Comprehensive Plan

2025 Update

Project Overview

Clark County is conducting a periodic review of its Comprehensive Plan (Plan) as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). The county is required to complete its update by December 31, 2025. The Plan, originally adopted in 1994 and last updated in 2016, is a long-range policy guide for how the county plans to manage growth and development over a twenty-year period. The GMA requires jurisdictions to periodically update their comprehensive plan and development regulations to bring them up to date with:

  • Changes to state law,
  • Land use changes,
  • Population growth projections, and
  • Housing projections.

The Comprehensive Plan guides County decisions related to land use; housing; capital facilities and utilities; rural and natural resources; transportation; economic development; parks, open space and recreation; schools; historic preservation; environment; community design; shoreline; and annexation.

The focal point of the County’s long-range planning is the County’s Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Plan which help with policy, financing and development regulation decisions over the 20-year period. Find out more about the project in this handout:

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Staff Contacts

Jose Alvarez, Program Manager

Project Timeline

The following graphic shows a high level of the timeline for the 2025 update:

2024 Comp Plan Progress Graphic 05-09-24

Find Out More About Each of the Project Phases

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