Historic sites can be nominated for listing on the local Clark County Heritage Register (CCHR), National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), Washington Heritage Register and the Washington Heritage Barn Register.
The Clark County Historic Preservation Commission reviews all Clark County Heritage Register nominations and makes decisions at a public hearing, on what properties are listed to the Clark County Heritage Register.
The National Register of Historic Places, the Washington Heritage Register, and the Washington Heritage Barn Register nominations are administered by the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). Please contact DAHP staff for questions related to those registers.
To nominate a historic site to the Clark County Heritage Register you must submit an application that includes historical information about the property and its early owners, a description of its architectural features, new and old photographs and other supporting documentation. The links below provide information about the requirements for each register, tips on completing nomination forms, and advantages to listing a property.
Clark County Heritage Register Nomination application forms
- Clark County Heritage Register Nomination Form (MS Word)
- Clark County Heritage Register Continuation Sheet (MS Word)
- Clark County Heritage Register Nomination Form (PDF)
- Clark County Heritage Register Continuation Sheet (PDF)
Tips and helpful information
- Steps to listing your property
- Advantages of listing your property
- Researching your historic property
- Rules and procedures: Clark County Heritage Register
- Register nominations: What to include and why (DAHP presentation)
- Character Defining Features (DAHP presentation)
- Sample nomination form (Green Barn)
- Sample nomination form (Luepke Florist)
- Sample nomination form (Nelson Farmhouse)
All nominations must be accompanied by the owner authorization form.