The Clark County Historic Preservation Commission raises awareness of the county’s historic and cultural resources and serves as the county’s primary resource on historic preservation. The commission initiates and maintains the Clark County Historic Register and reviews proposed design changes to registered properties.
The commission has a minimum of five members appointed by the Clark County Council. Members must have demonstrated special interest, experience or knowledge in history, historic preservation, architecture or related disciplines.
The Historic Preservation Commission typically meets at 6 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Public Service Center, 6th floor hearing room, 1300 Franklin St., Vancouver.
Meetings are being held in a hybrid format with both in-person and virtual participation options for commissioners, staff, and the public. You can join in person, on the 6th floor of the Public Service Center, 1300 Franklin Street, Vancouver, WA 98666, or virtually via WebEx.
How to participate
The Historic Preservation Commission will accept public testimony regarding any case, project, or property before them for official review. The commission will accept public comment on any other topic at the beginning of the meeting. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes.
If you would like to speak during the public comment period, you will need to attend in-person or connect to the meeting via your computer/internet or by phone.
If you would like to provide public testimony or public comment but are not able to participate during the meeting, please send your comments at least two days prior to the hearing to:
Mail: Clark County Historic Preservation Commission
PO Box 9810, Vancouver, WA 98666-9810