Jim came from a first career of 28 years in the private sector, a portion of which he served as the director of a 300-member department within a Fortune 500 company. He started as a Reserve Deputy at the Clark County Sheriff’s Office in 1999. He spent 18 years in that unit, serving as a reserve deputy, sergeant, lieutenant, and captain and retiring as the commander. Jim joined the Sheriff’s Office full-time in 2008.
Jim has managed the Internal Affairs, Case Management, Campus Deputies, Courthouse Security, IT, and Reception units. At the Sheriff’s Office, he has held the titles of Professional Standards Manager, Risk Manager, Sheriff’s Administration Manager, and Undersheriff. Jim has completed the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Police Legal Advisor training. He holds Portland State University’s “Certificate of Executive Development, Middle Management, and Executive Management certifications from the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) and certification from the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Leadership in Police Organizations program. He graduated from the FBI’s Command College. Jim has been awarded the FBI LEEDA’s Trilogy Award for completing their Supervisor Leadership Institute, Command Leadership Institute, and Executive Leadership Institute programs.
Jim and his wife raised two daughters in Clark County and celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in October 2023.