The Clark County Sheriff's Office is committed to making Clark County a safe place to live and work by providing the highest level of professional service to our diverse community. By providing information to the citizens of Clark County, the Sheriff's Office encourages community participation at all levels.
Senior Wellness Check Program
Senior Wellness Check is a free service available for all older residents who live alone in Clark County (excluding City of Camas residents). Peace of mind is just a phone call away. . .
For more information, or to receive an application, please call the Clark County Sheriff's Office Outreach Unit at 564.397.2104.
Or register now by completing an application. Completed applications can be emailed to
This is not a welfare check program. Welfare checks can only be done under certain circumstances. If you need a welfare check on someone, please call 311 (local); or 360.693.3111 if calling from outside Clark County.
Community Outreach
The mission of the Community Outreach Unit is to facilitate effective and meaningful relationships between the Sheriff' Office and our community partners. We provide speakers, tours and event support to community groups, schools, and local businesses, as resources and circumstances allow.
To request an outreach service, please fill out the Community Outreach Request form.
Read about the Clark County Sheriff's Office community outreach programs and events.
Community Outreach Annual Report (2021)
Community Outreach 1st Quarter Report (2022)
If you have livability concerns in your neighborhood, check out the Clark County Code Enforcement Neighborhood Guide.
Car Seat Safety
Important changes to Washington's Child Restraint Law are effective January 1, 2020. Keeping up-to-date with Washington's Child Restraint Law helps ensure you are correctly using the right seat for your child's age and size. Find out more.
Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition
Prevent Coalition is a community coalition formed in 2003 to increase community collaboration, awareness, and reduce youth substance abuse in Clark County. As a community mobilizer, they promote a healthy, thriving community free of the effects of substance abuse. The Clark County Sheriff's Office is proud to partner with this organization. Through this partnership, we can reduce problems before they start.
Victim Information and Notification
In 2007 the Clark County Sheriff's Office entered into partnership with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) to notify crime victims of the release of offenders from the Clark County Jail, through the statewide Victim Information and Notification Everyday (VINE) system. Find out more.