Transportation Planning

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee

Who We Are

The Clark Communities Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (CCBPAC) is a nine-member group tasked with advising the county and participating City and State government staff on matters involving transportation for people walking and bicycling. The committee was created in 2010 after the adoption of Clark County's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Through its By-Laws, the committee helps implement the Clark County's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan's vision

Get Involved

There are several ways to get involved in the planning process.

Get project updates

Join our email list and we will keep you up to date on committee activity.

Attend a public meeting

All meeting are open to the public. Click here for more information about our meetings.


What We Do

The committee's responsibilities include:

  • Commenting on plans and proposals for road and transportation projects impacting bicycling and pedestrian usage.
  • Evaluating and making recommendations to County staff regarding prioritization and improvement of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. 
  • Advising agencies on ways to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety. 
  • Encouraging walking and cycling as forms of transportation. 
  • Promoting school education/encouragement programs and County-wide bicycle and pedestrian activities

News and Updates

May 30, 2025: Save the Date for the Clark County Policymakers Ride, 9:00am to 12pm, registration information to come.

Logo created by Clark College Graphic Design Student, Jordan Heup-Vidinha, 2015

Staff Contacts

Harrison Husting, Planner II