Laws and regulations

Types of laws and where to find them

Information about the differences among federal, state, and local laws is available from

Revised Code of Washington

The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) are the all of the permanent laws passed by the state legislature that are now in force. They are arranged by subject matter, and are in effect throughout Washington state. It does not include temporary laws such as appropriations acts. The official version of the RCW is published by the Statute Law Committee and the Code Reviser.

Clark County Code

The Clark County Code contains the local ordinances passed by the Clark County Council, arranged according to subject matter. The code applies to Clark County.

Vancouver Municipal Code

The Vancouver Municipal Code contains the local ordinances passed by the Vancouver City Council, arranged according to subject matter. The code applies to the city of Vancouver.

Codes for other Clark County municipalities

Municode and Code Publishing Company are two of the largest publishers of Codes. You can search the list of Washington entities to find Codes for additional Clark County cities and towns.

United States Code

The United States Code contains the general and permanent laws passed by the federal legislature, arranged by subject matter, and are in effect throughout the country.

Types of regulations and where to find them

Washington Administrative Code

The Washington Administrative Code (WAC) are regulations of executive branch agencies that are issued by authority of statutes. Like legislation and the Constitution, regulations are a source of primary law in Washington State. The WAC is arranged by subject or agency.

United States Code of Federal Regulations

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) are regulations of federal agencies that are issued by authority of statutes. These are primary law in the United States. The CFR is arranged by subject or agency.