The following information was collected through a Survey of Needs of households who are struggling financially.
A total of 1,655 voluntary survey responses were collected between November 1, 2019, and January 31, 2020.
Households were not required to answer every question.
Age / 1,403 responses
What gender do you identify with? / 1,361 responses
What is your race? / 1,346 responses
What is your ethnicity? / 1,123 responses
What is the highest level of education you have achieved? / 1,339 responses
What is the size of your family? / 1,352 responses
What is the primary language used in your home? / 1,364 responses
How many children under age 18 live in your household? / 752 responses
How many seniors age 65 and over live in your household? / 294 responses
What type of health insurance does your family have? / 1,513 responses
These numbers are duplicated; a person may have more than one type of health insurance.
What is the source of your family's income? / 1,235 responses
These numbers are duplicated; a person may have more than one type of health insurance.
What is your current or last known zip code? / 1,346 responses
Other: Woodland (4), Kelso (1), Brinnon (1), WA PO Box (1), Oregon (1), Left Bank (19)
Has anyone in your family served in the armed forces? / 1,355 responses
Does anyone in your family have a disability/special needs? / 1,334 responses
What is your current housing situation? / 1,352 responses
Staying with friends/family and Houseless/homeless are colored the same because some programs consider both homeless. However, HUD, the primary funding of rental assistance programs, considers staying with friends/family at risk of homelessness.
How many family members are employed at least part-time? / 827 responses
Does your family earn more or less than 125% FPL for your family size? 200%? / 1,168 and 1,206 responses
For more information, contact Abby Molloy, 564.397.7832.