Developmental Disabilities

COVID-19 Operations Update

The Developmental Disabilities Program recognizes that we are experiencing challenging times related to COVID-19. We remain committed to serving our community during this public health crisis.  All Developmental Disabilities Program staff are working remotely, and the office is closed to the public at this time, but we remain committed to being accessible to all.  We will respond promptly.  For more information on COVID-19 in Clark County please visit


Pandemic Helpline - Project Connect

A new 24-hour support line is working to help individuals with developmental disabilities and those who care for them cope during the COVID-19 pandemic. The telehealth line, Project Connect, is free and available anytime for people with disabilities, their families, caregivers and other members of their support teams across the nation. 

Find out more in an article published Dec. 3, by the disability scoop.

Project Connect is available by calling 888-847-3209

The Clark County Developmental Disabilities Program actively works with education, the business community, local, state, and federal government, the Clark County Parent Coalition, and other advocacy groups.

For evaluation, case management, and services, contact the Developmental Disabilities Administration at 360.418.6108. 
