
Clark County Developmental Disabilities offers the following events each year


Family Resource Fair

Family Training Series

This is a once monthly series that runs October through April each school year.  The training series covers topics including IEPs, Transitioning to adulthood, Social Security, Trusts, Guardianship options, Employment, and Navigating adult service systems.  We encourage students/young adults and their families to attend as well as educators.


Upcoming training

M A R C H 1 9 , 2 0 2 4
O N L I N E V I A Z O O M , 5 : 3 0 - 7 : 3 0 P M

Guardianship & the ABLE ACT
Learn the most current information about guardianship, trusts and ABLE accounts.

Click here to register


Próximas capacitaciones

19 DE MARZO DE 2024 
EN LÍNEA POR ZOOM, de 5: 30 a 7: 30 p. m. 

Tutela y la Achieving a Better Life 
Experience Act (ABLE, Ley para Lograr 
una Mejor Experiencia de Vida) 
Obtenga la información más reciente sobre la tutela, fideicomisos y cuentas ABLE. 

Haga clic a continuación para registrarse


Family Training Series Schedule - Click on flyers to view


Annual Celebration of National Disabilities - Employment Awareness Month

The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board (DDAB) plans this event every year in October in honor of National Disabilities Employment Awareness Month

Click below to view this year's event

23rd Annual Disability Employment Awareness Celebration (10-11-23)

Complete coverage of the October 11, 2023, 23rd Annual Disability Employment Awareness celebration


Click here to view last year's event
Haga clic aquí para ver el evento del año pasado