03/27 – 03/31/2023
2. Minutes approved for:
-March 21, 2023 (Public Participation Plan for 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update)
-April 4, 2023
3. Letters of Acceptance for:
-Kristin Hayden appointed to the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
-Tonya Dow appointed to the Parks Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
4. Plats - for notice only:
-78th Street Cluster Short Plat
5. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with Portland State University Community Environmental Services to conduct a recycling contamination study.
6. Request approval of a resolution to adopt the updated Clark Regional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan.
7. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an extension and amendment of the contract between Clark County and Blackline, Inc. for the 2023 Joint Agency Slurry Seal Project (PRJ0001596 (PRJ0000975 extension)).
8. Request approval of the Local Programs State Funding Agreement for the Hockinson Elementary School Flashers and Crosswalk project (NE 164th Street / NE 197th Avenue – NE 164th Street/NE 205th Avenue); CRP 321322.
9. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a Quit Claim Deed and a Satisfaction and Release of Covenant to Rock Lake Ranch Inc. #650.
10. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Master Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with OMNIA Partners to allow access to their cooperative contracts.
11. Request approval of a resolution to distribute public utilities state excise tax funds received by Clark County.
Separate Business
1. Request approval to relocate the Children’s Justice Center and the Family Law Annex.
2. Request approval of a fee waiver to the Hazel Dell Little League. *PULLED
3. Request approval to purchase a regenerative street sweeper to meet updated NPDES Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit requirements beginning in the Summer of 2024.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: 20- Year Population Projection for Clark County's 2023 Comprehensive Plan Update
-Submitted Comments *CONTINUED TO MAY 2, 2023 AT 10AM
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2497 190 1252
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for April 5, 2023
2.2 Space Planning
-Staff Report
-PSC 1st and 5th Floor plans
-210 13th St Concepts
-Summary of estimated cost
2.3 Rules of Procedure
2.4 Councilor Vacancy
3. New Business:
3.1 Proclamation Request: Older Americans Month
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests:
5.1 Freight Rail Dependent Use
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 20 minutes
7.2 Collective Bargaining - 15 minutes
7.3 Real Estate RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) - 5 minutes
Council Time
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Webinar Number/Access Code: 2499 557 5736
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
Work Session: Population Projection
-Issue Paper 2_Population
Work Session: 2022 Annual Reviews & Dockets
-Cumulative Analysis
Work Session: Population Projection
Work Session: Annual Reviews & Dockets
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Sessions
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
Dial: 1-408-418-9388
Access Code: 2499 557 5736
Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for March 29, 2023
3. New Business:
3.1 Presentation by Jennifer Baker of Columbia River Economic Council (CREDC)
3.2 Security Fencing (added on April 3, 2023 at 7:00am)
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests: None
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 15 minutes (added on April 3, 23 at 7:00am)
7.2 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 20 minutes (added on April 3, 23 at 7:00am)
Council Time
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
- In person, 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666
- Watch live on CVTV (Comcast channel 23)
- Livestream from your personal computer: www.cvtv.org
- Join by computer: WebEx Link
- Join by phone:
- Dial: 1-408-418-9388
- Webinar Number/Access Code:
2496 417 3960
- Password: BOCC (2622 from phones)
- Submit comments:
Pledge of Allegiance
-Child Abuse Prevention Month
-National Volunteer Week
Bid Award 2740
-Annual Legal Advertising
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
1. Warrants:
-02/20 – 02/24/2023
-03/20 – 03/24/2023
-03/06 – 03/10/2023
-01/30 – 02/03/2023
-02/13 – 02/17/2023
-03/13 – 03/17/2023
2. Minutes:
-March 7, 2023 (verbatim transcript for public hearings held on Critical Areas; Floodplain; and Shoreline Master Program updates)
-March 21, 2023
3. Letters of Acceptance:
-John Jay appointed to the Parks Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2024.
-Galina Burley appointed to the Parks Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
4. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Vancouver to provide billable services through the County’s Community Restitution Program.
5. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a new lease with the Department of Services for the Blind to run the coffee shop at the Center for Community Health.
6. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an amendment to the Tri-Mountain Golf Course Management Agreement to extend the length of the agreement for one year.
7. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the local cities to assist in meeting the requirements for the Phase II Permit with funding from Ecology’s Pollution Prevention Assistance Program.
8. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign an interlocal agreement with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to conduct inspections of sites preparing and serving food to kids through the summer lunch program. It is anticipated that Public Health staff will conduct 20 inspections with compensation of $604.00 per inspection to cover staffing costs. Total anticipated amount is $12,080.00.
9. Request approval of a resolution for a temporary road closure to facilitate the Hockinson Days Parade.
10. Request approval to submit an application to the State of Washington Department of Ecology to participate in the Pollution Prevention Assistance Partnership (FY23-25).
11. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to execute a cooperative services agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services for wildlife damage management activities on county property. Also, request approval authorizing the Director of Public Works to sign the annual work plan/financial plan.
12. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign Interagency Agreement No. 93-104283 between Clark County and the Washington State Department of Natural Resources to establish a forward operating base for helicopter operations at Camp Bonneville.
Separate Business
1. Request approval of recommended revisions to the Clark County Veterans Assistance Fund Policies and Procedures Manual.
2. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign Professional Services Agreement No. SCN00002586 with PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc. for select engineering design services for the NE 182nd Avenue/NE Risto Road Improvement project (CRP No. 301722).
3. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a Sublease Agreement with Hazel Dell Little League for public park use at H.B. Fuller Community Park and sign the related Maintenance Cost Share Agreement with Hazel Dell Little League and Washington Timbers FC.
4. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign Grant Agreement No. GCB 1249 for the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad Track Improvements project, as well as all other amendments or contracts associated with this grant.
5. Request approval authorizing the County Manager to execute Professional Services Agreement No. SCN00002625 with KPFF, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $199,629 to provide railroad bridge management and annual inspection services for the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad. Also request pre-approval of a one-time General Fund allocation of $60,234, which will be formally requested during the 2023 Fall Budget Supplemental.
6. Request approval to waive Hazel Dell Little League’s 2019 and 2020 fees associated with the H.B. Fuller Community Park Maintenance Cost-Share Agreement. *item pulled
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting
Weekly Calendar
Work Session- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Work Session: 179th Street Access Management and Circulation Plan
-Project Webpage
-179th Street Circulation and Access Management Plan
Work Session
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Council Time will begin at the conclusion of the Work Session
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for March 22, 2023
3. New Business:
3.1 Request for Proclamation: National Volunteer Week (April 4, 2023)
3.2 Associate Development Organizations (ADOs)
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests: None
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions:
7.1 1 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 30 minutes
7.2 1 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 10 minutes
7.3 1 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) - 10 minutes
Council Time
As part of the county’s efforts on the 2025 Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update, Clark County Community Planning has scheduled two virtual public information sessions for Tuesday, March 28 at 1:30 pm and 2:45 pm. The meeting will be held virtually via Webex.
- Webex link
- Webinar number: 2499 961 2471
- Webinar password for attendees: compplan (26677526 from phones)
2025 Comprehensive Plan Update Project Page
Meeting Recording
Weekly Calendar
*Board of Health Meeting Canceled*
Board of Health- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
Board of Health
-Pledge of Allegiance
-Minutes from February 22, 2023
-Public Health in Action
-Open Public Comment
-Comments from the Board
*Board of Health meeting canceled*
Council Time- Hybrid; join in person or WebEx
Participate in the following ways:
1. Public Comment - on agenda items only
2. Old Business:
2.1 Minutes for March 15, 2023
3. New Business:
3.1 Proclamation: Child Abuse Prevention Month (Children's Justice Center)
4. Councilor Reports:
5. Work Session Requests: None
6. Policy Issues:
7. Executive Sessions
7.1 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 15 minutes
7.2 Potential Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 10 minutes
7.3 Pending Litigation RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) – 10 minutes
Council Time
Minutes (Verbatim - Public Hearing: Public Participation Plan for the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update)
Council Meetings are held in a hybrid format, join virtually or in person.
Participate in the following ways:
Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comment on Consent & Separate Business Items
-Submitted Comments
1. Warrants:
-02/28 – 03/03/2023
-02/17 – 03/13/2023
2. Minutes:
-Feb. 14, 2023 (Planning Commission Appointments)
-Feb. 28, 2023 (Council Special Meeting)
-Mar. 7, 2023
3. Letters of acceptance:
-Jim Pearson reappointed to the Railroad Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
-Gregory Smith appointed to the Railroad Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
-Zachary Keith appointed to the Railroad Advisory Board, effective immediately to Dec. 31, 2025.
4. Approval to allocate $3 million in funding for the ARPA Community Grant Awards Program II, which will provide $2 million in financial assistance to nonprofit organizations and $1 million to small businesses to facilitate recovery from the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
5. Approval of signing incentive bonuses for newly hired Corrections Officers and Deputy Sheriffs to be paid out of the ARPA Fund 1041.
6. Approval of a new upward realignment for the Jail Industries Supervisor position.
7. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a grant extension with the Washington State Department of Ecology for the Mt. Vista 8 Stormwater Facility Retrofit project.
8. Approval to publish a Notice to Contractors requesting bids for the NE Highway 99 Water Quality Retrofit (NE 68th Street – NE 78th Street) Project (PRJ00006022).
9. Approval to spend $125,000 for recreational vehicle towing and dismantling services.
Separate Business
1. Approval to accept the Information and Security Grant from the Washington Office of the Secretary of State to support election security efforts.
2. Approval to release a solicitation and enter into a professionally services agreement with the awarded contractor for work related to Leichner Landfill maintenance and monitoring. Also, request approval authorizing the County Manager to sign resulting agreements and any amendments, which will also be approved by the Leichner Landfill Oversight Committee.
3. Approval to add a 1.0 FTE Environmental Operations Specialist Sr. position for the Solid Waste Fund, utilizing repurposed existing budget capacity.
4. Approval authorizing the County Manager to sign a professional services agreement with OTAK, Inc. for design services to repair priority defects on six railroad bridges.
Open Public Comment
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: Public Participation Plan for the 2025 Comprehensive Plan Update
-Staff Report & Resolution
-Submitted Comments
Public Hearing: Compost Procurement Ordinance
Councilor Communications
County Manager Report
Council Meeting