Clark County’s existing Unified Development Code, Title 40 must be updated, as applicable, to implement and be consistent with proposed changes to the County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan.
The revisions to the Unified Development Code Title 40 are only to sections that were directly related to implementing the Preferred Alternative. Community Planning presented a staff report and presentation on the proposed changes at the Planning Commission's March 17, 2016 meeting.
Click on a link to review that section of the code with the proposed changes.
- CCC 40.210.010 Forest and Agriculture land division proposals:
Proposed Land Division Code for Resource Lands, with Clustering as an Option: At the May 4, 2016 BOCC Work Session, the board requested staff to develop code language that allows for regular land division with the option for clustering for Forest-20 and Agriculture-10 zoned properties.
- Previous drafts:
- Clustering only option: Proposed Cluster Requirement for Resource Lands
- Land divisions to include clustering: Proposed Clustering as an Option for Resource Lands
- Title 40.210 Resource and Rural Districts: Reduce minimum lot size in the Agriculture district from 20 acres to 10 acres, and reduce minimum lot size in the Forest district from 40 acres to 20 acres; the Forest 80 for minimum lot size of 80 acres will be retained.
- Title 40.230.010 Commercial Business Mixed Use: Combine the three commercial zones into a single Comp Plan (C) designation. Change the zoning code for Neighborhood Commercial from C-2 to NC and for Community Commercial from C-3 to CC. Include each zone’s locational criteria from the Comp Plan to the Unified Development Code.
- Title 40.250.040 Resort Overlay: Add language regarding new resorts from the comprehensive plan.
- Title 40.250.090 Equestrian Overlay: Add previously approved language to the development code.
- Title 40.250.100 Urban Reserve Overlay: Make it a true overlay and move to overlay section of the development code and also the Industrial Urban Reserve overlay will be removed.
- Title 40.250.110 Urban Holding Overlay: Make it a true overlay and move to overlay section of the development code. Urban Holding 40 (UH-40) will be removed because there is no land designated urban holding that has a minimum lot size of 40 acres. Finally all references to Railroad Industrial Overlay will be removed because there is no place on the comprehensive plan map to implement this district.
- Public Facilities Zone Proposal: Create a development code section for already developed public facilities as approved by the Parks Advisory Board at their February 12 meeting.
- Title 40.260.157 Parks: Expand the existing neighborhood parks code section to include development standards for community and regional parks as approved by the Parks Advisory Board at their February 12 meeting.
- Title 40.560 Parks Plan Amendments
- Cross Reference Edits in Title 40
CCC 40.620 Calculation of Development Impact Fees: Maintains consistency between county code and technical documents.
CCC 40.630 Procedures: Maintains consistency regarding periodic adjustments for all impact fees.