Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board




The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board advises and makes recommendations to the Clark County Council relating to developmental disabilities issues and services. The board provides community leadership on improvement of efficiency and effectiveness of community developmental disabilities programs.

The Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board meets on the first Wednesday of every other month starting in January at 5:15pm.  These meetings will be held in a hybrid format and are open to the public.  You can join in person, on the 6th Floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98660 or virtually via the internet or phone call. 

Please contact Patricia Buescher at (564) 397-7826 for information about how to connect with the advisory board.

The next meeting is Wednesday, March 5th at 5:15pm.



NameAffiliationTerm Expires
Susan Cassady, ChairAutism Specialist/Teacher, Special Services12/31/27
Bob Freedland, PhD, Co-ChairI/DD Research Scientist and Educator (retired)12/31/25
Randi L Knott, MPAAdvocate/Parent12/31/27
Sidney MorganParent12/31/25
Gabriela EwingParent12/31/25
Thavy Mom-HingVocational Counselor12/31/25
Rich Miller 12/31/27
Kevin BonacorsiSelf-advocate12/31/27
Amy CampbellSpecial Educator12/31/25
Kristin GurneyParent12/31/25
Patricia BuescherManager, Clark County Developmental Disabilities Program - Staff to the Advisory Board 


