Homeless Action Plan


Homeless Action Plan

Clark County Homeless Action Plan (HAP) is currently in the development process. The county will be working with Council for the Homeless as the lead entity that engages in HAP development. The consultant group that will assist in executing the HAP is ECOnorthwest. Please visit the Washington State Department of Commerce website for HAP guidelines. 

Homeless Action Plan Steering Committee

The HAP Steering Committee is a collaborative body responsible for guiding the implementation and oversight of the Homeless Action Plan in Clark County. Comprised of key stakeholders, including local government representatives, service providers, individuals with lived experience, and community partners, the committee ensures strategic alignment, monitors progress, and advises on policy and funding priorities to address homelessness effectively.

Met committee groups: Lived experience, By/For, ES operators, DV housing providers, Outreach, Rental subsidy, PSH providers, Behavioral health administrative service organization or managed care, Coordinated entry staff

Not met groups: None.



Amy Reynolds      Share Vancouver- Executive Director
Angela JenkinsNAACP Secretary
Beth LandryYWCA- Vice President of Domestic Violence Programs
Calvin ChastangContinuum of Care Committee Member and Lived Experience Representative
Diana Avalos LeosLatino Leadership NW- Founder and Director
Glen YungClark County Councilor
Jamie SpinelliCity of Vancouver- Homeless Response Manager
Johanna InokePacific Islander Association (PICAWA)- SW WA Site Manager
Nichole PeppersSWACH- Executive Director
Scott CongerJanus Youth- Program Director
Sunny WonderCouncil for the Homeless- Chief Operating Officer
Ty StoberVancouver City Councilor
Victoria FerrerBattle Ground City Councilor

Timeline of Homeless Action Plan



February-April 2025Gathering data through community outreach and the HAP Steering Committee.
May-July 2025Research and reflect upon innovative ways to make actionable steps that are inclusive of State, County and City priorities. 
August 2025Development of the HAP draft which adheres to guidelines for Commerce. 
October 2025Final draft presented to Clark County Council for feedback and endorsement. This meeting will be a public hearing held at least 30 days prior to formal adoption of the plan. 
November 2025Approval and adoption of the plan by Clark County Council.
December 2025Adopted HAP will be submitted to Commerce for review.