Project Overview
Clark County is conducting a periodic review of its Comprehensive Plan (Plan) as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA). The county is required to complete its update by December 31, 2025. The Plan, originally adopted in 1994 and last updated in 2016, is a long-range policy guide for how the county plans to manage growth and development over a twenty-year period. The GMA requires jurisdictions to periodically update their comprehensive plan and development regulations to bring them up to date with:
- Changes to state law,
- Land use changes,
- Population growth projections, and
- Housing projections.
The Comprehensive Plan guides County decisions related to land use; housing; capital facilities and utilities; rural and natural resources; transportation; economic development; parks, open space and recreation; schools; historic preservation; environment; community design; shoreline; and annexation.
The focal point of the County’s long-range planning is the County’s Comprehensive Plan and its Capital Facilities Plan which help with policy, financing and development regulation decisions over the 20-year period. Find out more about the project in this handout:
Additional Information
- LEARN ABOUT Clark County’s Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, updates to the plan that are underway, and how to participate indecision making that affects you and your community.
- OBTENGA INFORMACIÓN ACERCA DE El plan integral de gestión del crecimiento del condado de Clark, las actualizaciones del plan que se están llevando a cabo actualmente y cómo participar en la toma de decisiones que le afectan a usted y a su comunidad.
- УЗНАЙТЕ О Комплексном плане управленияразвитием округа Clark,разрабатываемых обновлениях плана и способах участия в принятиирешений, которые затрагивают вас иваше сообщество.
- 了解 Clark 县综合发展管理规划、目前对该规划的更新,以及如何参与对您和您所在社区有影响的决策。
Alternate Languages
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Информация доступна на другом языке по запросу на электронную почту
Staff Contacts
Jose Alvarez, Program Manager
Project Timeline
The following graphic shows a high level of the timeline for the 2025 update:
Find Out More About Each of the Project Phases
You are currently viewing the Project Overview
Project Outreach Information
As part of each phase of the 2025 Comprehensive Plan update, staff has presented information to community groups. The following includes a list of the meetings and links to the presentations.
05-13-2021 Friends of Clark County
08-16-2022 Clark County Association of Realtors
01-19-2023 Growth Management Act Periodic Update Overview Public Presentations
- Washington Department of Commerce presentation
- Growth Management Hearings Board and Appeals Process presentation
- Community Planning presentation
02-23-2023 Friends of Clark County
03-01-2023 Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board
03-28-2023 Comprehensive Plan Update Public Information Session –
08-24-2023 Bridgeview Community Center
12-12-2023 Proebstel Neighborhood Association
01-30-2024 North Fork Neighborhood Association
03-13-2024 Identity Clark County
03-28-2024 Columbia River Economic Development Council
05-22-2024 Columbia Connections
05-31-2024 Mountain View High School