Body-Worn Camera (BWC) Program


Body-Worn Camera Program

On 6/20/2023, the Clark County Council, in a unanimous vote, authorized the County Manager to sign a five-year contract with Axon Enterprises that provided Body Worn Cameras (BWCs), vehicle cameras, and updated Taser products to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO). 

CCSO trained and equipped deputies with BWCs in a phased process.

  1. BWC deployment began in early fall 2023. As of January 2024, all patrol and specialty units have been trained and equipped with BWCs.
  2. The vehicle camera system includes a forward-facing camera and another camera that captures video of the inside of the back seat of the patrol vehicles. The installation of vehicle cameras started at the end of February 2024 and will take several months to complete.

Washington law does limit disclosure of body-worn videos in certain circumstances (see RCW 42.56.240(14) for detail), such as when a video:

  • Contains images of any areas of a medical facility, counseling, or therapeutic program office where a patient is receiving or waiting for treatment;
  • Contains information that meets the definition of protected health information;
  • Contains images of the interior of a place of residence where a person has a reasonable expectation of privacy;
  • Contains images defined in the RCW as "intimate," i.e., nudity, partial nudity, sexually explicit content;
  • Contains images of a minor;
  • Contains images of a deceased person;
  • Contains the identity or communications from a victim or witness of an incident involving domestic violence, sexual assault, or disclosure of intimate images; 
  • Reveals the identity of a crime victim, witness, or complainant who indicated a desire for non-disclosure of their identity (RCW 42.56.240(2)). 

A number of other statutes may render additional information confidential or exempt from release to the public.  Please visit for more information.

Critical Incident Videos

Following a deputy-involved shooting, the Clark County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) will release body-worn camera (BWC) videos of the incident. The release of these videos is at the discretion of the Sheriff and will be separate from the Independent Investigation Team's (IIT) investigation.

2-20-2024 Brush Prairie Critical Incident Incident Video
4-13-2024 American Legion Critical IncidentIncident Video
11-13-2024 Camas Critical IncidentIncident Video

The frame rate/recording speed of body-worn camera videos may not necessarily capture all segments of an event nor provide a sharp or clear image of the recorded event. 

General Order 03.20.190